Thursday, February 7, 2013

Do We Really Need....?

     Recently, today actually, I was reminded of how much we depend on the electronic devices we use in our present day.  How much do we really need them? Isn't it interesting that when you have them taken away, life really changes?  What would life be like without these things?
     I am finding out very quickly.  My financial situation is a disaster and I have lost my TV, cell phone and car. There is a silver lining in this though. I am able to see the humor in all this and keep soldiering on.  There is a lot happening in my life that I would have missed had I still had my face buried in the TV.  I have met some good new friends riding the bus and have had some great conversations with these friends.  The bus drivers know me now and I get a chance to talk to them. I am engaged to a very beautiful lady and we will marry soon.  You kind of take a good look at some priorities.
    The phone is not ringing off the hook.  Wait a minute, I have a cell phone and it doesn't have a hook.  You don't have to pick up a receiver.  Let's get basic here, how many of you out there even know what a phone receiver is?  Forgot about that one and boy am I dating myself.  It is pretty quiet around here.
     Direct TV has an interesting notice when you are behind in your bill.  They call it a 721 notice.  I have figured out that when you add 7 plus 2 plus 1 it equals 8.  Isn't that special.  They kind of get upset when you don't pay the bill. It sure is quiet in this house.
I could use one of these about now.  A Margarita, not a  topless belly dancer.  I just wanted to clear that up.
     Have you ever had a bank mad at you?  They don't like it either when you don't make your car payment.  They have a tendency to want their property back. The repo guy thought I was crazy when he took my car and I said "thank you".  I wish I had a camera.  Again, I am enjoying riding the bus and will soon purchase a car for cash that can't be repoed.
     I need to write and the many distractions of these modern conveniences have gotten in my way.  As I have said before, with my attention deficit disorder I get easily distracted. I am going to use this time to write and to set up the marketing campaign to market my writing.  I couldn't do it with all the distractions.
     I sincerely feel that I am being tested to see how I survive through all this.  I will NOT borrow any more money.  I will get out of this much stronger and wiser. Things will get better.  I have my apartment, the fridge is full of food and the coffee can is full of french roast beans that I will grind for my morning coffee. I have a fiancee that loves me.  What more do I need. I still have my internet, my free slots on Facebook and my sense of humor--for today at least.
     Here is the bottom line for all of this.  I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!! I WILL SUCCEED!!!

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