Saturday, August 27, 2011

What's This All About Today?

     For those of you who don't write for a living or have never put pen to paper to permanenetly record your thoughts, you probably won't understand what I am about to say. Actually, I shouldn't say that because I know that there are many of you out there who have striven to do just that, put ideas on paper to record for posterity but you loose the paper you have written on.  In my case, you accidentally hit the delete key because you have fat little fingers or some other stupid reason.  Where am I going with this? Oh yes, back to putting ideas on papaer or computer.  Here is what I was about to say before my attention deficit kicked in.  There is nothing worse for a writer than a blank computer screen or piece of paper staring you in the face, and not having the foggiest notion of what you are going to write about.  As I sit here in front of my computer screen, it is hitting me square between the eyes.  I have no clue as to what I am going to write about today.
     I fully understand my responsibilities as a writer.  You, as my followers are expecting to be entertained and perhaps get a hearty chuckle with my writings.  You dutifully log into your computers each day loyally coming to my site.  Of that I thank you, both of you.  I must admit that there are days that the well is dry.  I truly don't mean to let you down, its just that I try to maintain a certain high quality in my writings.  After all, do you want War and Peace and high quality, or do you want Mad Magazine?  My goal is not to dissappoint you.
     Today, I  have nothing to write about.  OK, I have said it.  I admit it and I am not going to ask for your forgiveness.  Michaelangelo didn't paint every day.  Picasso had his wine breaks and Papa Hemmingway went fishing.  I am going to go have a cup of coffee and maybe go out to breakfast. Manana. (Man-yana for those on the East Coast)

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