This is not about my recent visit to the hospital caused by my bought with congestive heart failure. That is another story. By the way, if you are on high blood pressure medications, take them. Don't learn like I did the hard way that not taking them is not a good thing. At least go the natural route, if that works for you but get that BP lowered.
I will never run a marathon again. My heart only functioning at 20% won't allow it. I never ran a marathon before and wouldn't care to, but though I am crazy I'm not that crazy. After all, the first marathon runner Pheidippides promptly died after running the 26 plus miles and delivering the victory message to the citizens of Athens. I get winded walking the 26 feet from my couch to my refrigerator. I am Greek and admire Pheidippides for what he did, but if it were me and the Greek General asked me to run the 26 miles to Athens I would have said, "What's wrong with your cell phone boss? Don't you have service here? Hey Man, I know you are the General and we just won a great victory, but its 26 miles to Athens." More can be said, but I won't. You probably appreciate that.
On to the story that I was going to share today. It has to do with my step son needing to go to the Emergency Room on Monday night and me just getting out of the hospital last Wednesday for Congestive Heart Failure. I was in there being poked, prodded, irradiated and woken up after just falling asleep for five days. Went in on Friday and came out on Wednesday. It was quite an experience, one that I don't want to repeat anytime soon. The bottom line was...Take your blood pressure medication, you idiot. Don't be so bull headed!
My step son needed to go to the ER Monday after I got out of the hospital on Wednesday. I think we established that. At any rate, that was quite the experience and they found nothing wrong other than an upset stomach. He was released three hours after we went in. I got home earlu Tuesday morning at around 2:00 in the morning and of course could not sleep so I watched TV until about 3:00 when I fell asleep on the couch.
I decided to go to bed, but my sarcastic, I mean sarchaic rythym had me up at seven Tuesday. I thought I could handle it but found myself dozing off on the couch at about ten, right about the time Drew Carey was going to reveal whether or not that pretty blonde had won a car. I woke up and it was noon. Maybe I should just pack it in, I thought, and take about an hour's nap. OK
I am not going to take my phone into the bedroom because I am only going to be out about an hour, no problem. I was wrong, it wasn't an hour but four. Wow, I guess I was more tired than I thought.
It dawned on me, not the sun but a thought. Maybe someone is trying to get in touch with me trying to call me. Maybe I had better check my calls. I was right, twelve calls from my wife and eight from my son. OOOps.
Yes, I was still alive and had not suffered a major heart attack but they didn't know that. They were genuinely concerned that I was still in an upright position and breathing. I know it is not really funny, and I do understand their concern. At any rate, all turned out and I want to assure you that I am not writing this from heaven, but from Denise's office in our church.
By the way, does anyone know if the blonde won the car on Tuesday?
David is a published author and freelance writer. He has written many books and articles which appear on the web and in print. The blog will help you find them. It will also focus on some of David's irreverent observations on life and some of his recent antics and travels. Sit back and enjoy his wit, humor and happenings.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Something Fishy?
I like fish. I have had it many ways and prefer a good red snapper grilled on the bar-b-que. When I was in WINCO, our local grocery store, they had fresh snapper in the seafood display case. It looked very fresh, and was. I asked Denise if she had ever had grilled snapper, and she said no. Ah ha! Time for an experiment. I will introduce her to the delicate and subtle flavors of grilled red snapper.
I think it should be said that I am of Greek and Italian extraction. We Mediterranean types eat a lot of strange things. Who would of thought that wrapping up rice or meat in a grape leaf would be appetizing? Oh, but it is. What about goat's cheese, AKA feta? Yum! How about squid or octopus, you say? They are the ugliest creatures on the planet, but stuffed squid in sauce over fettuccine-to die for. I'm not much of an octopus man myself, its too tough for me. I think you get the point. Who would have thought that combining egg and lemon in chicken soup would taste so heavenly?
I dearly love my wife. So much so that words can't express. We have much in common and enjoy being with each other. There is one thing though that I must say. Her epicurial tastes are fairly limited. I have sprung some different things on her for dinner. Some were hits with her, some were dismal failures. I know now that grilled red snapper is not on her #1 hits list. She ate it, she didn't want to hurt my feelings but I know it was pure torture for her. Oh well, cross red snapper or any other fish off the list of menus. That's OK.
I think it should be said that I am of Greek and Italian extraction. We Mediterranean types eat a lot of strange things. Who would of thought that wrapping up rice or meat in a grape leaf would be appetizing? Oh, but it is. What about goat's cheese, AKA feta? Yum! How about squid or octopus, you say? They are the ugliest creatures on the planet, but stuffed squid in sauce over fettuccine-to die for. I'm not much of an octopus man myself, its too tough for me. I think you get the point. Who would have thought that combining egg and lemon in chicken soup would taste so heavenly?
I dearly love my wife. So much so that words can't express. We have much in common and enjoy being with each other. There is one thing though that I must say. Her epicurial tastes are fairly limited. I have sprung some different things on her for dinner. Some were hits with her, some were dismal failures. I know now that grilled red snapper is not on her #1 hits list. She ate it, she didn't want to hurt my feelings but I know it was pure torture for her. Oh well, cross red snapper or any other fish off the list of menus. That's OK.
Monday, October 14, 2013
I don't have much to write about today. I am doing OK and My Dad's funeral has been scheduled. My kids have all been told when it is, but I don't know if they all will be there. Denise may be doing the music. That's it for now.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Passages and Memories
This post is going to be very different than most of the posts you are used to. As You can see, I am even posting on Saturday, which I normally don't do. Today is different. There will be no funny stories, no puns, no irreverent humor, no sarcasm or wit. This is a different day. My father passed away on Thursday night.
Dad was many things. I was proud of him, although it was clear that I didn't want to take the same path in life that he did. He was an entrepeneur, in the truest sense of the word even though he worked as a manager in a grocery store. His gift of buying and selling real estate and investing was exceptional. His job was a base for his other dealings.
He was a man who could effect others, and mentored others. I still remember many of their names. Stan Johnson, Jim Mille, Neil Bering, Ken Gayer and Larry Armstrong were just a few that dad groomed and mentored. He always saw the potential of a person, and brought that potential out.
Dad was a member of "The Greatest Generation" who fought and won WWII. As a machinist living in Connecticut after Pearl Harbor, dad was working in a job that was deemed necessary for the war effort. He was safe from the draft and going into the military. That wasn't enough for dad, as he wanted to do serve his country to the best of his ability, even if that meant dying for it.
Dad liked flying. He decided to enlist in the U.S.Army Air Corp to become a pilot. Funny thing is that he was a few pounds under weight--dad was a small man at 5'7" and 130 pounds almost all his life--and remembers eating bananas before his physical in order to get up to weight. Dad was always a determined man and would do what it took to get the job done, including eating a hand of bananas to put some pounds on to pass a physical. I remember him telling me about after that physical and that he barely made it by about half a pound, and the results of eating all those bananas. But, he had made it. He passed his physical and was on to army basic, and then on to flight training school.
Dad told many stories about his time in flight training, but there is one that he always came back to. He told and retold this one over and over. It seems as though he was on a solo flight when he was stationed in Florida during his flight training. He was up in a PT 17 biplane doing aerial maneuvers when the cap came off the engine oil tank. Oil came spewing out of the engine and he was pretty much blinded by it. Dad managed to get the plane back on the ground after a heroic fight with the airplane to save it--and him.
Unfortunately, dad didn't make it into the cockpit as he washed out of pilot training. The war was winding down and the need for pilots wasn't as critical as it was, so standards were very high. One small mistake and you failed. Dad moved on to gunnery school and became an armorer on heavy bombers. He never went overseas and spent the duration of the war here in The United States. When Germany surrendered, his unit trained to go to the Pacific, but by the time they were ready to go, Japan surrendered. Dad also built in me a love for airplanes.
Dad was most proudest of his military service. It was a great time in his life. His request is that he be buried in his Air Corp corporal's uniform in the Veteran's Cemetery at Santa Nella, California with full military honors. As it stands now, that request will be granted.
I have many fond memories of Dad. I remember the many baseball games that we went to in Candlestick Park watching the Giants. Oh the stories I have of those trips. How about the time he took me on my one and only "Deep Sea" fishing trip. Everyone on the boat got sea sick except me and I think I caused most of them to get sick because I was continually eating. It was exciting, especially when the captain of the boat let me steer the boat underneath the Golden Gate Bridge.
Our back yard was a great place. We would play catch after he would get home from one of his long, hard days at work. One night, he missed a throw from me which careened off his glove, over the fence and into the neighbor's widow. Crash went the glass. Dad was a little embarrassed and our insurance agent said the he couldn't say that dad was the culprit, so I took the hit. That's OK.
We also set up a badminton court in our back yard. That was fun. I still remember the summer nights of beating the pants off my dad, and him wanting to play one more game so that he could have bragging rights. I let him win a couple.
The back yard was also the place where we would pull up a lawn chair and watch the stars at night. He taught me where the big dipper was and we would look to the night sky for satelites. I had a small telescope that we would gaze at the moon and the planets. You could make out Saturn's rings and the stripes on Jupiter. I miss that.
Life has moved on and things have changed. I have my own family now, and have made memories with my own family. The cycle of life continues
and the wheels of time keep moving on. Dad, you have given me many memories which I will cherish. The cycle of life for you has come full circle, but a new journey is about to unfold for you. You will be missed but I wish you the best of luck on that new journey.
Dad was many things. I was proud of him, although it was clear that I didn't want to take the same path in life that he did. He was an entrepeneur, in the truest sense of the word even though he worked as a manager in a grocery store. His gift of buying and selling real estate and investing was exceptional. His job was a base for his other dealings.
He was a man who could effect others, and mentored others. I still remember many of their names. Stan Johnson, Jim Mille, Neil Bering, Ken Gayer and Larry Armstrong were just a few that dad groomed and mentored. He always saw the potential of a person, and brought that potential out.
Dad was a member of "The Greatest Generation" who fought and won WWII. As a machinist living in Connecticut after Pearl Harbor, dad was working in a job that was deemed necessary for the war effort. He was safe from the draft and going into the military. That wasn't enough for dad, as he wanted to do serve his country to the best of his ability, even if that meant dying for it.
Dad liked flying. He decided to enlist in the U.S.Army Air Corp to become a pilot. Funny thing is that he was a few pounds under weight--dad was a small man at 5'7" and 130 pounds almost all his life--and remembers eating bananas before his physical in order to get up to weight. Dad was always a determined man and would do what it took to get the job done, including eating a hand of bananas to put some pounds on to pass a physical. I remember him telling me about after that physical and that he barely made it by about half a pound, and the results of eating all those bananas. But, he had made it. He passed his physical and was on to army basic, and then on to flight training school.
Dad told many stories about his time in flight training, but there is one that he always came back to. He told and retold this one over and over. It seems as though he was on a solo flight when he was stationed in Florida during his flight training. He was up in a PT 17 biplane doing aerial maneuvers when the cap came off the engine oil tank. Oil came spewing out of the engine and he was pretty much blinded by it. Dad managed to get the plane back on the ground after a heroic fight with the airplane to save it--and him.
Unfortunately, dad didn't make it into the cockpit as he washed out of pilot training. The war was winding down and the need for pilots wasn't as critical as it was, so standards were very high. One small mistake and you failed. Dad moved on to gunnery school and became an armorer on heavy bombers. He never went overseas and spent the duration of the war here in The United States. When Germany surrendered, his unit trained to go to the Pacific, but by the time they were ready to go, Japan surrendered. Dad also built in me a love for airplanes.
Dad was most proudest of his military service. It was a great time in his life. His request is that he be buried in his Air Corp corporal's uniform in the Veteran's Cemetery at Santa Nella, California with full military honors. As it stands now, that request will be granted.
I have many fond memories of Dad. I remember the many baseball games that we went to in Candlestick Park watching the Giants. Oh the stories I have of those trips. How about the time he took me on my one and only "Deep Sea" fishing trip. Everyone on the boat got sea sick except me and I think I caused most of them to get sick because I was continually eating. It was exciting, especially when the captain of the boat let me steer the boat underneath the Golden Gate Bridge.
Our back yard was a great place. We would play catch after he would get home from one of his long, hard days at work. One night, he missed a throw from me which careened off his glove, over the fence and into the neighbor's widow. Crash went the glass. Dad was a little embarrassed and our insurance agent said the he couldn't say that dad was the culprit, so I took the hit. That's OK.
We also set up a badminton court in our back yard. That was fun. I still remember the summer nights of beating the pants off my dad, and him wanting to play one more game so that he could have bragging rights. I let him win a couple.
The back yard was also the place where we would pull up a lawn chair and watch the stars at night. He taught me where the big dipper was and we would look to the night sky for satelites. I had a small telescope that we would gaze at the moon and the planets. You could make out Saturn's rings and the stripes on Jupiter. I miss that.
Life has moved on and things have changed. I have my own family now, and have made memories with my own family. The cycle of life continues
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Hope you enjoy these pictures Dad. As you can see, you gave me a love for airplanes as well. THANKS! |
Friday, October 11, 2013
Guess What Day It Is...Friday!
Yes, it is Friday. This is the end of the workweek and the beginning of the weekend. I hope that you will get out and do something fun this weekend.
Here's the problem with that for me. I'm retired. If you look at that closely, it can be said that for me every day is Saturday. In all actuality I write every day, so it can be said that everyday is a Monday. Let's not say Monday, that is just too scary. How about we say Tuesday or Wednesday. I like Tuesday because it is a good TV day. I like Thursday as well because I know that the next day is Friday and there is a feeling of anticipation and excitement that the weekend is coming the next day. Hey wait a minute, I don't have a weekend because I'm retired and I still write
I feel sorry for the Japanese. In all honesty, I feel sorry for all those west of the International dateline. It is tomorrow there today. They spend their Saturday nights dreading the next day because it is Monday when they wake up and have to go back to work. We here east of the dateline still have a day off, Sunday. Of course, when we are making our weekend plans on Thursday, it is Friday and they are getting a jump on the weekend. Are you all following my logic here.
Now do you want the truth behind all of this? Truth is that I am tired of the Airwolf rerun on TV and thought that I would get this post out of the way and written. When I came to my computer, I realized that I couldn't think of anything to write about. If you can figure out what I have written today and why, you will be a lot further along and ahead of me.
Here's the problem with that for me. I'm retired. If you look at that closely, it can be said that for me every day is Saturday. In all actuality I write every day, so it can be said that everyday is a Monday. Let's not say Monday, that is just too scary. How about we say Tuesday or Wednesday. I like Tuesday because it is a good TV day. I like Thursday as well because I know that the next day is Friday and there is a feeling of anticipation and excitement that the weekend is coming the next day. Hey wait a minute, I don't have a weekend because I'm retired and I still write
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This picture has got nothing to do with today's post. I just thought I would show you where old pianos go to die,and share the picture for no real good reason. |
I feel sorry for the Japanese. In all honesty, I feel sorry for all those west of the International dateline. It is tomorrow there today. They spend their Saturday nights dreading the next day because it is Monday when they wake up and have to go back to work. We here east of the dateline still have a day off, Sunday. Of course, when we are making our weekend plans on Thursday, it is Friday and they are getting a jump on the weekend. Are you all following my logic here.
Now do you want the truth behind all of this? Truth is that I am tired of the Airwolf rerun on TV and thought that I would get this post out of the way and written. When I came to my computer, I realized that I couldn't think of anything to write about. If you can figure out what I have written today and why, you will be a lot further along and ahead of me.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
King Kong Lives!
I want to shout it from the mountaintop! This is great news. There is good stuff happening in the world, not just the old negativeness that we have been accustomed to. Here it is. King Kong lives! I know because he lives in my office.
It is time for the story to be told. King Kong did not die on the Empire State Building as is generally thought. After all, there is no such thing as a 20 foot ape. Come on people, where is your sense of reality? We all know that was just a small ape that they used to distort perspective. After the filming the producers of the movie had no use for Kong so they let him go. From there, his history is a little bit clouded.
What do we know? First, it was believed that he went to Las Vegas and gambled all his fortune that he earned from the movie. He became homeless and drifted around the country, trying to find work in traveling carnivals and circuses. The war hit, so his gigs became few and far between. From there, the path goes cold.
A few years ago, I visited my daughter in Missouri. There is a shop located between Fulton, Missouri and Jefferson City, Missouri that is called "The Swap Meet Shop". We stopped there right after doing some wine tasting in the Missouri Wine region. Don't laugh, they do have a wine region and we did go wine tasting. I won't say anything about the wine, me being from California and all, but it tastes a little like Welch's Grape Juice and is said to be "fine wine", at least that is what the advertisements say. That is all I will say about Missouri wines.
There, in the back of "The Swap Meet Shop" he was. A little rumpled but there none the less. Our eyes met. He sort of knew that I was from California-We Californians have that look you know-and his eyes said, "Take me home." I knew that I had to comply with his request. He looked lonely and forlorn-without a friend in the world. I had to do it. He is with me now and we have developed a deep and lasting friendship. I am glad that I did what I did and am not ashamed.
In case you are wondering, yes I did have my coffee this morning. I bought some beans and made a pot earlier this morning. I even had a bowl of Cherios.
It is time for the story to be told. King Kong did not die on the Empire State Building as is generally thought. After all, there is no such thing as a 20 foot ape. Come on people, where is your sense of reality? We all know that was just a small ape that they used to distort perspective. After the filming the producers of the movie had no use for Kong so they let him go. From there, his history is a little bit clouded.
What do we know? First, it was believed that he went to Las Vegas and gambled all his fortune that he earned from the movie. He became homeless and drifted around the country, trying to find work in traveling carnivals and circuses. The war hit, so his gigs became few and far between. From there, the path goes cold.
A few years ago, I visited my daughter in Missouri. There is a shop located between Fulton, Missouri and Jefferson City, Missouri that is called "The Swap Meet Shop". We stopped there right after doing some wine tasting in the Missouri Wine region. Don't laugh, they do have a wine region and we did go wine tasting. I won't say anything about the wine, me being from California and all, but it tastes a little like Welch's Grape Juice and is said to be "fine wine", at least that is what the advertisements say. That is all I will say about Missouri wines.
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He is alive and well! He misses his old home though. |
There, in the back of "The Swap Meet Shop" he was. A little rumpled but there none the less. Our eyes met. He sort of knew that I was from California-We Californians have that look you know-and his eyes said, "Take me home." I knew that I had to comply with his request. He looked lonely and forlorn-without a friend in the world. I had to do it. He is with me now and we have developed a deep and lasting friendship. I am glad that I did what I did and am not ashamed.
In case you are wondering, yes I did have my coffee this morning. I bought some beans and made a pot earlier this morning. I even had a bowl of Cherios.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
I know that I have posted before about my relationship with that wonderful dark brown hot liquid called coffee. I also wanted you to know that I totally intended that today's post would be on a subject that would have you rolling in the aisle. It was going to be hilarious even if you didn't have an aisle. All that went out the window this morning when I went to my secret hiding place for my coffee bean stache and the container was BARE...NADA...EL EMTIVO......Uh Oh.
Who's fault was this. Who allowed this disaster to take place. Who did not have the foresight and brains to take a good look at the supply of coffee? Who did not check the coffee bean level? I would like to find the culprit that did this. That person will be severely reprimanded and punished. You are off the hook Denise, you drink Diet Coke--by the way, when are we going to have the intervention in order to get you to kick that destructive habit--so you are off the hook. Oh Ya, you don't even know where my coffee stache is.
Let me see, what kind of punishment awaits the culprit after I catch them? How about tying them to a chair and forcing them to watch the highlight film of this year's San Francisco Giants season--over and over again. No, that would be cruel. I've got it! How about tying them to that same chair
and making them listen to either the you tube disaster that I made or to hours of my best puns and silly stories. That would do the trick. That would make them remember to check the coffee bean count. Ah, my demented mind.
Wait a minute, it is my job to make sure we have coffee. Never mind.
Who's fault was this. Who allowed this disaster to take place. Who did not have the foresight and brains to take a good look at the supply of coffee? Who did not check the coffee bean level? I would like to find the culprit that did this. That person will be severely reprimanded and punished. You are off the hook Denise, you drink Diet Coke--by the way, when are we going to have the intervention in order to get you to kick that destructive habit--so you are off the hook. Oh Ya, you don't even know where my coffee stache is.
Let me see, what kind of punishment awaits the culprit after I catch them? How about tying them to a chair and forcing them to watch the highlight film of this year's San Francisco Giants season--over and over again. No, that would be cruel. I've got it! How about tying them to that same chair
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I said coffee, not margarita. See what happens when I don't have my coffee. |
Wait a minute, it is my job to make sure we have coffee. Never mind.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Different Is OK
I like being different. Is it wrong that I take a hard look at the world around me and see it in a light that many would consider a bit tilted? I'm sorry but that is just me.
Don't get me wrong. I know that there is a time and a place for everything and in most circumstances I am very much the conformist. For example, I wore a shirt, shoes with socks and long pants to my mother's funeral. I had to fight off the urge to wear black shorts and sandals, but I totally knew that would be inappropriate. Give me some credit for crying out loud. But I did go with tradition. However, what is wrong with shorts and sandals in church? I know the difference between a regular Sunday service and my mom's funeral.
The world to me is a playground. Besides, why not be happy and enjoy life. I suppose it is a "Glass half full" type of thing. You are on this Earth, why not enjoy it to the fullest. And why does some set of arbitrary rules set down by who knows dictate how we live. There are some rules that we are fortunate to have in place and to understand and follow that have to do with the makeup of the universe such as me not working on cars. That is an absolute. I do stay within the limits of natural law sometimes.
Bungie Jumping--now there is something that I draw the line at. It is not that I am a coward, its that I have a bad back and the force of the cord snapping would just about end my career in walking and maybe living as well. I do exercise some discretion and honor some boundaries in my life. But I would like to try parasailing.
You kind of get a sense of my "differentness" when you come into my office. It is a strange place. Denise wanted to shoot the decorator and has said that it is "too full and busy". However, if she shot the decorator she would have shot her beloved husband--me. I like it and is full of some of my most prized possessions.
Each of these has a story, real or made up by me. My "Dogs Playing Poker"
painting inspires me everytime I go to write. What can I say.
Don't get me wrong. I know that there is a time and a place for everything and in most circumstances I am very much the conformist. For example, I wore a shirt, shoes with socks and long pants to my mother's funeral. I had to fight off the urge to wear black shorts and sandals, but I totally knew that would be inappropriate. Give me some credit for crying out loud. But I did go with tradition. However, what is wrong with shorts and sandals in church? I know the difference between a regular Sunday service and my mom's funeral.
The world to me is a playground. Besides, why not be happy and enjoy life. I suppose it is a "Glass half full" type of thing. You are on this Earth, why not enjoy it to the fullest. And why does some set of arbitrary rules set down by who knows dictate how we live. There are some rules that we are fortunate to have in place and to understand and follow that have to do with the makeup of the universe such as me not working on cars. That is an absolute. I do stay within the limits of natural law sometimes.
Bungie Jumping--now there is something that I draw the line at. It is not that I am a coward, its that I have a bad back and the force of the cord snapping would just about end my career in walking and maybe living as well. I do exercise some discretion and honor some boundaries in my life. But I would like to try parasailing.
You kind of get a sense of my "differentness" when you come into my office. It is a strange place. Denise wanted to shoot the decorator and has said that it is "too full and busy". However, if she shot the decorator she would have shot her beloved husband--me. I like it and is full of some of my most prized possessions.
Each of these has a story, real or made up by me. My "Dogs Playing Poker"
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No, That isn't me parasailing. Besides, how would I have taken the picture? |
Monday, October 7, 2013
Time To Get Back To Work
Have you missed me? I bet you thought that I took that trip to the Himalayas and was eaten by a Yeti. No, but close. I really am not going to get into all the good stuff of why I have not posted in a long while. Let's just say I'm hungry and I need some cash. If I don't work, I don't get paid. My Obamacare bill is in the mail and I have to pay for that. That was a cheap shot, and I know it. Anyway, back to posting as I know that you have missed me and your lives are not complete unless you read my posts. Seriously though, thanks!
What got me started today was Airwolf. I love Airwolf and for the longest while you could not find it on TV. It seems as though the Esquire channel is running Airwolf re-runs all day. I am in Airwolf heaven. Many of you don't have the faintest idea of what I am talking about, do you. Just go with it. It was a series about a top secret classified helicopter that was built by the CIA and was taken by a former CIA operative and operated for the good of the country, not the devious schemes of the hated CIA. It is truly 80's TV heaven. Jon-Michael Vincent starred in it, at least on the days he was sober and my favorite character actor Earnest Borgnine.
I miss Earnie.
One problem though. I found myself mesmerized by these reruns and was doing nothing but watching Airwolf reruns all day. This can turn into a problem. Denise was getting a's just say pushed out of shape that all I was doing was watching Airwolf all day. Wanting to keep the peace on the home front, I decided to turn off the TV and post. I am glad I did, because it seems as though, just like a chameleon, my skin is turning a strange color of brown, almost like the couch. I was becoming one with the couch. That's not good, is it?
I have got to run. The next episode of Airwolf is about to begin and Denise is going to be gone for a couple of hours so I am safe. For those of you who don't know what Airwolf looks like I am including a picture.
That should just about do it. Hope you liked the picture. I snuck it in and I hope that the government doesn't find out. Just a minute, there is a knock at the door. I guess I'll go answer it....
What got me started today was Airwolf. I love Airwolf and for the longest while you could not find it on TV. It seems as though the Esquire channel is running Airwolf re-runs all day. I am in Airwolf heaven. Many of you don't have the faintest idea of what I am talking about, do you. Just go with it. It was a series about a top secret classified helicopter that was built by the CIA and was taken by a former CIA operative and operated for the good of the country, not the devious schemes of the hated CIA. It is truly 80's TV heaven. Jon-Michael Vincent starred in it, at least on the days he was sober and my favorite character actor Earnest Borgnine.
I miss Earnie.
One problem though. I found myself mesmerized by these reruns and was doing nothing but watching Airwolf reruns all day. This can turn into a problem. Denise was getting a's just say pushed out of shape that all I was doing was watching Airwolf all day. Wanting to keep the peace on the home front, I decided to turn off the TV and post. I am glad I did, because it seems as though, just like a chameleon, my skin is turning a strange color of brown, almost like the couch. I was becoming one with the couch. That's not good, is it?
I have got to run. The next episode of Airwolf is about to begin and Denise is going to be gone for a couple of hours so I am safe. For those of you who don't know what Airwolf looks like I am including a picture.
That should just about do it. Hope you liked the picture. I snuck it in and I hope that the government doesn't find out. Just a minute, there is a knock at the door. I guess I'll go answer it....
Monday, July 22, 2013
Changes...Part One
Who would of known that the world would changed so fast? Life has changed, and not necessarily in a good way. Change can be good, but it also can effect our lives in some unintended ways as well.
Everything now is fast. I want it now! This causes some problems as to human contact. The human touch as far as dealing face to face with people doesn't exist today. Tender loving care, problem solving and customer service has been thrown out in favor of "This is the way it is going to be, so get used to it."
As for me, I hate pressing "1" for English an again pressing "2" for customer service. Even then, "Customer Service" is a sort of oxymoron. What happened to the time when if we had a problem and called on the phone, we didn't have to press anything, but were directly connected to the person we needed to talk to, and not a computer I might add. What ever happened to going down to the company branch office and talking to a live person. That rarely happens because the branch offices have been closed in favor of the phone. Press "3" if you are not getting the computer you need to talk to. If you do press the "3" you get disconnected.
My wife loves technology. She banks online and does as much as she can by phone. I respect her for this. Believe it or not we are the same age but I am sorry, I want to talk to a real person and I want to do it face-to-face. I want to look at paper or a lease a computer screen. I want to see a human face and hopefully see a smile. What I don't want is to talk to a machine.
Maybe I am old fashioned. I am sorry, but not all change is good.
Everything now is fast. I want it now! This causes some problems as to human contact. The human touch as far as dealing face to face with people doesn't exist today. Tender loving care, problem solving and customer service has been thrown out in favor of "This is the way it is going to be, so get used to it."
As for me, I hate pressing "1" for English an again pressing "2" for customer service. Even then, "Customer Service" is a sort of oxymoron. What happened to the time when if we had a problem and called on the phone, we didn't have to press anything, but were directly connected to the person we needed to talk to, and not a computer I might add. What ever happened to going down to the company branch office and talking to a live person. That rarely happens because the branch offices have been closed in favor of the phone. Press "3" if you are not getting the computer you need to talk to. If you do press the "3" you get disconnected.
My wife loves technology. She banks online and does as much as she can by phone. I respect her for this. Believe it or not we are the same age but I am sorry, I want to talk to a real person and I want to do it face-to-face. I want to look at paper or a lease a computer screen. I want to see a human face and hopefully see a smile. What I don't want is to talk to a machine.
Maybe I am old fashioned. I am sorry, but not all change is good.
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The "Old" |
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The "New" |
Friday, July 19, 2013
Don't Let The Grass Grow Underneath Your Feet (supplemental)
The deed is done. The lawn is mowed and the flowerbeds weeded. My grandson was found safe at his campsite. He actually was upset when we told him that he had to break camp and be picked up by his mother to go home. I really like him.
It was kind of fun working in the yard. I took my shirt off to get a tan and now look like a Maine spiny lobster after just coming out of the boil. That isn't exactly true. I am sunburned a little, but this happens every year when I take my shirt off for the first time and go out into the sun. The truth is that I tan very well.
Speaking of me going shirtless, If you don't know me I would like to say that I look like a Greek God with my shirt off. My arms are as toned as Hercules and my legs are as strong and muscular as tree trunks. The six pack abs that I have stand out and gleam in the sun like well tanned alabaster. What image can I give for well tanned abs. What does alabaster have to do with it? I don't know.
Those that do know me can tell you that I am full of it and am a big liar trying to impress those of you that don't know me. The sight of me with my shirt off kind of makes them cringe. My arms and legs are not muscular, and I don't have six pack abs, but abs that look more like a keg of Old English after a Frat party. Oh well, they are mine and I love them.
At any rate, the yard is done, and I am at rest in the knowledge of a job well done. Thank you Denise for doing it.
Don't Let The Grass Grow Underneath Your Feet
That is a well know saying. It is not exactly accurate first off, because your feet mus be off the grown in any given spot so that the sun can hit it. Grass doesn't grow when there is no sunshine. Everyone knows that.
Our grass has been growing. Here in California where we live, people plant Hybrid Bermuda. This kind of grass can still grow after a nuclear attack. You just can't kill it. I know, I have tried. Even if you don't water it, it still grows and grows...and grows. You can't pull it out when you weed, because it is EVERYWHERE. The roots spread, sort of like the head of the hydra. I can make that hydra reference because I am Greek.
We have to go out this morning and do yard work. The lawns needs to be mowed and edged and the flowerbeds need to be weeded. God bless Roundup, by the way. Unfortunately we have let the grass grow not under our feet, an impossiblility, but in our yard. We have been busy and have not been able to get back there to work.
I think my grandson came over a few days ago to spend the night, and he went outside in the back yard to play. He may be on safari back there in the tall grass because we haven't heard from him since Tuesday. Don't worry, I think he's OK back there. There is plenty of food and water back there, bugs and such. I think I saw the smoke of a campfire. He is a pretty self sufficient kid at four years old. We are going to mow and edge so we will find him, rest assured. I am not 100% sure he is going to want to come out though.
Looks like it is time to go out and do the dastardly deeds: mow, edge and weed. I'm off. What's that honey? The British Open is on T.V. Well......
Our grass has been growing. Here in California where we live, people plant Hybrid Bermuda. This kind of grass can still grow after a nuclear attack. You just can't kill it. I know, I have tried. Even if you don't water it, it still grows and grows...and grows. You can't pull it out when you weed, because it is EVERYWHERE. The roots spread, sort of like the head of the hydra. I can make that hydra reference because I am Greek.
We have to go out this morning and do yard work. The lawns needs to be mowed and edged and the flowerbeds need to be weeded. God bless Roundup, by the way. Unfortunately we have let the grass grow not under our feet, an impossiblility, but in our yard. We have been busy and have not been able to get back there to work.
I think my grandson came over a few days ago to spend the night, and he went outside in the back yard to play. He may be on safari back there in the tall grass because we haven't heard from him since Tuesday. Don't worry, I think he's OK back there. There is plenty of food and water back there, bugs and such. I think I saw the smoke of a campfire. He is a pretty self sufficient kid at four years old. We are going to mow and edge so we will find him, rest assured. I am not 100% sure he is going to want to come out though.
Looks like it is time to go out and do the dastardly deeds: mow, edge and weed. I'm off. What's that honey? The British Open is on T.V. Well......
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My Yard and House. See how much work we have to do. |
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
William Shatner, My Hero
Today, I am going to finish what I started. Don't get me off the subject because I need to do this. This is critical and the world needs to know. I think William Shatner is one of the smartest men on the planet. Notice I didn't say best actor. That would be a total lie on my part. He is one of the smartest.
Enter Star Trek. For almost three seasons, William Shatner (a.k.a. Captain Kirk) roamed the heavens in the Starship Enterprise boldly going where no man had gone before. We can talk about that a bit as well as to the meaning of that statement, but this is a family blog and we won't even mention that kiss with Nichelle Nichols. Actually, I don't blame Captain Kirk. Uhura was hot, especially to a 14 year old adolescent boy like myself at the time. As a matter of fact, she still is pretty hot. OK, I'm off the subject again so back to William Shatner.
Shatner was typecast. there was not much else he could do to find work. After all, he was James T. Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise. What did he do? Unlike Adam West of Batman fame, he refused the typecast role and became a police officer. He scored the role of T.J. Hooker. What can you say? Not only that, but his co-star was Heather Locklear. What a babe! I want some of that Bill Shatner charm and Moxie.
After T.J. Hooker was cancelled, It looked like Bill was washed up in television and show business. Not so fast, Cowboy. He came up with the idea that if he was washed up on T.V., why not take his act on the road. People still loved him. Take the act out on the road and come up with some unique way to package that act. Why not make Bill Shatner a characterization. How to do this was the question.
People like rock stars. Why not come back with a band? This could have posed a problem because Bill sort of realized that he could not sing, unlike Russel Crowe in Les Miserables. Captain Kirk, uh William Shatner, saw this as an opportunity. Don't sing, recite. Have a band behind you and recite using his Shakespearean training. Since it was viewed he was a bad actor, act as a bad Shakespearean actor while reciting the poetry. "Has Been" was born and toured to packed houses and wildly screaming and appreciative audiences. Shatner was on top again touring the country and becoming a sought after guest on the talk show circuit. Smart man.
He began doing guest roles on T.V. again and finally landed a permanent role on the series Boston Legal. The character he played was much like himself. Well done, Bill!
I admire a man who can look at himself and laugh. I do it everyday as I look in the mirror. My problem is I don't have the money and fame that William Shatner has.
Enter Star Trek. For almost three seasons, William Shatner (a.k.a. Captain Kirk) roamed the heavens in the Starship Enterprise boldly going where no man had gone before. We can talk about that a bit as well as to the meaning of that statement, but this is a family blog and we won't even mention that kiss with Nichelle Nichols. Actually, I don't blame Captain Kirk. Uhura was hot, especially to a 14 year old adolescent boy like myself at the time. As a matter of fact, she still is pretty hot. OK, I'm off the subject again so back to William Shatner.
Shatner was typecast. there was not much else he could do to find work. After all, he was James T. Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise. What did he do? Unlike Adam West of Batman fame, he refused the typecast role and became a police officer. He scored the role of T.J. Hooker. What can you say? Not only that, but his co-star was Heather Locklear. What a babe! I want some of that Bill Shatner charm and Moxie.
After T.J. Hooker was cancelled, It looked like Bill was washed up in television and show business. Not so fast, Cowboy. He came up with the idea that if he was washed up on T.V., why not take his act on the road. People still loved him. Take the act out on the road and come up with some unique way to package that act. Why not make Bill Shatner a characterization. How to do this was the question.
People like rock stars. Why not come back with a band? This could have posed a problem because Bill sort of realized that he could not sing, unlike Russel Crowe in Les Miserables. Captain Kirk, uh William Shatner, saw this as an opportunity. Don't sing, recite. Have a band behind you and recite using his Shakespearean training. Since it was viewed he was a bad actor, act as a bad Shakespearean actor while reciting the poetry. "Has Been" was born and toured to packed houses and wildly screaming and appreciative audiences. Shatner was on top again touring the country and becoming a sought after guest on the talk show circuit. Smart man.
He began doing guest roles on T.V. again and finally landed a permanent role on the series Boston Legal. The character he played was much like himself. Well done, Bill!
I admire a man who can look at himself and laugh. I do it everyday as I look in the mirror. My problem is I don't have the money and fame that William Shatner has.
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Willam Shatner was unavailable for a picture so enjoy this one of me. |
Monday, July 15, 2013
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
I ran. I tried to hide, but it found me again. Not all of it, but a good portion of it. So, my decision is clear. I must run again among,
other things. I can't hide though because it will find me again.
No, I'm not talking about the law. All is well in that category, except for a few bill collectors but I will take care of that soon. Oh, and the bank robbery charges were all a misunderstanding but I have taken care of that as well as the speeding ticket. What I am talking about is the weight I have gained.
Two years ago, I lost 70 pounds. Sorry those of you in other countries, I don't know how much that is in kilos, you are going to have to do the conversions yourself. I actually am pretty good at metric conversion, just not in weight. What I am talking about her, I promise I will get back on the subject I promise, is that I gained 30 of those pounds back. I feel terrible.
When I am trying to loose weight I do it fairly quickly. The big thing is making the decision to loose the weight and do what it takes to get rid of the extra poundage. That is where I am at right now. In my mind, I need to make the decision to do the things that need to get done in order to shed those added pounds. As Captain Picard would say on the bridge of The Enterprise in Star Trek, The New Generation, "Make it so, Number One." (By the way, I am going to finish that piece about William Shatner) As far as starting the weightloss, as Nike puts it, "Just do it!"
I have to run now. No, I am not going to run run, I just have to go. I don't like to run. When I workout, I use the treadmill and walk or I use the recumbrant bike. Its easier on the old knees. I never did like to run. What I am going to do now is do my crunches and stretching routine. I have to start somewhere and I promise that I will get back to the gym to do a full workout soon. Not just today.
other things. I can't hide though because it will find me again.
No, I'm not talking about the law. All is well in that category, except for a few bill collectors but I will take care of that soon. Oh, and the bank robbery charges were all a misunderstanding but I have taken care of that as well as the speeding ticket. What I am talking about is the weight I have gained.
Two years ago, I lost 70 pounds. Sorry those of you in other countries, I don't know how much that is in kilos, you are going to have to do the conversions yourself. I actually am pretty good at metric conversion, just not in weight. What I am talking about her, I promise I will get back on the subject I promise, is that I gained 30 of those pounds back. I feel terrible.
When I am trying to loose weight I do it fairly quickly. The big thing is making the decision to loose the weight and do what it takes to get rid of the extra poundage. That is where I am at right now. In my mind, I need to make the decision to do the things that need to get done in order to shed those added pounds. As Captain Picard would say on the bridge of The Enterprise in Star Trek, The New Generation, "Make it so, Number One." (By the way, I am going to finish that piece about William Shatner) As far as starting the weightloss, as Nike puts it, "Just do it!"
I have to run now. No, I am not going to run run, I just have to go. I don't like to run. When I workout, I use the treadmill and walk or I use the recumbrant bike. Its easier on the old knees. I never did like to run. What I am going to do now is do my crunches and stretching routine. I have to start somewhere and I promise that I will get back to the gym to do a full workout soon. Not just today.
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This is how I feel right now after gaining my weight back. |
Sunday, July 14, 2013
I'll Be Back
OK, so I haven't posted in almost two weeks. Have you missed me? Don't answer that question. At any rate, I have been on vacation and away from my blog for too long. I promise a great post tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Movin In...Movin On--Part Zwei (For My German Readers)
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Movin' In...Movin' On
I suppose that you were expecting the second part of my ode to William Shatner. don't worry, I will get to that but I think I am going to put that off until tomorrow. Why, because I am still moving into my office and it is a mess right now. I cannot create when my work space is in such turmoil.
I thought that I had it all taken care of. That is until those dreaded extra boxes showed up. I don't know, do boxes get pregnant and have children? That is what it appears to be happening. I put one box's contents away, and two boxes appear. Why is that. Is this some evil plot brought on by the box monster? I don't know.
I feel sorry for my paper shredder. Why is it that I keep what I keep? You should see some of the stuff I have squirreled away. There is one good thing about this though. I think I can get a free car wash, because I have kept all those "One dollar off" car wash coupons I would get when I would get the car washed. They are a pretty pink.
Nope, I counted them. I'm about ten washes short of a free wash.
I thought that I had it all taken care of. That is until those dreaded extra boxes showed up. I don't know, do boxes get pregnant and have children? That is what it appears to be happening. I put one box's contents away, and two boxes appear. Why is that. Is this some evil plot brought on by the box monster? I don't know.
I feel sorry for my paper shredder. Why is it that I keep what I keep? You should see some of the stuff I have squirreled away. There is one good thing about this though. I think I can get a free car wash, because I have kept all those "One dollar off" car wash coupons I would get when I would get the car washed. They are a pretty pink.
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Each one of these is worth one dollar. That's not my car, by the way. |
O.K. now, back on task. Doing this is a daunting task. There are so many boxes and so much stuff. Fifty-nine years is a long time to collect stuff. It is also kind of fun to go down memory lane as well, viewing some of the treasure that I have had stashed that I haven't seen for years. As you probably guessed, I keep a lot of stuff. I even see the Olympic Airlines ticket that they tagged my bag with on my flight to Israel and Greece in 1973. Wow, does that bring back memories.
There is a lot of other old stuff there too. I collect maps and have a good supply of old National Geographic maps. My, how the world has changed.
I had better get back to work now. I have got a lot to do in order for everything to get put away. After that, I have to get started on a new book project. Tomorrow I promise I will write about William Shatner.
Monday, July 1, 2013
All Hail, William Shatner!
What does a supposedly "washed up" bad Canadian Shakeseperean (dikshunary please) actor do after he has been playing the role of the captain of a mythical spaceship in a marginally successful T.V. series do after the show has been cancelled? Most of the time it is fade off into the proverbial acting sunset only to play dinner theater in Concawonka, Mississippi. That is not to offend the good citizens of Concawonka, Mississippi but that about sums up the process.
Take a good look at Adam West. Who, you ask? Adam West, otherwise known as Batman in the sixties. He goes on the "What are they doing now?" list. He played Batman and after that disappeared off the performing radar, although I do see him do an occasional guest shot on T.V. show or hear his distinctive voice as a voice-over on a commercial. Don't see him much though.
Holy continuation, Batman. I am going to close now, just whetting your appetites as to what I am going to say. I know you love it when I do this. Honestly, I don't do it on purpose. My ADD is kicking in and there is a Tom and Jerry special about to begin on Toon T.V. I can't miss that. I write with the T.V. on because that kind of tunes out the distractions. I love Tom and Jerry.
Take a good look at Adam West. Who, you ask? Adam West, otherwise known as Batman in the sixties. He goes on the "What are they doing now?" list. He played Batman and after that disappeared off the performing radar, although I do see him do an occasional guest shot on T.V. show or hear his distinctive voice as a voice-over on a commercial. Don't see him much though.
Holy continuation, Batman. I am going to close now, just whetting your appetites as to what I am going to say. I know you love it when I do this. Honestly, I don't do it on purpose. My ADD is kicking in and there is a Tom and Jerry special about to begin on Toon T.V. I can't miss that. I write with the T.V. on because that kind of tunes out the distractions. I love Tom and Jerry.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Summertime...When The Living Is Easy
Are we sure about that? All I can say, living here on the West Coast in California, is that it is going to be very hot!
That's OK because I have heard it said that it is a "dry" heat. What is a dry heat anyway? One hundred degrees is one hundred degrees and that is all. Today is going to be 108 I think. What about the other eight degrees, are they dry? I think not, it is still hot as heck.
What do people do in 108 degree heat. As little as possible I would think. I am going to stay in my office and turn up the air conditioner. The fan is going and I have work to do, so that is where I think I will hide. "Oh honey, you know how hard I am working. Could you bring me another fruit punch please?" Somehow, I don't think that is going to work with Denise.
There is one thing that is on the positive side in all this. At least we don't live in Death Valley where it is going to be 129 degrees.
That's OK because I have heard it said that it is a "dry" heat. What is a dry heat anyway? One hundred degrees is one hundred degrees and that is all. Today is going to be 108 I think. What about the other eight degrees, are they dry? I think not, it is still hot as heck.
What do people do in 108 degree heat. As little as possible I would think. I am going to stay in my office and turn up the air conditioner. The fan is going and I have work to do, so that is where I think I will hide. "Oh honey, you know how hard I am working. Could you bring me another fruit punch please?" Somehow, I don't think that is going to work with Denise.
There is one thing that is on the positive side in all this. At least we don't live in Death Valley where it is going to be 129 degrees.
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Maybe this will help you cool off. I didn't take the picture though, Its not that great. |
Thursday, June 27, 2013
A Moving Story
Today, my story is a very moving one. Actually it is about moving. I look around our new house and in the garage and all I see is boxes that need to be unpacked.. By the way, thanks for all the offers from you to come by and help. We truly appreciate all the help.Hope that made you chuckle a bit, but I do thank the people that did come and help. It was hard moving two people from two different places. We made it to the wedding and still are alive after the experience of the wedding and the move along with other assorted bumps in the road.
Little by little the boxes are coming into the house. It seems as though the garage is growing, there is more and more space. Wait a minute, its not growing. We are just brings more stuff from out of it into the house. The exercise bike is still out there though. All right, we both don't like to sweat so give us a break. We have made a commitment to loose weight and the bike will come in eventually, but not after the Baskin and Robbins schedule has been made out. Got to keep the California dairy farmers in business. It is our civic duty.
My office is set up as I write this. All of my pictures are up and my cups and nic-nacs have been put on shelves and displayed. It is my home and I am comfortable in it. There is a recliner and a T.V. but no refrigerator (sory, no d in refridgerator-how about that, the dikshunary wurks). I didn't put a couch in there either. I think that you know where I am going with this. Denise loves me very much.
I am a happy camper. It is home as soon as my "Dogs Playing Poker" painting is up. I am staring at it as we speak. King Kong is also happy high atop his perch on the book case and he can endlessly stare at his beloved white ape. I can even listen to my "space music" on the little CD player radio I have on my desk in my office. Life is good.
I still have a few boxes to bring in from the garage, but I hope to do that today. It seems as though I have kept some things that I should have thrown away a long time ago, but I didn't. By the way, I didn't win anything from that banana contest at Wal Mart.
Home, Sweet Home-
Little by little the boxes are coming into the house. It seems as though the garage is growing, there is more and more space. Wait a minute, its not growing. We are just brings more stuff from out of it into the house. The exercise bike is still out there though. All right, we both don't like to sweat so give us a break. We have made a commitment to loose weight and the bike will come in eventually, but not after the Baskin and Robbins schedule has been made out. Got to keep the California dairy farmers in business. It is our civic duty.
My office is set up as I write this. All of my pictures are up and my cups and nic-nacs have been put on shelves and displayed. It is my home and I am comfortable in it. There is a recliner and a T.V. but no refrigerator (sory, no d in refridgerator-how about that, the dikshunary wurks). I didn't put a couch in there either. I think that you know where I am going with this. Denise loves me very much.
I am a happy camper. It is home as soon as my "Dogs Playing Poker" painting is up. I am staring at it as we speak. King Kong is also happy high atop his perch on the book case and he can endlessly stare at his beloved white ape. I can even listen to my "space music" on the little CD player radio I have on my desk in my office. Life is good.
I still have a few boxes to bring in from the garage, but I hope to do that today. It seems as though I have kept some things that I should have thrown away a long time ago, but I didn't. By the way, I didn't win anything from that banana contest at Wal Mart.
Home, Sweet Home-
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My office as it looks right now. You can just make out the "Dogs Playing Poker" painting on the right. |
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Not Guilty! Well, Sort Of
The verdict is in. Actually it isn't in because the decision has been given a continuance until
all parties could be present and the correct case could be presented. The hope is that the case won't be actually heard by the judge, but the two parties could come together with the mediator and decide on a fair resolution. At this point, this is going to be the case-- hopefully.
You never know about the American Judicial system. It is a good one and in most cases it gets it right. Sometimes though, it completely misses the boat and something happens that just doesn't make any sense. I am not being specific here, and I definitely will not state an opinion about today's Supreme Court rulings as I am not here to be very profound. According to Denise I can never be profound as my brain does not work that way. But given the system, it works in most cases. (O.J. Simpson?)
Here is what happened. Seth's dog Maya-I forgot, Seth is Denise's 19 year old son- got out of the back yard and ran free. She is an Alaskan Huskie, and a pretty big one at that. Maya is a good tempered dog but likes to play with smaller animals and doesn't know her own strength. The dog is sort of like Lennie in Of Mice and Men. ( Do you like how I threw that literary reference in there? Wow, sometimes I amaze myself. Off topic again, sorry that is just my brain working again.). Sometimes she doesn't know when enough is enough and crosses some strict societal boundaries of accepted behavior. After all, she is a dog.
As it turns out, Maya saw a chihuahua which lived down the street and decided to play football with it, using the chihuahua as the football. Huskies don't have hands to grasp the football, so she used her mouth to hold tightly onto the football-uh chihuahua. When Maya scored a touchdown, she decided to spike the ball-uh chihuahua-for the victory. The ball-uh chihuahua-didn't quite do well physically with this.
After expending all this energy scoring a touchdown and then doing her victory spike, she was hungry. There were no hot dog stands close by so she decided to use the closest thing, the ball-uh chihuahua. She didn't do it malisciously (where's that dikshunary?), she is a dog after all. The bottom line was Maya 1, the ball-uh chihuahua-0.
The ball-uh, chihuahua-was taken to the vet where a $800 plus veterinarian bill was incurred by the ball's-uh, chihuahua's-owner for repairing the injuries caused by Maya. I think that you can see where this is going. Who was responsible for this and who was going to pay the bill?
Denise was served with papers to appear in small claims court. I won't go into many details of what happened before and after she was served because my fingers are getting tired from typing and I am running out of words and ideas as to how to make this more humorous. I will cut to the chase-that was bad. At any rate, as I said before, Maya is not Denise's dog. She is Seth's dog. The owners of the ball-uh chihuahua-were suing the wrong person. They were suing Denise, who is not responsible for the dog or her actions because it is not her dog. The dog could not be sued because-well-she's a dog. Like many people in our entitlement generation, she is not responsible for her actions.
The mediator explained to the plaintiffs that they had two
options. First, they could go through the time and expense of re-filing their action naming Seth as the defendant. The second option was that they could meet with Seth and discuss the matter, and Seth could make arrangements to reimburse them for the $800 Vet bill. This was the route that was taken,with Denise telling the mediator that she would talk to Seth and have him in court on another day. Basically, the case did not go before the judge but was delayed until we could talk to Seth and come to an agreement, keeping it out of the court.
We live in a great country. Disputes can be settled in a civil manner without anyone getting hurt or angry. I wonder what the ball-uh chihuahua-thinks about this.
all parties could be present and the correct case could be presented. The hope is that the case won't be actually heard by the judge, but the two parties could come together with the mediator and decide on a fair resolution. At this point, this is going to be the case-- hopefully.
You never know about the American Judicial system. It is a good one and in most cases it gets it right. Sometimes though, it completely misses the boat and something happens that just doesn't make any sense. I am not being specific here, and I definitely will not state an opinion about today's Supreme Court rulings as I am not here to be very profound. According to Denise I can never be profound as my brain does not work that way. But given the system, it works in most cases. (O.J. Simpson?)
Here is what happened. Seth's dog Maya-I forgot, Seth is Denise's 19 year old son- got out of the back yard and ran free. She is an Alaskan Huskie, and a pretty big one at that. Maya is a good tempered dog but likes to play with smaller animals and doesn't know her own strength. The dog is sort of like Lennie in Of Mice and Men. ( Do you like how I threw that literary reference in there? Wow, sometimes I amaze myself. Off topic again, sorry that is just my brain working again.). Sometimes she doesn't know when enough is enough and crosses some strict societal boundaries of accepted behavior. After all, she is a dog.
As it turns out, Maya saw a chihuahua which lived down the street and decided to play football with it, using the chihuahua as the football. Huskies don't have hands to grasp the football, so she used her mouth to hold tightly onto the football-uh chihuahua. When Maya scored a touchdown, she decided to spike the ball-uh chihuahua-for the victory. The ball-uh chihuahua-didn't quite do well physically with this.
After expending all this energy scoring a touchdown and then doing her victory spike, she was hungry. There were no hot dog stands close by so she decided to use the closest thing, the ball-uh chihuahua. She didn't do it malisciously (where's that dikshunary?), she is a dog after all. The bottom line was Maya 1, the ball-uh chihuahua-0.
The ball-uh, chihuahua-was taken to the vet where a $800 plus veterinarian bill was incurred by the ball's-uh, chihuahua's-owner for repairing the injuries caused by Maya. I think that you can see where this is going. Who was responsible for this and who was going to pay the bill?
Denise was served with papers to appear in small claims court. I won't go into many details of what happened before and after she was served because my fingers are getting tired from typing and I am running out of words and ideas as to how to make this more humorous. I will cut to the chase-that was bad. At any rate, as I said before, Maya is not Denise's dog. She is Seth's dog. The owners of the ball-uh chihuahua-were suing the wrong person. They were suing Denise, who is not responsible for the dog or her actions because it is not her dog. The dog could not be sued because-well-she's a dog. Like many people in our entitlement generation, she is not responsible for her actions.
The mediator explained to the plaintiffs that they had two
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This is not Maya after the incident. It is my son and don't worry , its only make believe. |
We live in a great country. Disputes can be settled in a civil manner without anyone getting hurt or angry. I wonder what the ball-uh chihuahua-thinks about this.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Star Trek Lover (Or Not)...Vote Here
Do you know how difficult it is to come up with great ideas to write about each day or so. It is really a hard thing to do. Sometimes you have to just go with it. So here goes.
Yes, I admit that I am a Star Trek lover. Not to the point of being a Trekkie, but I do like my Star Trek. It seems as though it has a life of its own and is continually finding a new audience. To me, the original show was the best. It was the original screen plays and ideas that really drew me in. Afterall, who could forget "The Trouble With Tribbles"? The show was different and groundbreaking, all done with 1960's special effects. However I am giving you an opportunity to express your opinion. What do you think was the best Star Trek? Please vote your conscience. This will be one man or woman, one vote unless you live in Chicago and you do not need to be registered to vote or a citizen of the U.S., as I do live in California.
Let's be progressive about this.
These are not listed in chronological order so as not to influence the vote.
1) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
2.) Star Trek Voyager
3.) Star Trek Enterprise
4.) Star Trek New Generation: The Movies
5.) Star Trek The New Movies (I Haven't seen the new one yet.)
6.) The Original Star Trek (Vote for this one. It is truly the best.)
7.) The Original Star Trek Movies
8.) I don't give a rip about Star Trek. Trekkies are strange people and need to get a life. It is the stupidist series of shows ever to reach the galaxy. (OK, that was a bit cute. Just thought I would spice things up a bit.)
9.) Write in......................................................................
Now vote for your favorite. There is no toll free number to call and you can't text in your vote. Voting closes tonight at midnight, depending on your time-zone so please vote soon. Those of you who are on the other side of the International Dateline will be casting an advisory vote only.
Yes, I admit that I am a Star Trek lover. Not to the point of being a Trekkie, but I do like my Star Trek. It seems as though it has a life of its own and is continually finding a new audience. To me, the original show was the best. It was the original screen plays and ideas that really drew me in. Afterall, who could forget "The Trouble With Tribbles"? The show was different and groundbreaking, all done with 1960's special effects. However I am giving you an opportunity to express your opinion. What do you think was the best Star Trek? Please vote your conscience. This will be one man or woman, one vote unless you live in Chicago and you do not need to be registered to vote or a citizen of the U.S., as I do live in California.
Let's be progressive about this.
These are not listed in chronological order so as not to influence the vote.
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No, I didn't have one of these before I wrote this. I did have my coffee though. |
2.) Star Trek Voyager
3.) Star Trek Enterprise
4.) Star Trek New Generation: The Movies
5.) Star Trek The New Movies (I Haven't seen the new one yet.)
6.) The Original Star Trek (Vote for this one. It is truly the best.)
7.) The Original Star Trek Movies
8.) I don't give a rip about Star Trek. Trekkies are strange people and need to get a life. It is the stupidist series of shows ever to reach the galaxy. (OK, that was a bit cute. Just thought I would spice things up a bit.)
9.) Write in......................................................................
Now vote for your favorite. There is no toll free number to call and you can't text in your vote. Voting closes tonight at midnight, depending on your time-zone so please vote soon. Those of you who are on the other side of the International Dateline will be casting an advisory vote only.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Bought A New Book
I bot a new book today. I think it is called a dikshunary. As you know, I have truble spelling at times so I had hoped that this mite help when a word just didn't seem spelled rite. At any rate, it wasn't that expensive to buy and I thot I mite need it someday.
As a profesionel riter, it is my duty to be able to put things down and have them spelled korektly. There is a standard amongst us profeshunal riters and we are held to a hier level of performance. Our riting has to be corect in all aspects of its presentashun. That means the words have to be spelled properly. The words also have to be used with their ther meanings as well. That is why I bought the dictionery, so that I can bring to you in my riting that hier standerd.
At this point, my speling woes have been fixed hopefully. Time will tell, but I will promiz you that I will use the book whenever I am stumped on the corect spelling of a word. I owe that hi standard of profeshunalizm to you my readers.
Denise asked me this morning if I was interested in dinosaurs. She told me that I should get a book that talks about a particular dinosaur. I told her that I was too old to be interested in buying anything related to the dinosaurs. I think she called it a Thesaurus. By the way, was the Thesaurus a plant eater or a meat eater and which period did it live in?
You will be happy to know that I am drinking my first cup of coffee right now as we speak.
P.S. Was that a better post Louis?
As a profesionel riter, it is my duty to be able to put things down and have them spelled korektly. There is a standard amongst us profeshunal riters and we are held to a hier level of performance. Our riting has to be corect in all aspects of its presentashun. That means the words have to be spelled properly. The words also have to be used with their ther meanings as well. That is why I bought the dictionery, so that I can bring to you in my riting that hier standerd.
At this point, my speling woes have been fixed hopefully. Time will tell, but I will promiz you that I will use the book whenever I am stumped on the corect spelling of a word. I owe that hi standard of profeshunalizm to you my readers.
Denise asked me this morning if I was interested in dinosaurs. She told me that I should get a book that talks about a particular dinosaur. I told her that I was too old to be interested in buying anything related to the dinosaurs. I think she called it a Thesaurus. By the way, was the Thesaurus a plant eater or a meat eater and which period did it live in?
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Many of these guys are dinosaurs, but don't tell them I said that. Not the right kind of dinosaurs either. If you recognize yourself in this picture don't feel offended, I do this out of love. |
P.S. Was that a better post Louis?
Saturday, June 22, 2013
It's Saturday...Unless You Are In Japan
It's Saturday today. That means that today is a day off, so don't expect a post on my blog. I am off to do some fun stuff, so today is not a work day. Let me see what fun things are on my agenda for today.
Hmmm...let me see. First I have to bring in as many of the boxes left in the garage that are filled with moving stuff as I can. Those three recliners we brought from Denise's house need to find a home somewhere so have to be moved from where they are outside the house into their final resting place in the house. I vote the dump, but I probably would wind up in the dump as well if we did that.
Next, I have to get the last of the stuff that is supposed to go into my office into my office. that is ok, because most of that stuff is papers that need to be gone through and thrown away. Wait a minute, I still have use for that receipt from Wal Mart when I bought those bananas four years ago. Maybe the banana lobby has been trying to get in touch with me in order to reward that 5 million dollar prize in that banana buying contest. I haven't forgotten those words "Proof of purchase required". Maybe I won and don't know it. Maybe I will keep my divorce papers from my first marriage as they may be important in the future.
It's going to rain probably early Monday morning. We have a piano in a crate in our back yard that needs to get out of the elements so we are going to try to bring it into the garage. Why a piano in our back yard you ask? Because it wouldn't fit in the garage, especially when we have a 6'6" Chickering Grand Piano sitting in the middle of the garage on the garage floor. That's another story in and of itself by the way. I am learning a lot about pianos and how to and not to move them.
Times a waisting and it is Saturday you know. I don't have time to post today, it is time to get to the fun stuff
Hmmm...let me see. First I have to bring in as many of the boxes left in the garage that are filled with moving stuff as I can. Those three recliners we brought from Denise's house need to find a home somewhere so have to be moved from where they are outside the house into their final resting place in the house. I vote the dump, but I probably would wind up in the dump as well if we did that.
Next, I have to get the last of the stuff that is supposed to go into my office into my office. that is ok, because most of that stuff is papers that need to be gone through and thrown away. Wait a minute, I still have use for that receipt from Wal Mart when I bought those bananas four years ago. Maybe the banana lobby has been trying to get in touch with me in order to reward that 5 million dollar prize in that banana buying contest. I haven't forgotten those words "Proof of purchase required". Maybe I won and don't know it. Maybe I will keep my divorce papers from my first marriage as they may be important in the future.
It's going to rain probably early Monday morning. We have a piano in a crate in our back yard that needs to get out of the elements so we are going to try to bring it into the garage. Why a piano in our back yard you ask? Because it wouldn't fit in the garage, especially when we have a 6'6" Chickering Grand Piano sitting in the middle of the garage on the garage floor. That's another story in and of itself by the way. I am learning a lot about pianos and how to and not to move them.
Times a waisting and it is Saturday you know. I don't have time to post today, it is time to get to the fun stuff
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Oh well, maybe a nap later. |
Friday, June 21, 2013
A Truly Moving Experience
Halelujah, the move is finally over. That is the moves from Merced and the move from my apartment. Denise moved to Fresno as I have said and I moved from my apartment to our house together. The wedding went quite well, by the way. Now comes the fun part and we are in the middle of the move as we speak. Technically, not as we speak but as I write this, but you get the idea.
We packed it all up and moved it all, me with my two boxes of stuff from my apartment and Denise with her 26ft U-Haul truck and two loads of 24ft U-Haul trailer loads as well as a couple of loads in a friend's van from her house. OK, maybe I had three boxes, but I was only moving an apartment. She was moving a house with all her possessions.
I want to be fair about this and I am looking at the couch right now. It does look fairly comfortable to sleep on. She did have more to move and I don't want to get into too much trouble. You do know that exaggeration makes for great humor. Ha, ha. How do you spell exaggeration any way?
Now comes the fun part of moving. Once you get everything into the vans or trailers, one little car trunk load for me and the 26ft U-haul truck and two 24ft U-haul trailer loads with a couple of loads in a friend's van for Denise, you get to unload the one little car trunk load for me and the 26ft. U-haul truck and two 24ft. U- haul trailer loads along with the couple of loads of the friend's van. Where do you put the stuff-furniture, boxes and such- until you can put it all away way in their proper places on the wall and in the rooms etc..
I look for the fun to continue for another 12 to 24 years. I am hoping that all will be put away as a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary gift to Denise.
All kidding aside, you know that is hard for me, I have married a wonderful woman. Things are being put away and we are almost done. The house is shaping up and I look forward to all the fond memories we will have together living in this house.
We packed it all up and moved it all, me with my two boxes of stuff from my apartment and Denise with her 26ft U-Haul truck and two loads of 24ft U-Haul trailer loads as well as a couple of loads in a friend's van from her house. OK, maybe I had three boxes, but I was only moving an apartment. She was moving a house with all her possessions.
I want to be fair about this and I am looking at the couch right now. It does look fairly comfortable to sleep on. She did have more to move and I don't want to get into too much trouble. You do know that exaggeration makes for great humor. Ha, ha. How do you spell exaggeration any way?
Now comes the fun part of moving. Once you get everything into the vans or trailers, one little car trunk load for me and the 26ft U-haul truck and two 24ft U-haul trailer loads with a couple of loads in a friend's van for Denise, you get to unload the one little car trunk load for me and the 26ft. U-haul truck and two 24ft. U- haul trailer loads along with the couple of loads of the friend's van. Where do you put the stuff-furniture, boxes and such- until you can put it all away way in their proper places on the wall and in the rooms etc..
I look for the fun to continue for another 12 to 24 years. I am hoping that all will be put away as a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary gift to Denise.
All kidding aside, you know that is hard for me, I have married a wonderful woman. Things are being put away and we are almost done. The house is shaping up and I look forward to all the fond memories we will have together living in this house.
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A beautiful house, don't you think? It's not ours. |
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Homey Don't Feel To Good Today
I think I caught a bug somewhere. My body aches and I feel like my head is 1000 feet under water. No fever, I really don't get a fever when I get a cold or the flu and I don't know why. What I know right now is I feel "yucky". Every muscle, yes I do have muscles, in my body hurts and I have no energy.
Most of the time when a bug comes to visit me I really don't get ugly sick. I don't get to the point that I run a high fever and my stomach hurts. Generally it is just a "yuck" that comes over me. I feel warm, but when I go to check my temperature, I never have one. So, excuse me because I am going back to bed.
I realize that this is a not so great post today, but my brain is somewhere in Minnesota today. It must be the fever. Oh, I forgot, I don't have a fever. I still feel terrible.
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That's the bulldozer that I think ran over me. |
I realize that this is a not so great post today, but my brain is somewhere in Minnesota today. It must be the fever. Oh, I forgot, I don't have a fever. I still feel terrible.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Space...Not The Final Frontier
I remember William Shatner opening Star Trek with the words "Space, the final frontier". Of course there were others such as the bald headed guy on Next Generation, but Bill Shatner was the first and in my opinion the best. Space is the final frontier, but in this case not the final frontier or the space you would think. I am talking about my home office and it is not "The Final Frontier" but my frontier and special space. This is my space in the new house, and it is me.
To the world, I may be considered an odd nut. My tastes in spacial decoration as far as wall space is concerned may be a bit "out there" but that is OK, especially when it is my apartment and I live alone. However, the marriage has presented itself with some new challenges. Denise isn't exactly thrilled by having a stuffed King Kong climbing a towel rack to get to the top of a picture of the Empire State Building. Don't worry, the biplanes are buzzing about ready for him.
To me, my apartment bathroom "King Kong" motif told quite a story. It was art. Unfortunately, some people don't appreciate some forms of art. After the marriage ceremony and we moved into the new house, choices had to be made. Love is strong, but Kong and his struggle up the Empire State Building had to go. I had to explain this to Kong and he was very understanding. I told him that I would give him a place of honor in my new home office.
Kong now sits on top of a bookcase overlooking and protecting the entrance to my home office. It is truly a place of respect and importance. He is very appreciative of this honor, but is even more appreciative of the fact that I have thought of him and that I have found him a companion ape. He is very happy in that she is a good conversationalist and companion. They are going slow on their relationship as she lives high atop the bookcase across the room and refuses to move in with him on his bookcase. She is a bit old-fashioned about this which I like.
One more thing and this doesn't have to do with Kong. I know that this post started out talking about my new office and how I plan to make it my own space. I have yet again gone off on a tangent, but I wanted to explain that Kong was an integral part of my decorating philosophy. I am proud of how I have decorated my office and the things that are key to my enjoyment of the room. I have made it mine. I will revisit this in future posts.
To the world, I may be considered an odd nut. My tastes in spacial decoration as far as wall space is concerned may be a bit "out there" but that is OK, especially when it is my apartment and I live alone. However, the marriage has presented itself with some new challenges. Denise isn't exactly thrilled by having a stuffed King Kong climbing a towel rack to get to the top of a picture of the Empire State Building. Don't worry, the biplanes are buzzing about ready for him.
To me, my apartment bathroom "King Kong" motif told quite a story. It was art. Unfortunately, some people don't appreciate some forms of art. After the marriage ceremony and we moved into the new house, choices had to be made. Love is strong, but Kong and his struggle up the Empire State Building had to go. I had to explain this to Kong and he was very understanding. I told him that I would give him a place of honor in my new home office.
Kong now sits on top of a bookcase overlooking and protecting the entrance to my home office. It is truly a place of respect and importance. He is very appreciative of this honor, but is even more appreciative of the fact that I have thought of him and that I have found him a companion ape. He is very happy in that she is a good conversationalist and companion. They are going slow on their relationship as she lives high atop the bookcase across the room and refuses to move in with him on his bookcase. She is a bit old-fashioned about this which I like.
One more thing and this doesn't have to do with Kong. I know that this post started out talking about my new office and how I plan to make it my own space. I have yet again gone off on a tangent, but I wanted to explain that Kong was an integral part of my decorating philosophy. I am proud of how I have decorated my office and the things that are key to my enjoyment of the room. I have made it mine. I will revisit this in future posts.
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Well Done, loyal and faithful servant. |
Monday, June 17, 2013
Hello Again From Here
Don't get mad at me for not posting since May. I have been a bit busy. My life has gone through a few changes, and I guess that is good. I didn't quite expect these changes in such a short time. My life is based on consistency, and change is not my friend. In this case, change has been for the better.
Here it is folks, in a nutshell. I know those of you who know me say that it is impossible for me in any way to share an abridged version of my thoughts, but here goes in a list in chronological order all within a space of two weeks:
1.) Packed up and moved from my apartment to a house.
2.) Packed up and moved my fiancee from her house 60 miles away to our house in Fresno where we will be living together. More about this in later posts, or maybe not because she reads my posts.
3.) Moved my fiancee's son from the house that she was living in to his cousin's house
3.5.) Moved my fiancee's other son from his apartment in Merced to my old apartment in Fresno where I lived with my son where he will be rooming with my son in the apartment I moved out of.
4.) Moved and took to the landfill in Merced two derelict piano's from my fiancee's garage.
5.) My mother died, I am not kidding about this, and we had a memorial service for her.
6.) Got married, yes to my fiancee and not another woman.
Wow, what a fun and exciting couple of weeks. And by the way, I haven't played golf in several weeks.
Here it is folks, in a nutshell. I know those of you who know me say that it is impossible for me in any way to share an abridged version of my thoughts, but here goes in a list in chronological order all within a space of two weeks:
1.) Packed up and moved from my apartment to a house.
2.) Packed up and moved my fiancee from her house 60 miles away to our house in Fresno where we will be living together. More about this in later posts, or maybe not because she reads my posts.
3.) Moved my fiancee's son from the house that she was living in to his cousin's house
3.5.) Moved my fiancee's other son from his apartment in Merced to my old apartment in Fresno where I lived with my son where he will be rooming with my son in the apartment I moved out of.
4.) Moved and took to the landfill in Merced two derelict piano's from my fiancee's garage.
5.) My mother died, I am not kidding about this, and we had a memorial service for her.
6.) Got married, yes to my fiancee and not another woman.
Wow, what a fun and exciting couple of weeks. And by the way, I haven't played golf in several weeks.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
ll Hail The Mighty Yard Sale! Part Two
So I went off on a sort of tangent yesterday. That's what happens when you have ADHD. Oh well, you will have to just bear with me on that one. I have explained many times to you that I have a tendency to do that as the thoughts race through my head. Those of you who live in Bulgaria, and I welcome you by the way, will just have to go with the flow.
Which brings something up I just thought of. My Bulgarian friend is probably reading this and wondering what the heck "go with the flow" means. After all, I am not a river or stream. Let me explain it this way. "Going with the flow" means to not try to think about what I am trying to say but just enjoy it for what it is. Should you undertake the task of trying to figure out what I am trying to say, it won't help and you may get to the place of total confusion. I find myself in that place many times and I am the one who is writing this. Believe me, I have tried to figure out exactly what I am saying and have not been overly successful. At times, I scare myself. In the meantime I have this advice--go with the flow.
Which brings something up I just thought of. My Bulgarian friend is probably reading this and wondering what the heck "go with the flow" means. After all, I am not a river or stream. Let me explain it this way. "Going with the flow" means to not try to think about what I am trying to say but just enjoy it for what it is. Should you undertake the task of trying to figure out what I am trying to say, it won't help and you may get to the place of total confusion. I find myself in that place many times and I am the one who is writing this. Believe me, I have tried to figure out exactly what I am saying and have not been overly successful. At times, I scare myself. In the meantime I have this advice--go with the flow.
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Kelsey Vinyard Winery in Avila Beach, Ca. What does it have to do with the post today? Absolutely nothing, but I thought you would enjoy the picture. |
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
All Hail, The Mighty Yard Sale!
In this wonderful American culture of our's lives the ultimate entrepaneur. OK, so I can't spell entrepeneur ,but that word is French and we all know how we feel about the French. I like the French, it's just that they have a weird language. I guess it could be said that English is kind of strange as well, and you can figure out what I mean by threw and through. What does that have to do with yard sales, absolutely nothing and I don't want to insult the French even though they talk rather funny. I still can't spell entrepeneur.
What was I trying to say? I forgot, oh yes I was going to comment on that peculiar--see, I can spell peculiar--American institution of the yard sale. Many of us know it as "The Garage Sale". Why would anyone want to sell their garage or yards. Aren't they a part of the home? You would think that if you were going to sell a house, the yard or garage would be part of the sale. Some houses don't come with a garage. Does that mean that in years gone by that the owners sold the garage in a garage sale? Food for thought, so think about that one. I try not to. Some houses, especially on the East Coast in larger cities don't come with yards. Did the owners sell those off? Some houses don't come with either yard or garage, is that an indication that their owners were really hard up for cash? Who knows?
I want to make it clear to you, my readers, that I am totally sober at this point and don't drink. My son did bring back some wine from the Central California Coast this weekend but I only had one glass so far. I don't drink, well an occasional glass of wine for the health and such but that is all. By the way, if you are concerned I did have my coffee this morning. It's just that with moving and getting married and such, it is beginning to effect me.
What was I trying to say? I forgot, oh yes I was going to comment on that peculiar--see, I can spell peculiar--American institution of the yard sale. Many of us know it as "The Garage Sale". Why would anyone want to sell their garage or yards. Aren't they a part of the home? You would think that if you were going to sell a house, the yard or garage would be part of the sale. Some houses don't come with a garage. Does that mean that in years gone by that the owners sold the garage in a garage sale? Food for thought, so think about that one. I try not to. Some houses, especially on the East Coast in larger cities don't come with yards. Did the owners sell those off? Some houses don't come with either yard or garage, is that an indication that their owners were really hard up for cash? Who knows?
I want to make it clear to you, my readers, that I am totally sober at this point and don't drink. My son did bring back some wine from the Central California Coast this weekend but I only had one glass so far. I don't drink, well an occasional glass of wine for the health and such but that is all. By the way, if you are concerned I did have my coffee this morning. It's just that with moving and getting married and such, it is beginning to effect me.
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With this post I was really just horsing around. |
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Move! Move! Move!
No, I am not running a mile. I am not on a treadmill or track. I don't have a personal trainer screaming in my ear. I'm in the process of moving from my apartment to a house to share with my future bride. There is a line in Lethal Weapon One where Danny Glover tells Mel Gibson "I'm too old for this..." Oh, how right he was. I'm getting too old for this. Hopefully, this is the last time.
Do you realize just how much junk you accumulate in 59 years? It seems as though it is like a virus. As you throw things away, there is always two thing that pop up for every one thing you throw away. What am I doing, growing bermuda grass? By the way, why do I need this receipt from J.C Penny's for the underwear I bought in 1979? Oh wait, I may need it for the nostalgic piece on life in the 70's that I will never do.
Do you realize just how much junk you accumulate in 59 years? It seems as though it is like a virus. As you throw things away, there is always two thing that pop up for every one thing you throw away. What am I doing, growing bermuda grass? By the way, why do I need this receipt from J.C Penny's for the underwear I bought in 1979? Oh wait, I may need it for the nostalgic piece on life in the 70's that I will never do.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Bail Out! Bail Out! Bail Out! Part two
You know, I love going to traffic court. It is kind of like getting your wisdom tooth pulled. In most cases, you know you did what you did but think that you can truly get away with something. Believe it or not, the judge really is there to help you, and wants to help.
I would not do well as a traffic judge. I really admire and respect them for what they do. They sit on a bench and read traffic citations all day and have to listen to a bunch of hair brained stories from people who are really guilty. That's what a ticket is for. A traffic enforcer has caught you red handed in whatever you have done. Be it speeding or whatever, if you get a ticket you are toast. Pay the fine, case closed. If I were a traffic court judge and someone came before me to tell me they were not guilty of a traffic violation with the ticket in their hand and try to plead not guilty wasting my time, I would sentence them to 100 years in Vacavile State Prison.
Here is the bottom line on all this and my experience yesterday with my day in court. I learned a valuable lesson. Don't make a U turn on Shaw and Palm Ave. in Fresno while Christmas Tree Lane is going on. Observe the "No U Turn" signs that you can't see and don't make a U turn, especially when there are signs you can't see telling you that. It will cost you $300 and bus fare down to Superior Court in downtown Fresno. Boy, am I glad that the prisons in California are overcrowded. I didn't mean to yell at you, Your Honor. Case closed.
I would not do well as a traffic judge. I really admire and respect them for what they do. They sit on a bench and read traffic citations all day and have to listen to a bunch of hair brained stories from people who are really guilty. That's what a ticket is for. A traffic enforcer has caught you red handed in whatever you have done. Be it speeding or whatever, if you get a ticket you are toast. Pay the fine, case closed. If I were a traffic court judge and someone came before me to tell me they were not guilty of a traffic violation with the ticket in their hand and try to plead not guilty wasting my time, I would sentence them to 100 years in Vacavile State Prison.
Here is the bottom line on all this and my experience yesterday with my day in court. I learned a valuable lesson. Don't make a U turn on Shaw and Palm Ave. in Fresno while Christmas Tree Lane is going on. Observe the "No U Turn" signs that you can't see and don't make a U turn, especially when there are signs you can't see telling you that. It will cost you $300 and bus fare down to Superior Court in downtown Fresno. Boy, am I glad that the prisons in California are overcrowded. I didn't mean to yell at you, Your Honor. Case closed.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Bail Out! Bail Out! Bail Out!
This may seem like a very unusual title for a blog post, but it is appropriate for today. I have to go to traffic court. In fact I am late so this is going to be it for today. I will have more for you maybe later or tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Been Away Far Too Long
Yes, I have been away far too long. Working a book has been very exciting, but I have neglected my blog for far too long. The bottom line is, I enjoy writing and sharing with you. The blog allows me to do some different writing, sharing my crazy thoughts and humor. What was amazing to me is the number of you who have been following it and been reading it even though I haven't posted for a few months. I thank you for that, and want to let you know that I will be more faithful to you as far as writing.
Yes, you have heard this before, but you must understand that this is not easy and it truly taxes my small brain in a mighty way. Bottom line is I enjoy writing it and truly enjoy the fact that you are reading it. Actually, I am shocked that you are reading it. Ok, I used bottom line one too many times here, but that is the bottom line and I want to share the bottom line with you. The bottom line is so important, and if you don't keep that bottom line in focus, you can miss the bottom line altogether. What am I saying here? I flat don't know. Bear with me here, you know I have a tendency to ramble.
Anyway, welcome back and I hope that my writing will add a little humor to you life.
Yes, you have heard this before, but you must understand that this is not easy and it truly taxes my small brain in a mighty way. Bottom line is I enjoy writing it and truly enjoy the fact that you are reading it. Actually, I am shocked that you are reading it. Ok, I used bottom line one too many times here, but that is the bottom line and I want to share the bottom line with you. The bottom line is so important, and if you don't keep that bottom line in focus, you can miss the bottom line altogether. What am I saying here? I flat don't know. Bear with me here, you know I have a tendency to ramble.
Anyway, welcome back and I hope that my writing will add a little humor to you life.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Chcolate Brownie With Hot Fudge Sauce and A Scoop of Ice Cream
Lat night it was a chocolate brownie smothered in hot fudge and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Was it great! Did I have a good night's sleep? NO!
Don't worry, I didn't get arrested and the cows didn't get out of the fence. There was something about Denise's lost brother who is a multi-millionaire. I asked her about this in the morning after I woke up, but she denied it very strongly. Is she hiding something? OK, in her defense, this was a dream with no base in reality. The last few night have been really weird as far as dreams are concerned.
The dream kept occurring all night. I would try to get another dream going, but to no avail. My eyes would close and I would drift off to sleep but the saga of the rich brother kept coming through. He was a nice fellow, but even Denise didn't know who he was. I know, I asked her--several times. That is a good thing, Denise being in my dreams, because now my beloved Denise is in my dreams. I guess I was right when I kept saying she was truly the woman of my dreams. Now she is part of them, along with her non-existent rich brother.
It seems as though my last few posts have been a bit strange. I have an excuse, it is a lack of sleep. In the last four nights, I have only had one good night. If the dancing elephants show up tonight, I know I am in big trouble.
Don't worry, I didn't get arrested and the cows didn't get out of the fence. There was something about Denise's lost brother who is a multi-millionaire. I asked her about this in the morning after I woke up, but she denied it very strongly. Is she hiding something? OK, in her defense, this was a dream with no base in reality. The last few night have been really weird as far as dreams are concerned.
The dream kept occurring all night. I would try to get another dream going, but to no avail. My eyes would close and I would drift off to sleep but the saga of the rich brother kept coming through. He was a nice fellow, but even Denise didn't know who he was. I know, I asked her--several times. That is a good thing, Denise being in my dreams, because now my beloved Denise is in my dreams. I guess I was right when I kept saying she was truly the woman of my dreams. Now she is part of them, along with her non-existent rich brother.
It seems as though my last few posts have been a bit strange. I have an excuse, it is a lack of sleep. In the last four nights, I have only had one good night. If the dancing elephants show up tonight, I know I am in big trouble.
Friday, March 8, 2013
What About Chop Suey-Chow Mein
I didn't have brussel sprouts last night. I was scared. We went to have Chinese food at a local Chinese restaurant. Their food is fantastic, but I wasn't exactly sure how the food would affect me. I am happy to report that I slept well last night with no scary dreams. By the way, they found the pick up truck.
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