Sundey at church I run into a lady who did riting inservices. It semes she was an editer at a nereby newspaper. I sey, who nedes an editer? The key to the hole thing is to rite, get yur ideas on paper. Who cares if the grammer is rite. I get so angrie when peeple tell me how to write and wat is corect. Speling is not importent, as the idea is what counts. Why stop to tak the time to revize what yu have ritten for corect sentences and gramer as well as speling. How about making shure that yu have said what you said and made it clere? Wunce it it down, it should be purfect.
If you are a potential client wanting to hire me for a writing project, please understand that this post is tongue-in-cheek. I do edit my writing and proofread everything that I write. As a writer, sometimes things get by you, but not intentionally. I want everything to be perfect with very high standards for my writing, especially for a client. I prufreed wverything.
Not one of your better posts, Dad. |
Jason, I hope you didn't read today's post.
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