I wasn't going to have a part three in this series, but there are a lot of things that happen in my life that I say I am not going to do and I do. I catch myself saying "I will never do that", and sure enough I do it. Take moving to Merced and that is only one example. You will just have to live with the fact that sometimes things change and you have to do what you got to do, even though you have said that you wouldn't.
Eating asparagus or broccoli is also that sort of decision. I said I would never eat asparagus or broccoli, but I have gone back on that one. Brussels sprouts are still safe. We don't eat Brussels sprouts. By the way, were they really invented in Brussels? We won't know will we. Maybe "they" know.
Why was it that "they" got all the fun and "we" had to behave? You kind of have to wonder about this one. "They" got to play in the mud and build all kind of cool forts and stuff, while "we" had to stay clean and watch. That mud looked so inviting. I hated being part of "we" and not one of "they".
Here are some things that are "we" verses "they". I hope that they spark a bit of a memory in you. here goes.
"We" don't wear shorts to church on Sunday.
"We" don't put our mouths on the drinking fountain. I could never figure that one out.
"We" always wear clean underwear. That makes sense, because what would happen if you were in an automobile accident?
"We" always wait an hour after we eat before we go back in the swimming pool because "we" don't want to get cramps and drown in the pool. Funny thing though, I have swam at bar-b-ques that "they" put where everyone stuffed themselves to the gills and went back in to the pool shortly after they ate and I didn't see anyone drown.
"We" don't play like that, because you might get hurt. The last person I heard that told to became an Olympic Gold Medalist in Men's Gymnastics. Too bad though, his sister only got the Bronze.
"We" don't play golf, that's for rich people and old men. I can understand the rich people but kind of wonder about the old men part. Am I an old man now. DON'T YOU DARE ANSWER THAT!
"We" don't wear our cap on backwards. I admit, I am guilty of this one.
"We" don't speak when there are elders around. I blew this one out of the water. If I had something to say and it was profound, I said it no matter who was around. None of this "Little children should be seen and not heard" garbage. I let 'em have it.
"We" don't drive Chevys.
"We" don't drive Fords.
"We" sure as hell don't drive a Fiat. How did they buy Chrysler, by the way?
"We" absolutely, positively sure as hell don't drive a Kia.
I have bothered you enough today with this drivel, but it is something to think about. If you have a "We" verses "They", please share it with me. I have to run now as I haven't had my coffee yet. You know what that does to me. "We" don't start the day without our coffee.
"We" don't stand in front of the cannon before we fire it. |