Yesterday, I told you that the post was not going to have anything to do with the title. I had planned to write something and the blog turned out to be something else. Well, I am going to back up time here and write the post that I was going to write yesterday today. Dows that make sense? It shouldn't. At any rate, here goes. I have had a cup of coffee this morning, by the way.
You can all shout for joy! I have decided to go back to the gym and work out. I have seen that I am beginning to gain weight again, and after loosing 70 pounds and gaining 10 back, I don't want to have to loose the 70 all over again. I want to loose another 50, and I can do it. Any comments of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
I want to tell you the truth here. I worked out and lifted weithts again for the first time yesterday. Besides getting up and going to the gym, I felt great. This is also something that I want to do and that is put more discipline into my life. There are certain things that must be done, and I need to do them on a regular basis.
Sorry, I didn't mean to get serious, but I do have that in me. I very rarely know where it is, but it is there.
I have one more thing to say and that is Hi Drew! I am not going to explain that, it is what it is.
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