Here are a couple of questions for the ages. I like asking you these questions because it is my job to make you think and make your brain work so that it doesn't get weak. That's my job you know, and I love doing it. Its one way I give back to the community, asking these questions to stimulate your brain.
Back to the questions at hand, and they are important ones.You probably have never considered this before, but we must all look at the world at times from a different perspective, not a weird one, just a different one. As I have said many times, I am not weird, just different.
When you are finishing a bowl of cereal (Do they eat cereal in Poland? I'm not saying that to be insulting, I would just like to know), what do you do with the last few Cherios or Fruit Loops or Frosted Flakes left floating in the bowl? Do you patiently fish them out and eat them? What about the milk left in the bowl. Now that is a question to consider. Do you drink the milk or throw it down the drain? I'll give you some time to think about it and consider your actions.
Do Do Do Do Do Do-Do, Do Do Do Do Doot Du Dot Dot Do (Jeopardy Theme, I thought that was a bit of a humorous touch.) I'll give you a minute more or so.
Times Up so what did you come up with? You can make up your own minds, but personally I fish out the last flakes and drink the milk. It doesn't taste like milk any more anyway. Besides, just think of all the people who are starving out there in the world. Those of you who just throw out the few flakes left in the bowl along with the milk should consider this when you carelessly throw out this perfectly good and nutritious food. Especially if the cereal had been cocoa puffs.
I love cocoa puffs and the best part of eating cocoa puffs is the chocolate milk that is left when the cereal is gone. It is truly heaven and if you haven't tried it--especially those of you in Poland who I hope have a sense of humor and remember I'm not picking on you--you have missed one of the great pleasures of this world. My wife doesn't let me eat Cocoa Puffs anymore. They contain too much sugar, or so she says.
To those of you who throw out the milk and last few flakes, shame on you. Just think of the resources of this planet that you are wasting. Think of those who sacrificed to bring you that food. Think of the poor cow who gave up her milk and the poor calf that didn't get their share of its mother's mild that day. Even more think of the poor kernel of grain; whatever grain be it corn, wheat, rice or oat. That kernel of grain gave up its life to be processed so that you could be fed. It is an insult to the memory and sacrifice of those who gave their all so that you could eat. Let us consider their feelings as well--if they could feel.
To those of you who eat the last loop and drink the milk in the bowl, I congratulate you and thank you! To those of you who throw this down the drain, I have a suggestion to make. Try oatmeal or some other hot cereal where there is no milk or last flake. Make sure you just eat it all so that you don't step on the memory of those who gave so valiantly so that you could be fed.
One request I do have. This goes out to my readers in Poland. Could you comment on if you do in fact eat cereal in Poland. I want to learn more about Poland.
You are going to say "That's not cereal." I know that. |
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