I have to go to work today. I think. what day is it anyway? Now that I have retired, days just seem to flow together. I know that it would be worse if I was just sitting on my keyster watching T.V., as my beloved ex-wife seems to think I am doing. However, as most retirees know, I am busier now and don't have a set schedule. My eight to five job is no longer eight to five, which really isn't a bad thing just different. I do like it.
Let's see if we can track today down. Sunday I go to church, but last Sunday I didn't because I had to...notice I said had to...cover a local airshow and had to be there all day. It was tough, but somebody had to do it. That threw Monday into a dither because I rested so it felt like Sunday. Tuesday brought a busy day, so it felt like Monday. Wednesday I took care of my grandkids, whom I normally see on Friday. Since I was with my grandkids, I couldn't go to my writer's group.
Thursday, I did very little and stayed home. Was it Sunday? No, Its Thursday and I sort of knew this because Thursday is trash day and there were trash cans out on the street. Not mine though, because I thought it was...well I don't know. Friday saw me playing golf, with a bad back by the way. No, I didn't end up in the hospital.
Yesterday, my son and I went out of town. That messed up everything. I think today is Sunday, but the only way I will know for sure is if I go to church this morning and there is choir practice. If there isn't, wow that will really throw me off for what I think is next week. All this and I have to go to work this afternoon.
I think I know how to remedy this. How about looking at my calendar. Just a second, let me look at it to make sure what day it is. Wait a minute, something's not right. That's August.
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