"Your computer may be at risk." That was the message that came up on my computer screen. It seems as though my anti-virus protection program needed to be upgraded. This is something that is very important to the integrity of my computer so I thought that might want to address the situation. At this point, I was kind of tired of the "Hi guy. Do you want to come and party with me?" pop up coming up all the time so it definitely was time to do something about my anti-virus protection. The girl in the ad was very pretty and wow, what a body! Sorry though, I wouldn't go there because I am very happily married.
I accessed the anti-virus site and tried to download the upgrade. One thing you must understand about me. Technically, I fall under the "challenged" umbrella. After all, I am a man of letters, not of science. I do well with words, not of gadgets. The computer, if you boil it all down is a gadget. Each gadget is installed at the factory with an anti-Dave program which when the gadget knows I am tinkering with it, it goes crazy--the gadget that is. I have adjusted to the world knowing that and live my life accordingly. In most cases, I know the concept of how something works--like a car--but then that anti-Dave program kicks in. This whole techno-challeged situation is a subject I may or may not cover in a future blog, but for today I will stay on the subject. I know you are thinking that is impossible, but I will try.
I just couldn't get the program to download. In desperation, I went to the help line and started a chat. I explained my situation to the technician and he was happy to help me out. His name was Garpreet.
It was obvious that Garpreet was not located in the United States. I asked if he was in the Phillippines, but he told me he was in Goshbandi, Pakistan. Hmmm...that got me to thinking. I am talking to someone about internet security and they are in Pakistan. What do I know about Pakistan?***
I began to wonder to myself, is this such a good idea? Then I began to weigh my options. Was it worth getting rid of the good looking girl with the great figure? Heck yes it was. I don't want to get in trouble for something I didn't do, or in this case download. So it was a green light with Garpreet. Besides, if he wanted to hack my bank account, he was welcome to the -$1500 balance in my bank account. Discretion is the better part of valor. What that saying has to do with this, I don't know but I do like the saying.
Garpreet said that he could download the program remotely from his location, but I would have to temporarily turn over my computer to him. Go for it!
In order for him to take over my computer temporarily he asked me for my pin number. I didn't know that somebody had pinned a pin on me. Yes, I realize I have a pin for just about everything in my life and it is XXXX, but I didn't know I had one for this site. I have had many labels pinned on me before such as ... or ... , but never on this site. So, we went though the process of setting a pin. That number would join the countless other numbers I have forgotten in my head to get into sites I had long since forgotten.
The next thing after I put in my newly minted pin number which my sixty year old brain would soon forget was Garpreet said that he was now taking over my computer. Was that such a good thing? I don't know, but at this point I was desperate. He chatted back, "Don't worry, I have your computer now and everything is totally secure. Once I am finished, your site will be secure and updated." OK, let me see. What do I really know about Pakistan?
The cursor came alive. For those of you that are old enough to remember the old "The Outer Limits" television series, not the one on SyFy channel, I'm talking about the original, it was just like that. I thought that I was caught in an episode of "The Outer Limits". Remember the beginning how the introduction went?
The "Control Voice" would say, "There is nothing wrong with your television set. We are controlling the transmission." That's how I felt as the cursor started to dance.
Screens came on and off with all kinds of information, which I couldn't understand. I didn't know if it was English, Pakistani or Martian. Finally, the cursor stopped it unstable dance. Garpreet came on and told me that everything was completed and the update installed. I had to take his word for it, but it seemed that he was right. I chatted a bit more about where he lives and a few other things and then we told each other in true California fashion to have a nice day.
Yes, Garpreet helped me out of my predicament. I have a computer system that is safe and secure. He told me that. I only have one question. How did the charges for a flight from Goshbandi, Pakistan to Las Vegas, Nevada and the luxury suite at the Luxor get on my debit card? What do I know about Pakistan?
How pretty, dolphins and the Pacific Ocean behind it. Don't ask me how this picture goes with internet security. I just needed a pretty picture. |