Sunday, November 2, 2014

Who Are These Circadians and Why Are They Being Mean To Us?

     For many of you on Earth, today is the day where we set the clocks back one hour.  It is, in fact, the end of daylight savings time at least here in the Pacific Time Zone.  Those of you in Arizona may totally disregard this post as you do not follow daylight savings. I'm not going to comment on whether or not that is a good thing because I do have a lot of good friends and readers in Arizona. It also makes me think they know something and we don't.  I think I will just leave it at that.
    The time change brings out those pesky little Circadians.  Who are the Circadians anyway and why are they tormenting us. Each Spring and Fall they try to pull tricks on us by really making life miserable with something called "The Circadian Rhythm". In Spring they take away an hour of sleep and then the sly suckers give it back to us in the Fall. This really makes our bodies go haywire. I understand being miserable in the Spring because of hay fever and such, so when you take away an hour's sleep I normally can adjust.  But in the Fall, there is less daylight and I suffer.  It confuses my mind, and most of you know that is an easy thing to do. It takes a couple of days to reboot my computer--uh brain.
      My wife is a musician and music teacher so I thought I would ask her about Circadian Rhythms and why they effect us so much.  Musicians know a lot about rhythm.  Her answer was very curious.  Should I be offended when she said to me, "That is the stupidest question I have ever heard.  Why are you asking me that?". She tells me that a lot, come to think of it.  I guess the search for knowledge has to march on, just not through my wife (I love you, Dear.)
      I think the Circadians are aliens from another planet.  I know this because I think I saw them on an episode of Star Trek. I don't remember which episode or if it was in one of the movies.  They might have been the villians on an episode of "Star Trek Enterprise" though.  Nobody watched that show anyway so maybe I'm wrong.  It may have been at an Enterprise Car Rental counter , who knows?  
I caught a picture of a Circadian.  They are a sly bunch and pretty foxy.

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