Thursday, September 4, 2014

I Know It's Thursday, But Monday Was Labor Day Holiday.

     To most Americans, and I suppose others around the world, a holiday is supposed to be a to pause, reflect, and remember something that is important in the national life.  The time is set aside away from your occupation so that you can do that.  It also is a sort of governmental day of rest and escape from whatever occupation you are involved in.  You may love what you do and not want to take the time off, but it is always a good thing to change things up a bit and get away from the routine.
    What do I do?  I'm retired. Do I escape from retirement? What you don't know is that I am working harder now than I was when I was working. I may not have a "job" per se, but I keep very busy. I'm not "Counting flowers on the wall" as the song says.  That may date me a bit, because some of you don't remember that song or have even heard it.  That's another story.
     I have been asked many times, especially by my wife, what I actually do now that I am retired. I can tell you one thing for sure though, I'm not playing golf every day, that's for sure.
     Well I'm not really retired, I have just shifted the emphasis of what I do for a living.  I do many things. Should I tell you, for the record. Here it comes.
     I'm a freelance writer and publish three blogs, mostly on a daily basis. My website about golf keeps me busy. My photographs figure prominently on the website as do the You Tube videos of the courses that I have played. It's a lot of fun making these videos, but it takes time and a little bit of talent. Have you taken a look at the website and seen the videos?  I cordially invite you to.  It doesn't hurt and I won't ask for a dime. I am also helping a friend on another project involving my wesite.
    Did I mention that I am along with a good friend involved in another project having to do with my humorous side. I will have more about this as we are just now in the developmental and planning stage of this. Oh, and did I mention the two books that I am working on, but have suspended work on because of all the free time I have on my hands?
    So you ask, what did I do over the Labor Day Holiday? Yes, we did do some driving, but not for pleasure purposes, but for utility reasons. I would go into detail, blow by blow but I don't want to bore you with the mundane details. I did work. However, how is Monday September First--The American Labor Day Holiday--and different than say Wednesday, November 5. Not much for me, except the bank are closed on September First. They are all Labor Day.
The people on this fire boat are working hard.  I took this picture in Canada.  They don't have a Labor Day Holiday.

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