Monday, January 23, 2012


     Life is about transitions.  How we deal with those transitions is a good indicator of our personalities and character.  With transitions one is faced with a number of choices, and basically those choices are life and death.  These life and death choices are not neccessarily in the literal sense but can be emotional, they are nevertheless critical to our well being.  What choices we make in this transitional state can literally mean life and living it to the fullest, or death.  By death I mean not getting out of life the wonders and good things that life has for us.
     I am in a very difficult transitional state.  The choices are very real to me but my path is clear.  I can choose a life of "death".  The things in my life that were can rule my life and I can choose to be in a perpetual state of mourning for those things that were.  Many people I know have chosen to dwell in that place.  I can look back at my past and say with a great amount of sadness that all that is dead.  My past is just a fond memory  and nothing else.  I have nothing ahead of me, because I cannot relive my past.  It is all gone, my life is gone.
     I REFUSE TO THINK THAT WAY!!! My future is ahead of me.  Bring it on.  I am alive and there is much ahead of me.  I am going to grab for all the life I can...I have plans and God has plans for me.  I will get through this transitional time, there is too much in store that is good on the other side. Here's to that other side.

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