Sunday, September 18, 2011


     There is one very important trait in me that I absolutely have to change.  I am a last minute guy.  Here I am starting a new writing thing, and in order to become successful, there must be some changes made. 
     There first thing I am going to strive to do is to make my publisher's deadline at least two days early.  With this comes following up on thank yous etc. 
     The next think I need to do is to get organized and stay organized.  My records are a disaster.  I am a piler.  How many of you are piler's?  My filing system is that I know where something is in relation to where it is in the pile of papers.  Filing cabinets worry me.  I must get over this phobia in ordre to become successful.
     Lastly, I need to get back to making sure that my house is tidy and in order.  That commen, for those who know me and live with me is pretty self-explanitory.  Don't get me wrong, the health department would not come and condemn my living conditions but I would like to do better.
     I know that this has not been the most humorous bipiece that I have written for my blog, but hat is what is on my mind and I wanted to share it.  This post probably will go into the "For what its worth" file, but that's OK.

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