Monday, December 26, 2011

Its Not A Conspiracy, Its Education

     I bid you a good day from Sillar.  The Sillarians have assured me that I will have an escort today and explore Sillar today.  The Sillarians are humanoid and communicate to me directly through voice communication, though they prefer telepathy.  Sometimes they forget that we mere earthlings don't communicate that way and look at me in a very curious way.  They are very advanced, but cannot get a pizza right.  I am not criticizing, just letting you know what it is like here on Sillar.  They make a mean hot dog though.
     With the help of advanced communication techniques utilized by the Sillarians, I was able to view some of the Christmas festivities that went on with my family.  It was a joy to see the grandkind open their packages and this was my yougest grandchild's first Christmas.  I was sorry though that I couldn't look in on my daughter, son-in-law, and their two sons of which Rusty is the youngest grandchild.  They live in another part of the United States and the Sillarians were having trouble with the uplink. I miss them very much.
     The Sillarians are very much interested in the mental developement of we humans.  They don't want to directly interfere with our progress and have sort of a "Prime Directive" similar to that which was in Star Trek.  They do what they can, and do it very quietly.
     How many of you remember the movie series Transformers.  This series was produced by Sillarian operatives and has spawned a line of toys that "transform" from robots to cars and back again.  These "toys" come directly from the Sillarians to stimulate human brain developement.  The Sillarians endeavored to get these "toys" into the hands of human children, but it is the male grownups of the families who actually work with these "toys",  many very unsuccessfully even when the Sillarians provide the directions in pictures.  To those fellow humans who are participating in the Sillarian educational project, I salute you.  Good luck! 


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