Wednesday, July 27, 2011


     I must tell you about my son.  He is a fine young man that is taller than me.  Each day I wake up and  he is the first person I see, even though he is in a horizontal position.  OK, Let me put it to you this way.  He still lives at home and boy can he eat.  My son is a special needs kid who has Pervasive Developemental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, but this doesn't hold him back.  His mind is always working and in many areas is sharp as a tack.  He comes up sometimes with the most interesting comments and observations
     Yesterday, I had an appointment with my cardiologist to have an echogram, an ultrasound that looks at my heart and how the blood is flowing through it. My son came with me to the appointment.  Don't worry, I am as healthy as a horse I hope, and the test was routine. The technician hooked me up to the machine with electrodes, and told me to lie on my left side.  She began the test, dragging the receiver over my chest.  You could hear the "lub-dub" beating of my heart and see it beating on the computer monitor.  If you have had an ultrasound for anything, you know what I mean.
     My son sat quietly in the corner of the room.  I can always tell when his mind is going because he gets this look on his face.  He looks over at the computer screen and becomes quiet for a second and then says in an observing wise voice, "There's a baby in there somewhere."  We all had a very good laugh.
     Have you decided what the most important invention known to man is?  I'll give you some more time.

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