Friday, August 29, 2014

Calm Down!

     My mind is a little bit more calm today and I am now drinking my morning coffee. What does that mean?  I am going to stay on one subject today.  It is going to be a boring subject, because I need to keep it simple and focus. Besides, this may have some added benefits.  If I put you to sleep because it is so boring, I saved you the cost of a sleeping pill. Diphenhydramine is not good for you.  If you don't get that joke, that's OK because it was one of my stupider jokes.
     If you are at home and on your computer, that's fine. You can read this and fall asleep at your computer.  Just make sure that your head doesn't hit the computer keys very hard. Remember, these are very sensitive instruments and you may damage your computer if your head hits it.  Please be very careful positioning your head as it hits the keyboard and you nod off to sleep.
      Are you are in a comfortable position sitting at your computer?  I just hope that your computer is at home and not at your desk at work. We wouldn't want the boss to come by and see you sleeping.  You need the paycheck and I need you to pay your taxes so that you can pay my retirement and I don't have to go back to work. You can't pay for that Mercedes convertible on unemployment. Maybe you can, I don't know.  Hopefully your boss is reading this and nodding off as well.
     If you are reading this on a laptop, the same rules apply but you may not be at your desk.  You may actually have a better experience nodding off, especially if you are on a couch reading this or in an airport waiting room. If you are on an airplane, recline your seat as this makes for a better dozing experience. Should the passenger behind you have one of those "no recline" devices so you can't recline your seat do not throw water on them. They are human too.  Just politely remove the device and throw it in the blue water of the cabin toilet. If you are the person not allowing the person in front of you to recline. Get a life!
     If you are driving and reading this on your phone, shame on you.  What's that black car following you going a high rate of speed with red lights on and loudspeaker blaring saying, "Pull Over!". Talk to the man, I'll bet he's really nice.  He only wants to give you something.
     Enjoy your nap.  See what a nice guy I am.
I wonder what the reclining seats and tray tables are like?  Make sure your seat is in an upward position and your tray table is stored on take off.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

What's On My Mind Today

     There is a lot on my mind today.  The first thing up is I need to come up with a blog topic for today.  Let's see, what should I write about?
     The sippee cup guards are outside the door. Our house looks like the remake of a bad movie about The Atom Bomb Attack On Hiroshima or a regular Godzilla movie. Aren't the two pretty much synonymous?  Ok, so I use spell-check on synonymous.  There is no "a" in synonymous. See, I told you yesterday I had ADD and you didn't believe me. Besides, I just now sat down with my first cup of coffee, and you know how that effects me. What is this paragraph about, anyway? We went from the sipee cup guards to a bad Hiroshima movie to Godzilla--can you "Godzilla Movie" as an adjective for a bad movie?--to me having ADD and not having my coffee--next paragraph.
     This is ridiculous.  My mind is racing from the sippee cup guards, to the mess in my house caused by the sippee cup invaders to Hiroshima to bad--uh Godzilla--movies to my ADD.  My coffee is at least half drunk, but the effects may take a while. I had a meeting last night with those going on the cruise I'm leading and that is on my mind. What is the price of tea in China?  Did The Giants win last night? Is global warming real? Will I get hit on the head by a falling asteroid? Was the Kennedy assassination really a Mafia conspiracy?  Should I take out the trash tonight?  I'm really not worried about that one much. STOP!!!!!!!
     I think I will stop now and go have breakfast. I enjoy having cereal for breakfast. Let's go to the pantry and see which one I should have today.  There are Cherios, Raisin Bran, Honey Nut Cherios, Honey Bunches of Oats, Regular Frosted MiniWheats, Maple Brown Sugar Frosted MiniWheats, Apple Jacks, Oatmeal--yuck, oatmeal--Quaker Life, Chocolate Cherios, Raisin Bran with Cinnamon, Raisin Bran with Raisins, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
    Just give me my Froot Loops.
So my mind is a bit cluttered today.  What can I say?

PS: I actually do like oatmeal, I don't really hate it.  As Mom used to say and Denise still says, I't good for you so eat it.


Why did I put all this blank space here?  Oh yeah, I need the space to download my thoughts right now because my mind is so cluttered with thoughts like bad Godzilla movies.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Golf Course Travel Bag: Welcome To The Travel Bag


     I have been asked many times about where I get my ideas for topics to write about. The answer is simple.  They just sort of come to me. You have to observe what is going around you and kind of look at the everyday event just a bit differently. Life is a lot of fun and there is a lot to look for and laugh.  You just have to have the eye to see those opportunities to comment.  Of course, a little "out of the box" thinking helps, but remember one important thing.  I am not weird, I'm just different.  It also helps to have a huge dose of ADD.
     Today is a very different kind of day.  I really don't have a topic to write about, and the words are not going on the page very easily. My day looks like it is going to be busier than usual, so I guess my mind is on some of the more mundane things on my plate. Life is like that, I guess.  You can't always be funny, some times you have to just take care of business. Today is that kind of day.
     Don't forget to check out my website, and my other blogs and I also have a new YouTube video posted at  I hope that you will stop by each of these sites.  Enjoy the video. And, by the way I haven't had my coffee yet.
The best way to describe what is going on in my brain right now.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Rally Around The Pole

Hi, Poland and thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate it.  I hope that you don't get angry when I talk about Poland and the Poles. I truly do respect the Polish people and all of Polish history in the battle with the Germans and the Russians.  I like them as well and I don't want to tick them off.  I appreciate you all!.
What does this picture have to do with this post?  Absolutely nothing unless you are a Giant fan--that's a baseball team for those of you in Poland. I just wondered where I was going to use this picture so I used it here. I don't know, maybe that container ship is going to Poland.  Who knows?

Colors? Match? Fashion?

     Why doesn't a blue shirt go with dark olive green shorts? Where does it state that one color doesn't go with another color? I want to see it. Who is the dictator that set down all these rules?  Can we take up an army and overthrow her?
     Ok, that was pretty low.  Judging from the guys I know and have met, it couldn't have been a man. Please don't hate me for that comment, but I have to be honest.  A guy wouldn't care what colors go together.  Most men would be perfectly happy wearing colors that supposedly clash. The reason for this is that most men don't have the "color knowledge" of what colors go together or clash.  Honestly, we don't care.  We have other more important things to do, such as go hunt the deer for dinner.
     I don't hunt. I tried it a long time ago and a thought occurred to me as I went on the hunt. It wasn't that I was killing an innocent deer especially when I didn't know if I even liked deer meat or that I could buy a perfectly good steak at the supermarket or meat market.  That thought was in the back of my mind, tucked deeply away behind thinking about when I was going to wash clothes again.
      What was foremost in my mind as to the hunt was, if I shoot this thing we are miles away from anything remotely resembling a decent form of transportation. How am I going to get this dead piece of deer carcass out of this place.  We are deep in the mountains in steep terrain.  I got to carry the damn thing out of here by myself and it probably smells like deer and is dirty.  It ain't walkin' out of here.  I'm going to have to carry it out some way. Not only that but the dead deer weighs a heck of a lot more than I do and I have to carry a heavy rifle out too. Would I want to drag myself along with myself out of the wilderness over steep terrain?  I don't think so. Safeway is looking pretty good right now.  I think I will stop in and buy a porterhouse or two.  Wait a minute, I can't afford that. How about some hamburger?
    What does a dead deer have to do with colors matching and fashion?  I don't know, go ask the deer. What if it was a bear?
This was a pitchur' a' the pizza I shot last time I was out huntin'. Do the colors match, by the way?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Profound Thoughts For Today

     I have thought long and hard on what to write about today, so here goes. I realize that you expect nothing but the best and profound thought from me. Here are my deep inner thoughts.

OK, I know that this post is a little fishy.  It is not up to my demanding scale. As you can sea, I have dived to some lower depths for this one. Will you stop with the puns already?

    I thank you for reading today's post.  I hope that you have enjoyed it.  I will have more in the coming days, or at least you would hope so.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Oh No! I'm Out Of Coffee... Final Update--Maybe

     The crisis has been totally averted. All is well with the world.  I have a fresh stash of French Roast Coffee and a good friend brought something to make sure that the crisis would not happen.  We were close though, and just a matter of hours from it. It worked.
     Krispy Kreme doughnuts and coffee kind of makes the world a much different place. Excuse me now as I enjoy my second cup of coffee and have another Krispy Kreme.
     I am sorry but if you do live in Poland, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. I wouldn't lie to you or try to pull the wool over your eyes.  Let's just say that you should have experienced a Krispy Kreme in order to know what I'm talking about.  You should be able to relate to the coffee though.  It is just that a Krispy Kreme heightens the effects of the coffee. Maybe it's just diabetes setting in from the sugar.  I don't know.
Thank's Doug for the Krispy  Kremes.  Now I can deal with the Sippee Cup guards much easier. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Oh No! I'm Out Of Coffee...Update

     All is OK with the world.  I went to the store and got some coffee.
One Cup For Each Day Of The Month. How Many Days In A Month? 15?

Oh No! I'm Out Of Coffee

     Yesterday was a very sad day.  Thursday I didn't get to the store to buy some more coffee.  Ajelsiemalswitldiels  lsirels  gleis es slloa si, loahe.  That may be effecting me, so you think.  You all know what happens when I do'nt have mi coffee.  The lainwo lthishe higlhthseass  dialsd.  It sort of effects me in a bad way, and I'm out of coffee.
     Hold on, let me get a grip of myself.  There, that's better.  I better write this while I'm still lucid. It got so bad that yesterday I broke open some Keurig packs that my wife had been given as a gift.  We don't own a Keurig.  I opened the packs and poured them into the coffee maker along with some Kona coffee that I had.  The Keurig packs consisted of one dark roast than two carmel flavored--yuck, you know how I hate flavored coffee--packs.  I made the coffee all right, but I choked it down as it was the only thing I had.
    I still haven't had my coffee.  In a few minutes I am going to Starbucks for a meeting with a friend. I may OD on coffee, as dark a roast as I can find.  I hope Kimodo Dragon or something else just as dark is available.  I am losing all semblance of lucidity. Wait a minute, that happens often and my wife thinks that that is my permanent state of existence.
    Got to run before I crash and burn due to a lack of coffee.  Rhaitel hgutgwkle sgaiit lliska.  Oh my gosh, It's coming back.  I have got to run.  Maybe tea will work.
My world is pretty rocky without that first cup of coffee.

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Am Not A Fruit Loop--I Only Eat Them And I Don't Inhale

     Yes, I am sixty years old, but I still enjoy some of the finer things in life from my childhood. Besides, it has been said that men never grow up, they just get older. OK, I confess.  I love a good bowl of Fruit Loops not only for breakfast but for a sometime snack as well.
     The times were a lot simpler then.  Major League Baseball was played during the day. You could see it on TV, but only on Saturday.  If you wanted to catch a game, you listened to it on your transistor radio. Ah yes, the transistor radio. I remember tuning in late at night to see what stations I could tune into that were as far away as possible. One time I got an Idaho station and I was stoked!
     The cold war was raging and it was us versus the Godless Commies.  I like using that phrase Godless Commies. In fact, there are still Godless Commies around and their plots to overthrow us are still out there like making we Americans like soccer--uh, football--and adding flavors to Fruit loops. You went to a pay phone to call home when you were in trouble or needed money and there was no Internet to make a tee time or waste time on FaceBook. The world was a simpler place.
     I immediately fell in love with Fruit Loops. Up until that time breakfast cereals were boring. What choices did you have? You had such gastronomical treats as corn flakes, shredded wheat and cherios. Yep, cardboard for breakfast.  Occasionally you would slip in some frosted flakes, but that was rare.  Then it came from nowhere.  Cereal that was fruit. What an idea. It came together in loops and was cherries which were and still are my favorite, oranges and lemons.  What an idea, this is truly healthy and not boring. The flavor and vitamins of fruit with the goodness of grain, can there be nothing better?  Each loop had its distinctive flavor.
     Since then, Fruit Loops have changed. They introduced the green loop and the purple loop was soon to follow.  Quickly, there was a myriad of colors and "flavors" in the box of Fruit Loops. They are still good, but you just don't get the distinctive flavors of the individual loops as you did in the early days. Besides, this menagerie of colors really bothers my Attention Deficit Disorder. I now get very confused at the splash of colors and flavors of Fruit Loops that I have to eat them blindfolded--not really but I made you laugh.
     When you eat Fruit Loops, you eat every last one of them in the bowl. This is not like shredded wheat, corn flakes or cherios because you want to savor the flavor of every last loop.  The milk is so scrumptious that you don't want to leave any.  Cherios doesn't make the milk taste good.
     On a serious not, I noticed that I have gone over the 9,000 hit mark on my blog.  I thank you for continuing to tune in and read it.  I know I get a little crazy sometimes, but what the heck.  What is life without a little craziness. I hope that you will continue to enjoy reading it. Again, a hearty thanks goes out to you from the bottom of my heart. Hi Poland.
   I have to run, I just poured me a bowl of Fruit Loops.

OK, so maybe I do have too much time on my hands.