Saturday, November 19, 2011

Art Appreciation

     I enjoy art.  My tastes are fairly diverse, and I surround myself with as much expensive fine pieces of art as I can.  These are expensive pieces of fine art that have truly changed the world, and man's expression of his world. That's what the salesman told me. I know that salesmen always tell the truth because I was one once and I always told the truth. Hey, I paid a lot of money for this stuff.
     As I look around my humble abode, I can enjoy several pieces of fine art.  I enjoy statuary, and have made a sizable investment in it.  The alabaster dolphin that graces my kitchen counter is a beautiful white with reddish brown streaks.  This reddish brown color compliments my tanned skintones, and closely matches my eye color.  I picked it up after a couple of shots of tequila in Ensenada, Mexico... Ah, Mexico.
     What exactly is seaglass?  I don't know, but I bought two pieces of it and I like them.  The first piece is a multicolored pelican that is transluscent.  The selling point of this piece was the fact you could see the fish that the pelican had just caught in its beak.  This is the height of creativity and expression.  I also had in my possession another piece of high-end seaglass.  It was a clear glass dolphin coming out of a ball representing the earth, very beautiful I might add. Sadly, this piece did not survive the death march...I'm sorry, the my appartment.
     I even support public art in a big way.  I donate to the State of California (DMV) a high three figure dollar amount to continue the priveledge.  As a result of this contribution, I have hung my front liscense plate in a place in my kitchen that need a piece of fine art.  It is just the piece I needed, damn the expense.
     Finally, I come to my most beloved and enduring piece.  I have hung it above my kitchen table/work area...the table is in the kitchen because we couldn't get it into the office so my kitchen became the office...and gaze on it constantly.  It is truly one of the most important pieces of art ever painted.  It rivals the Mona Lisa.  That piece is entitled "A Bold Bluff"  and is the painting of dogs playing poker.  WOW!!!  

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