When I was leavng this morning to take my son to work I told him a joke. He chuckled and said back to me, "Dad, you are such a DORK!" What is a DORK? I don't really know.
How can you be something that you don't really know are the qualifications? Is it how you dress? Maybe shorts, sandals and a polo shirt with the buttons unbuttoned qualify me. I just thought it was just comfortable to dress this way, and I very rarely wear socks. How about the silver cross I wear around my neck, under the shirt by the way. Am I a DORK for dressing this way? I don't know.
I watch the History Channel, both of them, Travel Channel, Military Channel and of course the big one The Weather Channel. Don't mess with me in a Trivia Persuit Game, I will run you over. Little pieces of totally irelevant information clog my brain and are just waiting for the opportunity to leap from the dark recesses of that small brain. "Its crowded in here!" they scream searching for a way out. Is this a major qualification for DORKhood? I don't know.
I talk to strangers on the street whom I have never seen or met before. What is the harm in striking up a conversation with someone you don't know. You both have things to share and have different lives that are interesting. Plus, what harm is it to acknowledge a perfect stranger for that personhood. How about making that person smile. What is the harm in that? Do these people I talk to say after our enjoyable conversations, "There goes a real DORK." If they do, and I have made someone's day, maybe that is not such a bad thing.
How about my bad jokes. I would like to explore this in later posts so I won't even go here now. One of my upcoming posts will be a collection of my best jokes and puns. Some of these are real homeruns, some are really bad third pitch swing and miss strikeouts. But what the heck, I am having a lot of fun and laughing. You are going to have to decide.
Am I a DORK? you are just going to have to decide for yourself. Given what I have just written, maybe I am a DORK, and I should wear that label with pride.
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