Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cereal Serial...Part Three (And Final Part-Probably)

     Cereal, whether it is made from wheat, corn, oats or rice is good for you and really gets you off to a good start nutritiously in the morning.  I know this. It says that on the sugar smacks commercial I always see on TV.  TV doesn't lie. The commercial says "Sugar Smacks--Part of a nutritious breakfast." and just like the internet--TV doesn't lie.  Its the truth.
     We are all very fortunate to have these wonderful breakfast concoctions to make life better.  They have truly added to our lives in a positive way.  How else would we get our dosage of quick energy in the morning than from a freshly poured bowl of Cap'n Crunch and a cup of coffee.  There is a lot of good stuff in Cap'n Crunch Cereal.  Look at all that nutrition derived from oats. Read the label on the box. The sugar alone should keep you going at least a half hour after you have eaten them. Again, it is part of a nutritious breakfast. The same is true for Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms and Sugar Pops.  Let's not forget the king of breakfast cereals, Kelloggs Sugar Frosted Flakes. Can you say "Power Breakfast"?
     I will admit it, I love Fruit Loops.  In fact, I have been accused of being a Fruit Loop but that's another story. As you know, I am full of other stories as well as other unmentionable stuff but we won't go there. The Fruit Loop is perhaps the most critical invention in the history of man.  Just think about it for a minute.  It is truly a miracle breakthrough in nutrition.
     Let's talk about the mighty Fruit Loop for a minute, shall we?  They are a nutritional giant.  Think about it for a minute. Nutritional experts tell us we should get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.  There you have it, the mighty Fruit Loop. Not only do you get the goodness of grain--which grain I don't know, I think it is corn--but you get your servings of fruit as well. You get the goodness of cherries from the red loop, the vitamin C from the orange loop and also the yellow lemon and green lime loop. That saves the time of actually peeling an orange or washing cherries of their pesticides. That's American ingenuity at its best--only in America. It kind of takes your breath away.
     I tried to invent my own breakfast cereal, but neither Post nor Kellogg's would have anything to do with it.  I tried to chop up Snicker bars and threw in some Reese's Pieces just for good measure in a bowl and poured milk on it. OK, I will admit that it didn't quite work but what the heck.  I thought I would give it a try. Just think of all that nutrition and protein that is in a Snicker bar.
That's my son.  He is a Fruit Loop just like me. That gives me an idea. How about a cereal based on a bacon wrapped corn dog.  What an idea!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Cereal Serial...Part 2

     I suppose that a serial entry should be no more than a day apart.  Is that a written rule?  I don't know. Give me a break, I have been busy. Besides, haven't you been anxiously awaiting this installment of Cereal Serial excited by the fact that you are going to be enlightened on the subject of cereal? Isn't that a topic that you have been dying to explore all your life and the information I give to you--you can't live without? OK, maybe its not that important (you know, I had that its-it's thing pretty well figured out for a time but I lost it) and you can live without that information, but here goes anyway.  Besides, I want to get you thinking.
      Excuse me for a minute, I have to go back and read what I wrote in Cerieal Serial Part 1. Yada-yada, yada-yada, yada, yada, yada yada.  OK, I'm ready. See, now you have to go back and read it.  If you haven't done that already, I just want to let you know that there will be a test.I just poured myself a bowl of Cherios and I am ready to go.
     Who invented cereal for breakfast anyway.  I think Mr. Kellogg had something to do with it.  He felt that cornmeal pressed into flakes and served over milk was a contributor of good health.  He also believed in coffee enimas as well, so I am not sure as to the validity of his claims.  At any rate, he did give us one of the forerunners of the modern day breakfast cereal, the corn flake.  It is still around today, and you probably are enjoying a bowl of corn flakes as we speak.  If you are, great. Why not add some sugar stuck to the flakes.  Voila! Tony the Tiger is born and hawking Sugar Frosted Flakes. Dr. Kellogg probably turned over in his grave for that one.
    I have much more to say on this. You will just have to wait, I'm sorry.  I have to go enjoy my Cherios before they get soggy.

I know its a bad picture, but it will have to do in a pinch. This was a great breakfast, but where are the corn flakes?


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cereal Serial--Part One

     Did you like that title? I did. Sometimes I crack myself up. I have cracked myself up before, especially after totaling three cars-for those of you not in the US and unfamiliar with American slang, totaling means crashing a car with the result being the car is a total loss hence the word "total" as in total loss. Putting that aside--I wasn't injured that badly in any of the crashes, just maybe a good bump in the head which probably explains a lot of things--what was I talking about? Oh yes, I was introducing today's subject.
     I love life. If you just slow down to look at the world around you, there is a lot to see. Having said that, in what you see there is a lot to think about. I do that a lot, ponder the world. Yesterday it was breakfast time and breakfast was Cherios. Let's think about that one for a bit, shall we?
     The American breakfast is truly unique among the breakfasts of the world. I have been in Europe and they don't do a hearty breakfast like we do. It's called Continental and consists of pastry, juice, coffee or tea, maybe a thing of yogurt--I like yogurt by the way and grew up on the plain, but never for breakfast--and perhaps a hard boiled egg. I don't know what they do in China, but I suppose I could find out but not now. Google here I come.
     Breakfast here in America used to be something like bacon and eggs with hash brown potatoes--home fries for those not on the West Coast--toast or biscuits and gravy. Sometimes pancakes were included or were a meal by themselves.  At any rate, breakfast was the anchor meal of the day. We took the time and sat down and ate, boy did we eat, and we still do.  All of that took a lot of time, time we couldn't spend in preparation of food. There had to be something quicker.  We tried oatmeal--bluck. There had to be something better. You will just have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens next.  I don't know either because I haven't thought this out that far yet, but I will.

I tried cupcakes for breakfast, but they just didn't work, even with milk.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


     All I have to say is I am sore.  NO, you don't understand, I AM SORE. People always say that you are sore in places you thought you didn't have when you do something athletic. Well, I am sore in those places and in places I knew I had but have been gone for a long time.
     Let me explain all this.  I played in a golf tournament yesterday called The 100 Hole Golf Marathon. It was for a good cause, and as you know I love to play golf.  So, my brain said, "Why not?" My body was a bit more skeptical. In that sense, I apologize to my body for submitting it to such an ordeal. It is mad at me today, I can tell.
     I am really surprised that my spelling is so good and I am not making many typos as I am having to write this with my nose, as it is the only place on my body that doesn't hurt. Excuse me for a minute, I need a sip of coffee--OWWWW!. Bring on the Ibuprophen, I need it.  What? We are out of Ibuprophen?  NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
What a swing! I was in better shape then.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Eli's Coming...No, Its Only The Landlord (Part 2)

    They're here. By the way, we really didn't bury a body in the back yard.  It was a symbolic burial and she made me do it.

Eli's Coming...Not Really, Only The Landlord

    Today is the day of reckoning. Our lives as a married couple is dependent on today. You can cut the stress here today with a knife. Not only is today the first performance of the Easter Cantata--who uses that word anymore--but also it is the day of the first visit of our landlord. This day shall be a day that goes down in infamy.  Hey wait, that line was used before, I think.
     I am OK. The choir director is a bit stressed. I guess we Mediteranean Americans have a different way of dealing with stress--no, not ouzo though that does help in some cases.  Dago Red doesn't help all that much either. A good sit out in the sunshine is good. So is writing some humorous--humourous for those of you in Canada and Great Britan--lines to get others chuckling. It is truly great for the soul. Of course, why worry?
     Landlords have codes.  The code for today was, "We want to come over and change the air conditioning filters and trim some of the trees in the back yard."

  Yes right, and I can keep my doctor and my good health insurance as well.  Sorry, I just had to throw that in there. What they want to do is to catch us abusing their property. That's not going to happen. I don't mind them coming to check up, we have nothing to hide.
     Rest assured, we are taking care of the place as best we can.  It is in great shape. I hope they don't notice that patch of ground where we buried the body. We will just have to take a chance on that. Honey, can we go to the grocery store and bring back a grocery cart? We may need it.

The House Before

The House Now

Friday, April 11, 2014

Joltin' Joe Has Left And Gone Away, But Dave Is still Here

     I just wanted to let you know that I haven't gone anywhere.  I haven't had the time and especially the money--to go anywhere that is. It has been a very busy time. That is no excuse, I realize that.  You all depend so much on my brightening your day with my tight wit and humor. It is a very important thing to make someone's day with a well placed bit of humor. No, I am not getting a big head.  My head is actually quite small, a 71/8.
     Your reaction to my last statement could be, "What a line of crap!" If that is your opinion, I respect that.  I realize that most of what I say and write is just that, a line of crap.  Bottom line is though, does it make you laugh, or at least chuckle. I know it does me as I am writing it. I share what I write out of the bottom of my heart, intended to make you smile.  All the more better if it is a belly laugh.
     What if your reaction is, " This is all crap and is not funny."? Let me go on the record as saying I respect that opinion as well.  We are all entitled to our opinions.  Telling you what you are to think or how you are to react would be a bad thing on my part.  I don't control you, or would I want to. I would question your sense of humor, but that is on me not you.
     Where have I been, you may be asking? I kind of think that you are not asking that question and are happy that I haven't written anything in a long time because what I write is pure drivel.  Again, that's your opinion and you are welcome to that misguided stance. Kind of like Democrat vs. Republican, but we won't go there. I have been busy on a few other projects, one of which is rehearsing with our church choir and our Easter musical. I have to work hard on that one, because I have a special relationship with the choir director. She also washes my clothes as well (Sorry dear, I just couldn't resist that one.  You know that I help.) 
    Sorry for that delay, but I went in to make the bed. See, I do help. This may seem like it is off the subject, but it is somewhat appropriate here.  Our next door neighbor builds doghouses. I may want to invest in one.  I may need it after this posts. Oh well.
     I have to run now.  I just saw my next door neighbor come out of his house. I wonder how much that big dog house costs? Maybe I'll ask him.
The doghouse wasn't ready so I had to improvise. Got a great deal on the doghouse though.