No, I am not running a mile. I am not on a treadmill or track. I don't have a personal trainer screaming in my ear. I'm in the process of moving from my apartment to a house to share with my future bride. There is a line in Lethal Weapon One where Danny Glover tells Mel Gibson "I'm too old for this..." Oh, how right he was. I'm getting too old for this. Hopefully, this is the last time.
Do you realize just how much junk you accumulate in 59 years? It seems as though it is like a virus. As you throw things away, there is always two thing that pop up for every one thing you throw away. What am I doing, growing bermuda grass? By the way, why do I need this receipt from J.C Penny's for the underwear I bought in 1979? Oh wait, I may need it for the nostalgic piece on life in the 70's that I will never do.
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