Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cereal Serial--Part One

     Did you like that title? I did. Sometimes I crack myself up. I have cracked myself up before, especially after totaling three cars-for those of you not in the US and unfamiliar with American slang, totaling means crashing a car with the result being the car is a total loss hence the word "total" as in total loss. Putting that aside--I wasn't injured that badly in any of the crashes, just maybe a good bump in the head which probably explains a lot of things--what was I talking about? Oh yes, I was introducing today's subject.
     I love life. If you just slow down to look at the world around you, there is a lot to see. Having said that, in what you see there is a lot to think about. I do that a lot, ponder the world. Yesterday it was breakfast time and breakfast was Cherios. Let's think about that one for a bit, shall we?
     The American breakfast is truly unique among the breakfasts of the world. I have been in Europe and they don't do a hearty breakfast like we do. It's called Continental and consists of pastry, juice, coffee or tea, maybe a thing of yogurt--I like yogurt by the way and grew up on the plain, but never for breakfast--and perhaps a hard boiled egg. I don't know what they do in China, but I suppose I could find out but not now. Google here I come.
     Breakfast here in America used to be something like bacon and eggs with hash brown potatoes--home fries for those not on the West Coast--toast or biscuits and gravy. Sometimes pancakes were included or were a meal by themselves.  At any rate, breakfast was the anchor meal of the day. We took the time and sat down and ate, boy did we eat, and we still do.  All of that took a lot of time, time we couldn't spend in preparation of food. There had to be something quicker.  We tried oatmeal--bluck. There had to be something better. You will just have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens next.  I don't know either because I haven't thought this out that far yet, but I will.

I tried cupcakes for breakfast, but they just didn't work, even with milk.

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