Saturday, January 18, 2014

Today Is Saturday

     Today is Saturday, I think. It is the weekend, the time most people take off to rest up for the next work week. It is a time to do the relaxing things people do on their own time such as golf or tennis, take a walk, wash the car, mow their lawns, do their taxes or just sleep in until noon as Denise is doing today.  That's OK though, she has earned it and she is not feeling well--More power to her.  I'm retired, so everyday is a Saturday to me, not really.
     I know that I have mentioned this to you before.  The Japanese live on the other side of the International Dateline, so it is Sunday over there. I also feel that I have beaten this difference between us and the correct time in Japan so much in this blog that it is like beating a dead horse--sorry animal lovers, that's just an expression and I would never beat a dead horse.  
     As I have said, I am retired and proud of it.  Being retired is a bit of a misnomer however.  Yes I did retire from teaching and receive a pretty good pension--at least it was pretty good until the disaster hit.  Not having to go to a "job" has allowed me to pursue other interests and occupations.  That's why I write. As a writer, I must pursue other "life experiences" such as being a starving artist. That is all right for now and explains why I am working on a Saturday.
     At least I am doing what I want to do--and starving at it.  That experience is good for me and is an indication that I am on my way to becoming a successful writer.  All the greats did it and became famous, especially after they died. I am getting closer to "making it", I just hope that I don't take the posthumous route. In the greater scheme of how the world works, the question could be asked, "Who cares?"
     This probably has been the stupidest, most disjointed post I have had for a long time. It most likely is.  Just remember, Its Saturday and I am in here working.  Today is going to be a whopping 70 degrees and I should be on the golf course because I am retired
Oh, Baby.  Where I should be this warm sunny day.

Where I am right now, slaving away on this beautiful Saturday morning.

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