Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Holiday--Truly A Moving Experience

     I suppose that I could get all teary eyed over another year being completed, but I won't.  It was kind of a strange year.  I'm not going to go into the events of the year which had its ups and downs. Looking back it could be said that the year was a challenge in many ways but all in all it wasn't bad. Don't worry, I am not going to summarize the events of the year, but I will say that 2015 will be a moving year--literally.
     Come to think of it, 2014 was a moving year as well. It seems 2016 will also be a moving year. I don't like to move, but that's just the way it is sort of turning out. This is going to be the third move I will be making in the last two years. We are going to have to move again in 2016 as we are house sitting for a couple who will be out of the country for a year.  Honestly, I truly thank them for going for a year but I don't look forward to looking for a place to live once again in 2016. I pray that that move will be permanent.
     It can be said that rolling stones gather no moss. I must admit that I do hate yard work and round-up is my friend when it comes to weeds.  However, in the house we lived in for almost thirty-three years that I shared with my children and that woman--my ex--we did grow some things.  We grew tomatoes and had a couple of orange trees. I left that house for an apartment after the catastrophic event--divorce.  Happiness abounded at the apartment because I had no yard to take care of and I was living alone for a whole.  I did have a back yard, sort of, and would keep the weeds down by spraying round-up everywhere.
     I married again, to a wonderful woman I might add.  Of course, I moved out of the apartment and into a house together with my new bride.  We had trees there, but they were there when we moved in. The house was a rental, so you couldn't really count them as ours.  After less than a year at this address, my wife got a job in another city, so we moved again.
     We really like the place we are in now.  We almost like it too much, so we are moving.  This place has trees, fruit trees.  There is a peach tree, a cherry tree, a couple of apple trees, orange trees and a persimmon tree--I hate persimmons. But, they are still not our trees, but those of the landowner. This was a nice place, and we are sad to have to move. When you look at it philosophically, at least we are not being kicked out. That's a good thing, but it makes the whole move a bit bittersweet.
     So, on we go to other adventures and a new address.  This move is done by choice, not out of necessity. It will be a very interesting new year.
    I want to wish all my readers A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! Stay safe.
Yep, we are moving again making 2015 another moving experience. Same city though.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Press To Start--Part 2 ( I Promise)

     I have a problem with new cars and technology, especially at 5:30 in the morning when you want to go to the gym and have not had your coffee yet.  All this is explained in Part 1 so I please go there now and read Part 1 if you haven't already done so. I'm sorry I had to give this to you in two parts, but I got tired and had to make coffee. In a nutshell, we rented a car and I was granted permission from my wife to drive it to the gym.
     Why is it that the good old car key is no longer in fashion?  It is a trusty little tool and can be put to use in a number of ways, not just starting the car.  I use mine for cutting string.  Let's face it, the things come in handy, but the car we rented had a keyless entry/operation system.  It had "The Orb". Aliens had come during the night an had taken the keys and left "The Orb". What had I done to offend those good people on the home planet and why did they take the key to the rental car?.
     What do I do with this "Orb".  It has symbols on it, but what do they mean.  Where's my trusty spy decoder ring that I got in that box of Froot Loops back in 1969? I didn't think that I would ever have to use it, but it was worth a try. Let's see, what does this symbol mean--oh yes unlock.  This symbol means lock.  I think I've got it. The time has come to tackle my fears of technology and try to drive the rental car.  I can do this. It was time to go outside and become the master of the rental car, so I did.
     There it was, sitting in the driveway, nice and shiny. That was a stupid sentence.  Where else would it be, at the city dump?  Of course it is sitting in our driveway nice, new and shiny. It's a brand new rental car, which you can't fit in in your garage because the Taurus is in there and all the junk you are storing for everyone else in the world. Yes, you do detect a bit of anger in my voice, but I just don't want to talk about that.  Sorry I'm off subject again, back to my car rental story.
     After decoding the symbols on "The Orb" I went outside to the car and pressed the button that said "unlock".  I heard the click of the door lock engaging and I was cleared by the car gods to enter the car. I opened the door and immediately that new car smell hit me. The interior was beautiful and what can I say, new.  It had leather seats and all the options you could think of. The leather seats reminded me of that Chrysler Cordoba commercial that ran in the 1970's where Ricardo Maltaban says "Feel the rich, Corinthinan Leather" when he talked about the interior.  What is "Rich Corinthian Leather" anyway. The smell was wonderful, but it was time to get in and I was almost late for my workout.
      It was a sensory thrill when I finally sat in the car behind the wheel. I wondered to myself what it was going to be like to drive this puppy. I was ready. I didn't have to put a key in the ignition, there was no ignition.  What there was though was a button that said in red "Push To Start". It was time, so I pushed the button.  The car came alive, all the dials and gauges lit up.  I thought I was in the space shuttle and about to launch.  Oh, that's right. The space shuttle no longer exists. Maybe I was in a Soyuz capsule, but I couldn't be because everything was in English, not Russian. Through all of this, the car DID NOT start.
     Let's press the pretty red button again.  It says on it "Press To Start".  I pressed it again and guess what, NOTHING! What am I doing wrong?  I pressed the button again and nothing.  I had pretty lights on the dash of the gauges and such, but the thing didn't start. Let's try it again. The thing wouldn't start and I was getting a bit upset. At this point I was very late for my workout, so I said the heck with this, locked the car with "The Orb" and went back inside to get the keys to the Taurus.  Remember, I said keys.
     I opened the garage door, unlocked the door to the Taurus USING THE KEYS and got in.  I put the KEY in the IGNITION and she started right up. I backed out of the garage, closed the garage door and off to my workout I went.
     What do you mean I have to have my foot on the brake in the rental car before I press the pretty "start" button for it to start?
My 350Z had a key.  I miss that car.



Friday, December 26, 2014

Many Happy Returns

     'Twas the day after Christmas and all though the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. They had all gone to the mall to return their Christmas gifts for a different size or something they really wanted. I found myself in the same boat.  Unfortunately, my lump of coal had a great big crack in it which would have caused it to break into pieces. I needed to return the black piece of million year decomposed dinosaur for a new one that was not defective. Where do you return a lump of coal?
     My first thought was to try Wal Mart.  They pretty much have everything. So I got up and braved the cold California December morning--temperatures were in the low 50's--and attempted to return the defective coal. I went into the store and discovered I was not the only one to have this idea. The line for "Returns" was out the door and wound its way three times around the building.  I'm not talking about just a regular Wal Mart either.  This was a super-duper mega huge Wal Mart.  I think the line was long enough to start in Los Angeles and follow I-5 all the way down to San Diego. It was then that I decided that returning that valued lump of coal may not be the best investment of my time today.
     As I was leaving, it struck me. I thought it was a truck at the time but it actually was an idea. Why don't I get in line and then make a sign that said that I would give up my place in line for $100. Sounds like a wonderful idea, doesn't it?  I thought so.
     This had a couple of advantages. First, if someone wanted my place in line as I got closer to the front of the line, I would make some cash for just waiting in line, return the coal some other day and make $100 in the bargain. If nobody wanted my place, I could still exchange my lump of coal for a new one--at least I hoped that Wal Mart carried coal.  This was truly a win-win situation. There I was, standing in line at Wal Mart carrying a sign that said "Will Give Up My Place In Line For $100".
     I got a lot of comments about my sign, but no takers.  I had to explain many times that I was not crazy even though those of you who know me know the truth about that statement.  Many though it was a wonderful idea, but I had no takers. The line kept moving forward and I was getting closer to the front of the line.  Surely I would have a taker soon.
     That was not to be.  There were no takers. After thinking about it, I decided I knew why.  I was at Wal Mart for goodness sake and no one going to Wal Mart would ever pay full price retail.  I decided to drop the price to $29.95 and see what happened. NOTHING!
      There was good news and bad news to this. The bad news was that even at $29.95 there were no takers on my offer.  I refused to discount my pricing as I was getting close to my profit margin evaporating. The good news was that I was getting closer to the front of the line and very soon I was there. My idea had not taken flight and actually was shot down by market forces that just didn't want my product or service.  I did take heart though because as I was pondering my huge entrepreneurial failure I found my self at the front of the line.
     I felt very much uplifted when the Wal Mart associate behind the returns counter finally said, "I can help the next person in line." I was there.
     "I would like to return this lump of coal, please." I said very politely.
     "I'm sorry, but we don't carry coal sir." she said calmly.
     At that point, I decided to keep the lump of coal. It did have character with its huge crack in the middle of the lump and learning a very important lesson on my entrepreneurial skills. After all, the lump of coal
was given to me as a special Christmas gift with love from someone special. Thank you my dear wife for the very loving thought and gift.
Does Home Depot sell coal?


Thursday, December 25, 2014

It's Just That Simple

     Today's post is very simple.  I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.  May peace and prosperity find your lives.  Please be safe whether you are traveling or just staying at home having your Christmas Feast with family and friends. Should you find yourself alone, you are truly never alone.  God Bless!
Merry Christmas to you all! God Bless.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Press To Start--Part 2 (Not Quite Yet)

     This was supposed to be Press To Start--Part 2, but that is not going to happen today.  Today has been one of those days, given that it is Christmas Eve. Let's just say that it has been one busy day and I was supposed to have written this about five hours ago.  Between the "honey do's" and company and other things that you do to get ready for Christmas Day, it has been one interruption after another.
     Don't worry though, the stuff I was going to write down is still bouncing around in my brain.  You remember the superball in the metal room don't you.  Remember, that superball has to come out and it will probably on Friday. It is Christmas Eve after all and you just have to be patient my child. Thank you France and Poland I miss you.
                                        To all of you, I want to wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
 You might have been expecting some sort of Holiday picture, but unfortunately I don't have one. I hope to be kicking back soon to get ready for tomorrow's festivities but that's not going to happen for a while.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Press To Start--Part 1

    No it wont.  I guess I should explain that comment.  One thing you have to realize though is that we have a house guest and I haven't been able to grind my coffee to make it this morning so bear with me. I also could say bare with me but that would be too scary.  I can't believe I just said that. Oh well, remember I haven't had my coffee yet.
    Denise and I only have one car. We believe that the environment is sacred and to have two cars is not respecting the harmonious balance of nature. Another thing is to have two cars, let alone one, is an insult to those who are less privileged around the world and don't have a car.  Just think of all the pollution a second car belches out and throws into the pristine air we breathe. We choose to protect that air. That sure sounded good, didn't it? It's totally a bunch of baloney, but what the heck. The bottom line is we only have one car and if we both have somewhere to be we have to borrow or rent one.
     We rented a car for Denise yesterday because I had to go to an event in Fresno and she needed a car. It was a brand new Nissan Altima with all the bells and whistles. It had electronic and computerized everything.
In fact, I kind of get annoyed with how the new cars ding at you and that pretty voice keeps telling you what a stupid thing you just did with the car.  It is kind of like the gal that talks on the GPS monitor giving you directions. That's another story and I will get back to what I was going to say.  The old ADHD is kicking in again. At any rate, we rented the car for the day.  Denise drove the rental and I drove the Taurus to Fresno.      Tomorrow was Tuesday and this week Tuesday meant gym day.  Denise said that I could take the rental because I was also on the contract, so what the heck.  I was filled with a great expectation that I was going to try the spiffy new piece of road hardware out. I knew that it had all the bells, whistles, and  hot and cold running door knobs with everything being electronic and computerized. I think that was the problem. Those two little words electronic and computerized are supposed to make our lives easier--not mine. Needless to say, I was excited that I was going to drive this new example of modern technology.  The car had other ideas.
     When I grabbed the keys to go to the gym this morning I knew something just was not as it should be. That sort of feeling can spell disaster, especially at 4:30 in the morning BC--Before Coffee. When I grabbed the keys to go out to the car, there was no key. There were no keys on the key ring, just these small oblong orbs that had symbols on them.  Had aliens come during the middle of the night and played a trick on me by stealing the keys and leaving these orbs? What did the symbols mean?
I'm telling you, this baby was high tech.  It had hot and cold running door nobs and computerized electronic everything on it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Let's Rock and Roll

     As my wife was leaving the house this morning she said to me, "I've got to roll."  That was a curious thing to say in that I don't think that she was going to get down on the floor and roll head over heals or side over side. That would have been an interesting sight.
     I understand what she meant, she was running late and had to get going on her way to work but it got the little wheels in my head rolling.  The mental image that popped into my head was of her somersaulting her way through the house from the bedroom through the hall into the kitchen and out the door into the garage with her final destination being the car. How was she going to carry her stuff to the car when she was rolling? She has a lot of stuff to carry.  I would have carried the stuff for her, but she is kind of territorial when it comes to her stuff for work.
     Why would you want to roll when you have two perfectly good feet that will take you anywhere you want to go by just putting one foot in front of another? If you get stuck with an obstacle in you path, it is very hard to roll over it.  Why not just step over it. You can if you are walking, but if you are rolling that is a different story. If you are rolling, you kind of just butt up against the obstacle and if the obstacle does not have an incline to roll up as in the case of a short wall, you are stuck   Think about that for a minute.
     What about when someone says "let's rock".  That causes its own set of problems. A rock has no way to move itself.  It depends on some outside source of motion in order to move. On its own, it is pretty much stuck where it is.
     Even if you are talking about rocking as a verb, you are still looking at a very stable "stay in one place" action that is very dependent on outside force. To "rock" means to go back and forth. When you rock, you go forward and then backward, ending up in the same place most of the time. As an illustration I bring to you a boat. A boat rocks from side to side and back to front.  I know this because I have been on a cruise.  My experiences also include deep sea fishing and we all know what rocking does on when you go deep sea fishing. There is also a lot of heaving and hurling, but that is another story.
      Now, just stop a moment and think about the things I just said.  If they make any sense to you, you are worse off than I thought. At least, that's what my wife keeps saying to me.
It may rock, but it sure as heck ain't gonna roll.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Zucchini--I'd Like To Squash It's Existence (Oh Come On, You Got To Admit That Was Funny)

     Who invented Zucchini squash in the first place?  It sounds like it was an irate Italian botanist who was trying to get back at the vegetable producing community because he was laughed at so much at their vegetable convention for inventing this ugly green tubular thing.  I don't know if it is obvious to you, but I hate zucchini.
     There is nothing I like about it.  I don't like it almost as much as I don't like persimmons.  I still wonder why persimmons were created in the first place.  The same goes true for zucchini. By the way, why do you put an "h" in the spelling of zucchini?  What good is it.  The Latin "double c" makes the "ch" sound anyway.  Was some English guy not sure of his--yes his, because this was probably the twelfth century--English grammar and spelling so he probably thought that it would be wise to put and "h" in zucchini after doubling the "c"? I don't know, I wasn't there. We also don't what he was drinking either. You probably realize that they didn't have dictionaries back then either. That English bloke probably was inventing one.
     I still hate zucchini. That hatred comes from out of my childhood. My parents were of Mediterranean ancestry--Dad was Greek and Mom was Italian, well Albanian by way of Italy actually but that is a different story--so like good Mediterranean homes, we had a garden.  In that garden were peppers and tomatoes as well as--you guessed it--zucchini. Have you ever grown zucchini?  It is the rabbit of the plant family.  For you Star Trek fans, it is the Tribble of the plant family. When the zucchini ripens there is so much of it.  I think you could feed half of China on the zucchini growing on one plant.  Those of you who have had that experience of ripening zucchini know what I'm talking about.
     Mom would make zucchini in ways that I don't know if even the CIA has discovered. We had it fried, baked, added to spaghetti sauce and in Zucchini Parmesan. By the way, I do like eggplant but zucchini Parmesan.  I place that in my "I don't think so" file. She baked zucchini bread and also boiled it with butter on top.YUCK!!!! We had zucchini coming out of our ears.  I wish it was corn, but no it was zucchini. I HATE ZUCCHINI!
     I have got to run now.  I am on my way out the door to travel to San Luis Obispo, California.  They have this bakery there that bakes some wonderful breads.  They make a chocolate zucchini bread that is to die for.  What can I say?
There's no zucchini in these cupcakes, is there?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

On Assorted Fruits--No, I'm Not Looking In The Mirror

     As you know, I like to pose questions to you.  I am concerned with exercising your brain the goal of which is helping you to get your brain functioning at its optimal level. Sometimes I just can't sleep at night with a healthy concern for that achievement of excellence as far your brainpower. It is a very tough burden to be sure, but I can shoulder the responsibility. After all, I'm here for you.
     That's a crock, I know but I had to write something to get this post started and you have grown to accept that kind of clever opening. Maybe I'm just a victim of my own success. To those of you in France and Poland, I don't want to explain the meaning of the American idiom "crock". If you have been following this blog for any amount of time, you will get a true sense of what I mean.
     Enough of this pitter-patter, let's cut to the chase. Ponder this question long and hard beloved readers as it is very important. What is a persimmon and why is it here?
     Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against persimmons. It's just that they make no sense. They are orange when ripe. I thought only oranges were orange when they turn ripe. Peaches do turn a shade of orange, but it's not called orange. It's called peach and there basically is more red in the color than yellow. But a peach is a peach and the color they turn is peach.  You can make pies out of peaches and a whole lot of other things.  What do you make out of persimmons? I've had a persimmon cookie, but yuck!
     A good friend of mine saw the persimmon tree in our back yard and that touched off a discussion on persimmons.  It seems as though there are two kinds of persimmons, hard and soft.  I did not know that. She said that the hard persimmons were good to eat of the tree and the soft persimmons were--well, soft. She said that she prefers the hard persimmons to eat but her mother tends to like the soft ones. I'm not sure of either.  You have to be just a bit different to eat a persimmon and enjoy it.  My friend plays the flute, by the way.
     I do know one thing about persimmons. They used to make golf clubs out of the wood. I actually played persimmon woods when I was younger.  The wood is hard, has a very tight grain and is very dense. By the way, the "wood" clubs played in golf used to be made out of wood just as the "iron" clubs used to be made out of iron. Now, the woods are made out of titanium or whatever exotic metals they use in airplanes or moonships and the irons are made out of steel or aluminum. Go figure. If you are a persimmon tree, you are pretty safe as far as golf is concerned.  I still don't like your fruit though.
    One last important thing to ponder in the scheme of all this.  Will they ever make a persimmon Froot Loop?  I don't think so.
I wonder if Marilyn Monroe ate persimmons? Hmmm....

Thursday, November 6, 2014

On A Serious Note

     I sat down this morning and wondered what I was going to bring to you this morning. My thought was that I would change the pace today a bit and write about something more on the serious side. I think that I am totally capable of doing that, although that seems to be totally out of character for me. The problem is coming up with something serious to write about.
     How about politics? No, I don't want to anger anyone.  That subject is becoming a bit more volatile, and what used to be just a difference of opinion has turned into almost a war between competing ideals. I won't go there. I want to make life a bit more bearable for my readers, not separate them. My goal is to comment and make you chuckle on the more mundane things of life. By the way, how do you put your shoes on?
     I suppose that I could talk about my daughter marrying the man of her dreams a couple of Saturdays ago.  I am very proud of her and of all my children.  I wish her and her new husband all the best of luck and God's blessings. I very much like and are proud of my three sons-in-law.  I feel that my daughters have married well.  Besides, my new son-in-law is a golf pro, not that he will take up a special place in my heart because of that.
     I could also talk about my wife and how blessed I am that God has sent her to me. She is the love of my life and I am very fortunate to share the rest of my life with her. At this point, that is all I'm going to say because there is much more to be said, so much more that this would be a very long post. She did find a formal dress for Saturday night by the way.
     One thing I did want to share but didn't know how I was going to do it was that I have changed the roast of my coffee.  I am drinking Kona Blend instead of French Roast. Sometimes change is good in one's life, so I went and made the change.  I will go back to French Roast as soon as the Kona Blend runs out, probably next week.  Wow, that was exciting and controversial.
     I hope all that was serious enough for you.
This doesn't have anything to do with today's post.  I just wanted to publish the picture because it is kind of cool.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Golf Course Travel Bag: Pheasent Run Chowchilla, California

The Shoe Is On The Wrong Foot--Or Maybe The Right Foot

     All you deep thinkers reading this, I have yet again something for you to think about.  Which shoe do you put on first?  I know this is not something that you stop to think about, you just kind of do it. Have you ever stopped to consider the motivations and underlying reasons as far as the way you complete that mundane task.  Remember, you may be taking your shoes on and off many times a day--or maybe not.
     Here is another thing that adds to this.  Which sock do you put on before you put your shoes on? Do you put both socks on before you put your shoes on, or do you put the sock and then the shoe on for the right foot and then repeat the process for the left foot. Are both socks on when you put your left shoe on or do you do one sock at a time starting with your left foot?  Maybe you don't wear socks, I don't know.
      I used to not wear socks until my wife got mad at me so now I do. I'm a people pleaser, you know. If it were up to me, I would wear sandals without socks year round. I would also wear shorts all year but it does get kind of cold here in our part of California.  Now, if I lived in San Diego that would be a totally different story. I like San Diego and hate wearing long pants and shoes. Being cold is a bad thing to me and I hate being cold. As a matter of fact, I hate wearing shoes and still walk to the mailbox barefoot. It's still warm enough here to do that.
     I wonder if there is something psychological about how you put your shoes and socks on--if you wear socks.  According to psychologists, psychiatrists and behavior theorists--I like that title, behavioral theorist--there is an underlying motive behind everything we do both consciously and unconsciously. I thank you Dr. Freud. Are you politically conservative if you put both your socks on at the same time and then put your right shoe on? Are you a communist if you put only your left sock on and then the left shoe, proceeding to repeat the process for the right foot? I'll bet you never thought about that one, did you?
    Excuse me, I'm going to work out at the gym now.  Where are my sneakers?  Let's see, which shoe do I put on first and are my socks on?
I hate shoes!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Who Are These Circadians and Why Are They Being Mean To Us?

     For many of you on Earth, today is the day where we set the clocks back one hour.  It is, in fact, the end of daylight savings time at least here in the Pacific Time Zone.  Those of you in Arizona may totally disregard this post as you do not follow daylight savings. I'm not going to comment on whether or not that is a good thing because I do have a lot of good friends and readers in Arizona. It also makes me think they know something and we don't.  I think I will just leave it at that.
    The time change brings out those pesky little Circadians.  Who are the Circadians anyway and why are they tormenting us. Each Spring and Fall they try to pull tricks on us by really making life miserable with something called "The Circadian Rhythm". In Spring they take away an hour of sleep and then the sly suckers give it back to us in the Fall. This really makes our bodies go haywire. I understand being miserable in the Spring because of hay fever and such, so when you take away an hour's sleep I normally can adjust.  But in the Fall, there is less daylight and I suffer.  It confuses my mind, and most of you know that is an easy thing to do. It takes a couple of days to reboot my computer--uh brain.
      My wife is a musician and music teacher so I thought I would ask her about Circadian Rhythms and why they effect us so much.  Musicians know a lot about rhythm.  Her answer was very curious.  Should I be offended when she said to me, "That is the stupidest question I have ever heard.  Why are you asking me that?". She tells me that a lot, come to think of it.  I guess the search for knowledge has to march on, just not through my wife (I love you, Dear.)
      I think the Circadians are aliens from another planet.  I know this because I think I saw them on an episode of Star Trek. I don't remember which episode or if it was in one of the movies.  They might have been the villians on an episode of "Star Trek Enterprise" though.  Nobody watched that show anyway so maybe I'm wrong.  It may have been at an Enterprise Car Rental counter , who knows?  
I caught a picture of a Circadian.  They are a sly bunch and pretty foxy.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Why Would Aliens Come Here

     You know, I think about a lot of crazy things.  They just keep coming.  I don't know why and I think it is part of my ADD. Many have questioned my sanity but at times that is what I have wanted.  I will assure you that I am sane, at least somewhat. I have stopped taking my medication, but that is a different story. Let's just say that my mind is very fertile, especially for growing tomatoes.
     Today, something very profound is bouncing around in my brain.  You remember the "superball" that rattles around in the empty metal room that is my brain?  Well, it is there bouncing off the walls at supersonic
 speed. The room is somewhere near the tomato field. I think they are beefsteak tomatoes and they are ripe.  At any rate, the thought is about ready to come out and here it is.  Why would aliens from another planet want to come to this little planet? What is in it for them?
     I don't want to get into the argument as to where the Earth and Universe came from. Who knows if the "Creationists" or "The Big Bang" theorists are right. To me, it is a matter of perspective.  If you look at things on face value--I didn't say  FaceBook, although this post will make it to FaceBook as well as Google+ and others where I hope my psychiatrist doesn't see it--the Earth is just this insignificant little rock circling a third rate furnace out in the middle of nowhere. Take a moment and think about that.
     Yes, there is what we consider intelligent life here on Earth although sometimes I wonder watching the lady light up a cigarette by the propane tank display.  Can't people read?  You would think that a red sign that says "NO SMOKING" right above her left shoulder would give her a hint.  The funny thing was that she was an employee of the store. Yep, there is intelligent life on this planet.
     This brings up another question.  If these aliens are so intelligent and far superior to us in their intellect and advanced technologies, do they ever watch our movies?  One can only look at Independence Day or Battleship to see that aliens always get their butts kicked. I am telling you, what is a matter with these people?  Oh, I forgot.  They are not people.
     Look what happened in the first "War of the Worlds".  Gene Barry was great in that one, wasn't he.  I like Gene Barry.  He was great in Bat Masterson and Burke's Law. Am I getting off the subject?
     In the first "War of the Worlds" we could not defend Earth against the aliens. They were from Mars by the way. It took the lack of immunity to our little bacteria and microbes to bring the mighty Martian war machine to its knees. If they are so smart, aliens have to know that we are a "dirty" planet filled with all kinds of nasty things. Don't come here aliens, you might be turned into cheese or yogurt. (That's a great line.  I'm very proud of it.)
     Why would aliens come here? I don't know.  Maybe it's just to get a great homegrown beefsteak tomato. Who knows?
That's the aliens hauling all their homegrown beefsteak tomatoes back to their home planet after visiting the store to buy yogurt.  Yes, I have had my coffee this morning.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I'm Sorry--It Just Has To Come Out Part Three

     Here it is folks, the final installment of I'm Sorry--It Just Has To Come Out. You have been waiting patiently for it, so I thought it was time.  The whole thing has taken way too long to write but I get distracted easily and sometimes things kind of get out of hand.  I thought I would take control back and write this. Are you ready?
     As a review I want to say again that most of my ideas come from somewhere just north of my liver.  I don't know how they form as science is still working on an explanation for that.  They just kind of happen.  This is one of those questions for the ages such as which comes first, the chicken or the egg.  At this point, they just kind of show up.  I have to be very careful though, because sometimes I mistake them for a bad reaction to something I ate the night before.
     The idea forms and begins to travel through the bloodstream up to the brain.  It's sort of like the little submarine on "The Fantastic Voyage". Did you see that movie"  It is one of my favorites. I was about fourteen when I saw it and I still think that Raquel Welch is one of the hottest women on the face of the planet. I can't forget her in that diving suit, WOW!  I better move on before I get myself in some serious trouble. Have I ever changes since I was fourteen--Let's just leave it at that.
     The idea travels up the body passing through the heart.  The little submarine couldn't go through the heart because of the serious turbulence that the heart causes which would destroy the little sub.  The idea is OK going through the heart because it is natural, not man made like the sub.  I think I watch too many movies.
     From the heart it makes its way to the brain where it bounces around like a "super ball" in a metal room.
You can just imagine what that feels like bouncing around in of my brain. How many of you know what a "super ball" is?  If you don't know and are not old enough to know, that statement kind of lost its punch.  I thought it was funny anyway.  At any rate it hurts bouncing around the empty metal room in my brain, so it has to come out.  I just can't keep it in. Either my brain tells my mouth to blurt it out or I write it down here in the blog.
     So now you know.  I thought I would share this with you before it got into the National Enquirer. I didn't want a scandal to break out.  Besides, I'm much more important than Kim Kardashian or the aliens that just landed in my back yard.  What do they want?  I think I am going to hide now, I think they want to take me home.
Just a few of the ideas that I have written about. Raquel Welch, WOW!  I'd like to see Fantastic Voyage again.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Got to Run!

     I was going to post today, but I have got to run.  I'm not going to run actually, I just have to be there.  I hate running.  I bicycle at the gym, but that is about it. Be back with you probably tomorrow.
     By the way, I am one less daughter but have added one son to my family.  Kyle and Holly's wedding went well.  Daddy-Waddie Boo-Boo Bear has been replaced by Kyle.
     Now, I bid you adieu for today, I'm off to the races. Actually, I'm going to play golf for the first time since last month.
Here I go. Don't worry, I have my G-suit on and my clubs are in the trunk.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Not The Usual Today

     My post today is going to take a bit of a different road.  As most of you know, I enjoy being the clown.  To make a person laugh is very important to me, and to see you laugh even if it is a pity laugh at how bad my joke or statement was is very rewarding to me.  My hope is that I have given you many great belly laughs as well as the subtle turned eye at some really bad humor.  You know what I mean by that. If you are in Poland and don't understand what I mean by a "subtle turned eye", that's all right too.
     Sometimes the clown is out of laughs. For me, today is just such a day.  It is sort of a "Physician, heal thyself" sort of place and I am sure that for me it will be a temporary situation.  However, I am still in a space in my life I don't care to be in. Don't worry, I will cheer myself up or will have someone hit my funny bone. Of that I am very sure of.  For today and for now, I feel depressed and down.  The clown is out of laughs.
     Circumstances have brought these feelings about. Many of you closest to me know what those circumstances are, but I don't think I need to discuss them here.  It also needs to be said that life circumstances should be dealt with and not dominate how a person reacts to life. I feel that the situation is not hopeless, and I will get through this. I am a stronger person than that. Those who know me understand my whole being sees the fun in life and grabs for all my soul can get. My travels along the road of life have taken me too far and I am in a much better place than in the past.
     Life is so very short and there is too much to see and do. It's time to celebrate successes and move on from there. By the way, what do you call...
A great place to sit and think. It's time to move on traveling the high road. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'm Sorry--It Just Has To Come Out (The Real Part 2)

     Yep, this is the real Part 2 to "I'm Sorry--It Just Has To Come Out".  Yesterday was just an add on to what I had said in Part One. I kind of got off task a bit talking about clocks and time and such, but as the most wise Philosopher Who Shall Remain Nameless is noted to say very frequently, "It is what it is.".  This brilliant philosopher goes by a host of other names such as She Who Is To Be Obeyed and other monikers that I shall not divulge in order to protect the innocent--namely me.
     Excuse me, I must stop and make myself a cup of coffee.  I'll be right back.
Ok, I'm back. Let me take a sip.  That tastes great.  I grind my own French Roast Beans you know.  Just the right cream and a teaspoon full of brown sugar makes for a perfect cup of coffee. Now that is a cup of coffee.  I used to put artificial sweetener in it, but I ran out and tried brown sugar.
     I like brown sugar in my coffee much better than the artificial sweetener.  It is much more natural and it eliminates one more man made chemical going into my body. Brown sugar also doesn't leave a horrible aftertaste as does the artificial sweetener.
     Speaking of artificial sweeteners, I much prefer the pink one. It is so much sweeter than the others. It also dissolves better in my coffee.  That is another advantage of brown sugar over white granulated sugar. I know that some prefer the blue packet or the yellow packet, but that's not me. I much prefer the old standby of the pink packet.  After all, how much of that stuff did they give to those rats before they got cancer.  I heard it was half a ton for each rat. Chocolate will cause cancer if you eat enough of it. I read that somewhere in a medical journal, but I don't remember where. I think it was in a publication published by the Department of Applied Science which also stated that Mexican Food will kill you.
    I stay away from the blue packets and the yellow packets.  They say that they cause diminished brain function--enough said.
My temporary home after mentioning "She Who Is To Be Obeyed". The plumbers will be here this afternoon and the Heating and Air Conditioning  Man is coming tomorrow morning. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I'm Sorry--It Just Has to Come Out (Part One Continued)

     This is a continuation of  Part One of I'm Sorry--It Just Has To Come Out.  That in and of itself begs for some serious consideration. So, if I took a long time between part one and this post shouldn't this be part two.  I mean after all there has been a considerable amount of time between when I posted the first part and now.
     I think that it is all a matter of perspective. What is time anyway? An hour here on Earth is a man made thing. God did not make up the hour, man did as a measure of time here on Earth.  What unit of time did the Romans use?  Did they use the hour? How about the the Gambubadizi people who live in the Amazon rain forest?  What unit of time do they use?
     What constitutes a day, and you will have to think about this. We say that a day is midnight to midnight according to our clock. In the Jewish tradition, a day is from sunset to sunset.  Who is right? That brings up another question.  As I look at the clock on my computer it says that it is 7:28 AM.  What does that really mean? Who decided that was the time and why? I'm thinking that my computer did, but who is my computer? Again, I ask you to think about that a moment. What is an hour and why do we call it that?  Who came up with the idea? Why is my computer telling me what time it is?  I haven't even looked at my cell phone, but that is another story. I don't know.
     What is a clock anyway?  Did God--we will use this term just for the sake of our discussion, I'm not being specific as to the identity of the great deity--come down from heaven and decide that we were going to use this instrument called a clock to measure what time it is? Once more, who decided that just because Mickey's big hand is on the 12 and his little hand is on the 7 that it is time to have a sip of my coffee? Wait a minute, is that after the sunrises or before the sun sets?  I don't know.
     It does make a difference you know. If it is after the sun rises, I can take a sip of my coffee.  If it is before the sun sets, I better not take a sip of my coffee otherwise I won't sleep tonight. In this case, it is after the sun rises.  I know this because I saw the sun rise as I was working out in the gym. That reminds me, I think I'll take another sip of my coffee.  By the way, is it 07:00 or is it 19:00?  Just thought I would throw that in for those of you in the military, in Europe and the rest of the world not on a 12 hour--there's that word again--clock. Again I ask, what is a clock?
     If any of this makes sense to you, I feel sorry for you. I welcome you to my world.  Where's my coffee, the sun just rose didn't it or am I going to bed soon?
Don't ask me, you figure it out. I'm going to have another sip of my coffee.  Oh, it must be morning.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Golf Course Travel Bag: The Cindy Aoki Memorial Tournament

I'm Sorry--It Just Has to Come Out (Part One)

I'm re-posting this so that I can continue the momentum that it created.  I really didn't mean to keep you hanging but I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting.  I haven't been writing much either. Will you forgive me, I hope?

     Thank you for all your concern.  No, I'm not sick and don't need surgery. What my intentions are here is to explain something to you in the context of being different. I want you to remember that I didn't say weird, I said different. Weird, as I have stated before, is a derogatory term and I absolutely refuse to use it when discussing my sense of humor and how it manifests itself. What I do have to share with you--and notice that I didn't say explain, because I don't have to explain anything to anyone because I am who I am and am very proud of that fact although I have sort of embarrassed my wife on several occasions--is how things kind of bubble up in my brain and just have to come out.
     Where do I get my ideas? I have had to ask myself to take a look at the process at which ideas come to me and into my brain.With a great amount of inner searching and contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that the come from a region of my body just above my liver.  Why my liver, I don't know. My hope is that they don't come from my appendix because If I ever have an appendectomy, I probably wouldn't be funny again. Let's hope that isn't the case.
     More about this whole process later in future posts. Until then, please click on one of my advertiser's advertisements to check out their fine products.  I live and die by TripAdvisor so check them out.  Also, If nothing else, click on one of the Adsense Ads.  All my advertisers are fine people and are just trying to do business in America or wherever they may be. Until next time...whatever, just come back soon.
Here is another tidbit from my fertile brain...uh liver.  A salmon went into a lawyer's office fishing for a lawsuit. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

5 AM Comes Awful Early

     Why do I try to be up at 5 AM every morning. The answer to this is very simple.  This is the only time of the day I can get anything done and is the most productive time of the day for me. Besides, why put anything off until 8 AM when you can get it done at 5 AM. That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
     If I wait until 8 AM I WON'T get anything done.  Today is a prime example of that.  Each time I sit down to write I am disturbed and have to perform some menial task that takes me away from what I should be completing.  Take today for example. I thought I would sleep in this morning and maybe get a few hugs from my wife. I'm not going to say anything about my wife here because I want to sleep in the house tonight, not in the doghouse in our back yard which we don't have.  The neighbor builds doghouses and I don't want to go knock on their door tonight and ask if I can sleep in one of them. I love my wife and she is wonderful.  I love you dear. At any rate, the day got off to a late start and given the errands I am having to run. I'm not getting a whole lot done.
     I'm not going to give you a rundown of the errands, although it is payday and I have to pay some bills.  I don't want Denise to take care of these errands because she is busy.  It is enjoyable getting out of my cage. By the way, I am free because the sippee cup guards have deserted the palace.  It seems as though they are from a nomadic tribe of plunderers and it was time for them to move on to plunder other rich kingdoms. That is the way life is, you know.
    The wonderful thing about getting up at 5 AM is that people think you are crazy getting up that early.  Because of this, they tend to leave you alone until they think you are sane. The part that is most appealing to me about the whole idea of working this early is that no phones ring and nobody interrupts you. Let them think you are crazy at least until you have had your first cup of coffee. Yessssss!!!!!!!!
     I must go now as I am off to perform some meaningless task such as pay the electric bill and go to the bank. I suppose I can do this on-line, but I am a people person and prefer to do this in person.  What if there is a problem that only a live individual can take care of. Oh crap, I have to get going.
Time to ship out and get something done. This is not one of my better pictures by the way.  It was taken through a window on a cruise ship and not up to my normal high standards but what the heck.  I am human--sort of. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thank You! Thank You!

     Today's post will be very short and simple.  I promise that I will continue my "It Has To Come Out" series shortly but I wanted to pause today and just say a deeply felt THANK YOU to all of you my readers. I have gone over the 10,000 reads milestone and it feels good. I couldn't have done it without all of you, and that means you too Poland
Looking forward to the next 100,000 reads, or was it a good looking blonde that just walked by.  I don't know.

Monday, September 22, 2014

"OK Google"

     The other day I had to search for something on Google using my phone.  I have a Galaxy which my wife talked me into by the way but I love it and that in and of itself is another story. However, I will use the keyboard when working on my lap top or my desk top but generally I don't care to search using my phone. I needed to find something quickly on my phone when I was out and about and decided to use the voice function.  I now wonder about that decision and the conversation went something like this.
     "OK Google, Search Bubba's All You Can Eat Fried Food Emporium And Buffet."  I said into my phone hoping for an address and phone number.  What the heck, I was hungry.
     "Are you sure you want me to search that for you?" came the reply back from the phone.
     "Huh?" I asked myself.  What is this?
     I tried my search for Bubba's All You Can Eat Fried Food Emporium and Buffet again.
     "OK, Google.  Search Bubba's All You Can Eat Fried Food Emporium and Buffet."
     "Are you sure you want me to search that for you?" came the reply once again.
     "As a matter of fact I do want you to search Bubba's All You Can Eat Fried Food Emporium and Buffet.  I wouldn't have asked you would I?"  I said into the phone a bit perturbed.
     "You just got off a cruise last week and gained 8 pounds.  Isn't there a healthier alternative than that, Dave?" the phone said back to me.
     "Will you just give me the address and phone to Bubba's, Google!" I said into the phone a bit more firmly.
     "Here is the listing for Anna's Vegan Paradise.  It is a much better choice.  Just think of all those calories and ugly fats that you will be consuming at Bubba's All You Can Eat Fried Food Emporium and Buffet.  The portions are much smaller at Anna's and there is no meat.  No animals were hurt in the creation of Anna's delights and you can enjoy one of their delightful herbal teas."
      "Will you just give me Bubba's like I asked you to do?" I said in a very irritated voice. I was getting a bit angry now.
      "You don't have to take that tone of voice with me, Dave. I'm just concerned for your health and well being.  Let me at least give you the number to Melt Away The Fat Gymnasium and Athletic Club. You can have a good work out and vent off some of that aggression I am feeling in your voice. Will you at least do me the favor and call them.  I am worried about you and your high blood pressure."
     "GIVE ME THE DAMN NUMBER!" I screamed into the phone.
      "You don't have to yell at me and treat me like that, Dave.  I do have feelings you know."
     That was it.  I was talking to a phone and this phone was telling me it had feelings. It's a phone for Pete's sake. It hit me then that I was arguing with a phone. Hey wait, I have the power in this situation.  I did the only logical and rational thing I could think of and hung up. I could have thrown the darn thing, but then it hit me how much I paid for the privilege of being insulted by my phone.
What does this picture have to do with today's post?  Absolutely nothing. I wanted to share the picture with you and haven't come up with a topic for it.  Enjoy it and know that I will think of something.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Oh, Mexico

     What do you do in Ensenda, Mexico.  What do we always do. Let's get on the shuttle to downtown, walk the tourist area and then come home.  I can't buy anything because this is a Spartan trip with the funds being a bit tight.  But, do I really need another Mexican blanket made in China?
Ensenada again? Actually, I like Ensenada.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Don't Hate Me Today. I'm On Vacation

     I'm on vacation today.  I'm going to put on my swimsuit find, me a comfortable deck lounge in the Serenity area and soak up some sun. I may even wind up in the jaccuzzi, I don't know.
     Yesterday was a busy day in Catalina. After all, I had to take all those pictures while I was chasing that ball.  The only saving grace was I was in a golf cart.  Give me a break.  I'm entitled to a decent day off. Talk to you later, and I will have the video completed when I get back.
What can I say?

Take a look at this wonderful Sacramento area golf course.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Golf Course Travel Bag: The Club At Crazy Horse Ranch, Salinas, Ca.

Don't Get Mad At Me--I Have To Work Today

     Today's post is going to be very short.  I have to work very hard today. It is very tough taking those pictures of the golf course, and I am very excited to have to play Catalina Golf Course today.  Don't worry though, you will be seeing the video that I put together when I get home. I will assure you it will be a dandy. In the meantime, don't get mad at me.  I'm just doing my job, that's all.
     Hi Ploand.  Just to help you out, Catalina is an island off the California coast about 22 miles. It is unique and quaint.  I hope that helps.
Ah yes, Catalina Island is one of my favorite places on Earth.  Will you get that finer out of the picture please.  I can't believe the quality of help you get these days.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Que fragar, chi chungue. (continued)

OK, so I'm on vacation and away from a computer.  This is a repost from August 7, 2011.  Enjoy it.
Kind of looks like an Italian Villa, doesn't it?
 This time, I promise I will keep my fat fingers away from the post key.  I want to continue my thoughts from yesterday.  One could ask if I had any thoughts from yesterday, but that would be cruel.
     Today is it, the day of the performance.  Am I nerveous, no.  I know just how bad a performer I am, so I can't get any worse.  I will just do my best with the knowledge that I am not going to quit my day job. Oh, That's right...I don't have a day job anymore.  Well, I am retired you know.  My confidence is very high and I can do this.  How hard is walking out on a stage with several classically trained professional singers, fake a few bars of music ( I didn't say that E. and R., I know my music... sort of) and wear a costume that makes me look silly.  It will all be over quickly.  That's what they told the condemned when they walked up to the guillotine.
     This is my long awaited [snicker, snicker] and expected debut into the world  of opera performer.  I think, especially if you come and witness my performance, it will also be my farewell performance.  It is going to be my alpha and my omega, my finest work.  I have dwelled longer than I should in the operetic world of champaign and caviar. It is time for my return to the real world of fruit punch crystal light, and potato chips. My outstreched arms have siezed the day and reached out of the comfort zone to expand my horizons.  Donzetti, I have met you at your finest and I haven't flinched or backed down, butchered your work but not caved to your difficulties.  There is victory here over the dreaded musical score, with its notes that are higher in the bass line than in the tenor line.  Fear has been defeated! ( I didn't say anything about my incompetence as an opera singer, just fear.)
     It is time to put away the performer and return to the world of the spectator.  Many of you will feel that this is a sad day, However, the majority will rejoyce that they do not have to witness me in this stupid Ben Franklin coustume making a fool of myself. [By the way, where is my kite and key?  Can you show me the way to the French Royal Court? Is it time for me to come up with smething brilliant to be put into the Declaration, Mr. Jefferson?]  In my mind I have finally come to grips with reality and it is time to come back to the world of enjoying the fine entertainment of The Blue Man Group.  My fall is complete.
     Tonight, I must say that there will be sadness.  My opera career will be over.  But, there will always be other challenges.  I have to ask myself what is next....Balet....Hmmmmm......

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Daughters and Things That Melt

Do you have children, especially daughters? I have four, so you can just imagine what that was like, we fathers being put at an incredible disadvantage. It is truly amazing that a father can have a crusty exterior but a very soft heart. I want to warn you about something and that is daughters learn very early how to melt away all your resistance and pretty much get what they want. I admit it, when it comes to saying no, I am not very good at it.
Each day I practice saying no. I get up in the morning and like a yogi chanting their mantra, I chant "No, No, No" over and over again until it is burned into my conscious mind. This needs to be
a conditioned response with no debate. Conditioning and preparation are the key to refusing any unreasonable request from my daughters. This is war! My wall to the castle is strong and high and the drawbridge is raised.
"Hey Dad, I'm going over to the coast tomorrow and can I borrow your 350 Z? It would be a lot of fun!"
"No!" I'm proud of myself. I said no.
"Oh come on, I'll bring it back and won't hurt it. Please?"
"No!" How about that, I'm on a roll.
"Daddy Waddy, may I please borrow your car tomorrow? I love you, I'll give you a hug."
"Uhhh, OK"
The Wicked Witch of the West melted, but she was made of brown sugar. All right, I folded just like a poker player with an extremely bad hand. What can I say, she pulled out the heavy artillery. The castle ran up the white flag of surrender, putting up token resistance. Ain't being a father of daughters great?
Here she is.  What a beauty!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Round and Round She Goes--Where She Stops Nobody Knows--Hey, It's A Slot Machine

     Maybe I do have too much time on my hands.  The problem with getting up at 5:00 in the morning--05:00 for those of you on military and international time--is that by noon, you have pretty much gotten everything done. Well almost, I have to post my blog entry for today which this is it. What's next?
     Well, countin' flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all. Smokin' cigarettes--hey wait a minute, I don't smoke--and watchin' Captain Kangaroo--how can I do that, he's passed away--don't tell me, I've nothin' to do. Thank you Stadler Brothers for that comment on the importance of being busy. Actually, I do smoke a good cigar every now and then.
     I can keep myself busy and I have a lot to do. Remember, I am a writer and I must cleverly craft and put my thoughts down on paper--uh, computer screen. I used to do this on paper, but that got a bit messy and when I hit the publish button, nothing would happen. I tried opening a window and reading my post in a very loud voice but the neighbors kind of didn't like that.
     You ought to try "Social Media Gaming".  I love it that they call it "Gaming".  Hey fellas, it's still gambling. I am too cheap to go on the paid sites and use the free sites. It is a lot of fun especially since they give you so many chips.  I am a multi-millionaire to the point that Donald Trump would be proud. Hey, $10,000 on a spin of the slot,  no problem.  Let's get a little daring and up it to $100, 000.  Wow! I am spending a lot of virtual money.This is making me pretty tired though--afterall, I did get up at 5:00 this morning--and I am starting to loose on my virtual slot machine so I think I will go up and lay down in my virtual comped eight room suite with pool and jaccuzzi. This is the life.
Now this is a waste of time.  What a wonderful waste of time it is though.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Today's Blog Topic Is...

     I wrote that title three hours ago. Yes, I have had my coffee but I just can't get my mind to settle down on a topic to write about. Nothing is striking me as of yet.  If I wait long enough maybe the meteorite will hit me in a flash of fire and glory or my blood pressure medication will start kicking in and I will have to suddenly visit the loo--sorry bathroom.  I don't think I have had any readers yet from England. I did have a couple from Ireland though.  They know what a loo is.  I'm not quite sure Americans do.
     Let's see.  I could write about President Obama's speech last night, but I blinked and missed it. Actually, I had choir practice last night, and the choir director gets very angry when I miss. The truth of the matter is, I have no choice but to go to practice every Wednesday night. The choir director and I are very close so I don't want to anger her or disappoint her in any way. She owns and drives the car. OK, I will come clean. She's my wife--yes, dear.
     I honestly haven't seen of heard the President's speech on ISIS last night.  If I did, I wouldn't comment on it here. This is a blog devoted to happy things and even though I am a fairly astute guy politically I don't want to make anyone angry or be controversial. I want to keep Billy Bob Hunter who reads my blog down in Campbell, Alabama and don't want to make any remarks that will push him away. I also don't want to say something politically charged that will make Professor Cyril Hockford of Boston, Massacheusetts upset as well.  I value your readership and want to keep you as friends and readers.
     Don't push me so hard to make a controversial statement. Please, I beg of you. You are pushing me and I don't like it. Stop that please, I don't appreciate it.
    All right, you forced me. I will say something controversial here and I hope it doesn't anger anyone. Remember, you forced me into it against my better judgement.  If I anger someone with this comment, you were the ones that forced me into it. Here it comes so are you ready for it?  I DON'T LIKE ZUCCHINI!
There, are you happy?
Another controversial statement: Eating a bacon wrapped corn dog can be hazardous to your health. Oh, who cares?
     Hi Poland! I wonder why no Greeks read my blog? Hmmmmmm........

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Achy Breaky Heart--First Update

    Guess what.  I went to the gym again today.  This is the second day that I have worked my fitness program.  I'm very proud of myself. I also want to congratulate the friend that worked out with me. I texted him yesterday and invited him to join me and he did.  After all, 5:00 AM comes very early, but it was worth it.
     I just want you to know that I feel great, even though this is only the second time back to the gym. My physical shape is not as good as it was two years ago after suffering some serious health issues, and my accomplishments at the gym were much greater then. It is my own darn fault. I just stop going and working out.
     At any rate, I want those I love and whoever else cares to know that I'm back.
I'm back to the gym and on the road to health again!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Achy, Breaky, Heart--Sorry Billy Ray

     My heart was truly achy-breaky a few months ago.  I wound up in the hospital for a condition known as congestive heart failure. It seems as though the cause of this condition is not taking your blood pressure medication. Could this be true? OK, I confess--guilty as charged. Needless to say, I take my medications religiously and I feel very good except my weight is still up.I'm going to work on that.
     Today my heart isn't achy-breaky but my muscles sure are. Two weeks ago I bought a gym membership for myself and my wife.  Before you say that this can be trouble springing a gym membership on my wife, I must say that it is all right.  We have been talking about this for many months.  She wants to work out as well as we have both been gaining a bit of weight and are a bit further out of shape than we would like. I have gained almost 30 pounds since getting remarried and I can feel the effects. It is time to return to the gym.
     I actually like working out. My home in Fresno was close to the gym and I made it a point of working out at least three times a week.  My workout is very simple, 30 minutes of cardio and a circuit of lifting followed by a set of ab exercises and some stretching. I am not kidding myself into thinking that I am going to become a professional body builder, I just want to feel better and loose weight.
     Yesterday was my first day back at the gym working out.  Don't worry, I took it easy not wanting to break anything. However, the result of yesterday's workout was not an achy-breaky heart but i sure do have some muscles that are asking me what did I do that for? What they don't know or realize is I did it for them. Yes, I am sore, but it is a good sore and I can still function. Someday, I will write about my experiences with my "fitness instructor" when I first started working out.  That's another story.
Part of my new exercise routine at the gym--group piano moving. This is great exercise. Wait a minute, I was the one taking the picture.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday--Day Of Rest

     I have to apologize to you my readers.  Today is Sunday and I at this point am having difficulty coming up with something humorous to say.  After all, it is Sunday, which is supposed to be a day of rest. I shouldn't have to work on Sunday let alone think. For you, I will try.
     Our car broke down Friday night. OK, now let's take the ball and run with it. That's kind of funny--not the car breaking down but taking the ball and running with it.  It is the first Sunday of the new American Football season.  I guess you can chuckle at that, at least I thought it was good.  The car breaking down was not funny, the football reference and taking the ball and running with it was. So I am grasping at straws here trying to write something, what I do is not easy.  By the way, what do I do?
     That about covers everything for today.  Remember, today is Sunday and a day of rest. I'm going to start resting right now with a great cup of coffee. I had to go to commercial ground coffee because of little people sleeping in our house.  I can't wake them up grinding fantastic whole ground French Roast beans.  That would be criminal.  I did indulge though and bought a high quality coffee from the supermarket. It's dark roast, of course. I'm going to go rest now.
I haven't hit my wall yet.  See me later at about 7:00 tonight.