For the past couple of weeks, my computer has been doing some strange things and has been running very slow. You can see some of the mischief that it caused just by looking at my last post. It redacted, that's a government term for blacked out, some of the best points in my last post. Again, I don't know what is going on in it's beady little brain. That's right, it doesn't have a brain just a jumble of electronic stuff that I don't understand anyway. I long for the days of analog.
What has been done has been done. The witty bit of writing that was my last blog post has been lost in the world of cyberspace and I can't get it back. This is tragic, although I think that the world will keep on spinning. However, you will not discover the true joy of my wit that I created in Thursday's post. That is sad. Don't worry though, the problem seems to be fixed and I have come to an understanding with my computer. I'll hit the keys and share my wit, and you just take care of the 0's and 1's. I am the brains behind this operation, and you are just a tool in my success. I love you, most of the time, but please keep the relationship in perspective. You serve me, I don't serve you.
That's it for today as I commit this wonderful bit of literaturial drivel to the highway that is the internet. By the way, what is the internet anyway. Computers talking to other computers. Now there is a scary idea.
Kind of looks like the inside of my brain.Don't touch the lever on the right! |
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