Monday, December 31, 2012

Sing It Brother

     I think that I have mentioned in the past that I sing.  That description of my abilities as far as what I do with words and music is to many people up for debate but I think of it as singing.  Sometimes I do some things in the singing realm that operate in the area of open mouth, suffer the consequences.  That was the case of when I performed in the opera. It went well, but it certainly was outside of my comfort zone.
     I am OK singing in the FresnoCommunity Choir.  There are 110 other voices in the choir so when I really mess up I am drowned out.  Believe me, that has happened a time or two.  My church choir is small and there are not lofty expectations placed on us when we sing on Sunday, although we do sound good and hit the mark every Sunday that we sing--most of the time.  I have even soloed.
     Occasionally, I get the idea that I am better than my actual singing abilities and do some not so smart things.  As I said, I have soloed in my own church on a few Sundays.  Each time went well.   I even sang Amazing Grace in a cruise ship talent show.  That was a real treat and was fairly difficult because I didn't have time to rehearse. I sang it once for audition and then sang it in front of 1500 people for the performance. It kind of scared the bejesus out of me, but you can't describe the applause of 1500 people.  WOW!
     Where am I going with this?  Well, I volunteered to do a duet with a friend in my ladyfriend's church. She is the piano accompaniest by the way.  It is a medium sized church with a fantastic choir.  The choir is not singing, it is just going to be Ralph and I.  I am wondering what I was thinking when I said I would do it.  Open mouth, insert foot again, I guess.  I do that a lot in my life and I am trying to get away from that,  but in this case the dye is cast. Is it OK to admit that I am nervous? I am, Ralph is good!
     Don't get me wrong, I will be there and do well when it comes time to sing.  I enjoy it as well, both the singing and the performance.  The thing is just like climbing a tree, when you go out on a limb that limb may break.  So far it hasn't and most of the time it doesn't, but there is that outside chance.
     I am looking forward to singing next Sunday.

By the way, no pictures today.  My Nikon D50 wanted the day off. It seems that he has a hot date with a Nikon Sure Shot for tonight to celebrate New Year's Eve. Happy New Year to All!  

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Just a Word--Or Maybe a Few

     I know that I said that I wasn't going to post but I didn't want to just leave you hanging.  I thought that I would just share a few words with you.  They are: its, it's, tremendous, peace, actually.  Well that's it for today.  I have to run.  

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Don't Cry For Me, Argentina or Anyone Else For That Matter

     As I explained in my golf blog, I have some bad news for you my readers.  I will be away from my computer tomorrow and will not be able to post.  Don't worry, I am not going to jail and the institution does not want me back.  I am just going to be away form my computer.  At this point, fair warning to you.  I will be back Monday and should have a great post.  Please don't get mad at me, besides I have to dodge the alligator with the ball on it.  He's getting kind of testy.

Strange Now That I Think About It

     You probably think that that is a odd title for me, or given what I write about maybe not. Rest assured though, I am not out of my mind and I have had my coffee. As many of you know, I am a golfer and as such am exposed to some really crazy things. It is this way in all sports, as the word "fan" is a shortening of the word "fanatic" and each sport has its (Did I get it right? I am working very hard on this one.) forms of team  support and player support as well as memorabilia and realia. That's a great word realia, it harkens back to my teaching days.  Some of the stuff--sports stuff not my teaching days though that can also be another story-- is really hideous. In this case as an example, four words come to mind--Oakland Raider Black Hole--enough said.
     Why am I talking about this today other than the fact that I wake up every morning not knowing what to write about, especially if I haven't had my coffee.  Today, I assure you is no different.  No brilliant subjects flashed into my small brain.  It is truly amazing what an unexpected stroke of inspiration will do to you, especially when you are in a jam and don't know what to post.
     There is a rule in golf that says play the ball where it lies.  This is a very famous rule and by the way, not all golfers follow.  That could be another post, but I think I will save it for my golf blog which you can read at  Sorry for the shameless plug, but we all have to make a living you know.
     At any rate where was I going with this? Now I remember, I received a small gift from a good friend that knows I am a golfer. It was a small pewter alligator with a golf ball on its back and on the ball is printed "You Must Play The Ball Where It Lies".  It is the stupidest looking thing I have ever seen. It is sitting on my counter where I can see it every day.  I do play the ball where it lies and am very fastidious about the rule.  But, we don't have alligators here in California except in the zoo or in my mind after a long night of drinking.
No alligators in this pond, just huge bass.  The snakes are in the weeds and trees behind the green.

That's not exactly right though, you can rest easily my dear, I don't drink I just thought this was getting boring and I needed a great line.  The pewter alligator is not what you would call world class art, but I look at it every day. Why, I don't know but I do look at it every day. A defect in my character, I guess.
     I do want to state for the record that if the ball I am playing rests on the back of an alligator I am not playing the ball where it lays.  We do have one dangerous animal hazard here in California where I play, rattlesnakes.  If my ball lands near a rattler that is coiled and making a beautiful noise with his rattles, I ain't going near it to save a $3 Titleist, HECK NO!  I should confess here that I don't play $3 Titlists but 79cent used balls.
     The pewter paperweight is not correct however, and I want to let you know that here.  I don't know what rule it is but as is true with all the rules of golf the ruling is quite clear.  If your ball did come to rest on the back of an alligator or in the mouth of a rattlesnake you would have one ticked off animal and you would not want to play the ball from there.  In the rules, you can take a drop no closer to the hole with no penalty. I'm glad we cleared that up and you can sleep tonight knowing the correct ruling.  
No snakes or alligators here, just sharks 

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Tree

     You all know how I like coming up with what I call The Question of the Ages.  As I sat here wondering what I was going to write about,  I really didn't have a clue until just a second ago.  The brilliant light went on and it hit me, almost literally as a bulb in the light fixture which has a short in it came on suddenly without warning.  
     The Christmas tree nearly fell on top of me when I got up to answer the door.  This incident in and of itself would  give one cause to ponder many things but something else hit me as far as the tree was concerned.  Here is the latest Question of the Ages.  Today is December 28 and Christmas was five days ago.  Why is our tree still up?  When will it be taken down so that we can walk about our small apartment? I realize that is two questions, but I have problems counting anyway so cut me a break on this one.
      I open the questions for discussion.  How long should a Christmas tree be left up after Christmas? After all, it looks kind of naked after all the presents are gone.  They also have a tendency to dry up. Its (did I get that right?) color has gone from a fresh and brilliant green to a dull grey green.  I love watching all those news reports on TV as to how fast a dried out Christmas tree goes up in flames.  That is a great encouragement.
       Our solid waste division here in Fresno wants us to cut them up and put them in the trash.  They are to be no more than four feet sections.  OK, I would be willing to do this but I don't have a saw.
      This particular post I realize is not up to my high standards of work.  I understand that and must beg your patience.  I am rushing to get some things finished so that I may clear the weekend to get to my New Year's celebration and am sure that many of you will cut me some slack on this because you are going through the same type of things.

     One last thing by the way.  I am listening to the Masters and Commanders CD which has some great music on it.  Mr. Crowe, again I say that I love your work but I still think you struggled with the singing in Les Miserables.      

     One last last thing and this doesn't have to do with anything.  I just thought I would share this with you, Batman's view of St. Louis, Missouri when he is flying around in the Bat Copter.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

This Is Hard Work

     I just want the world to know that it is not easy being a blogger and writing wonderful things on a daily basis. The idea of being sharp each day and creating a thought let alone putting it down in writing is a daunting task. You shouldn't worry though, it's (or its) my pleasure to keep writing these little vignettes for you so that you can enjoy them. Basically my personality is of a giving nature so it gives me great pleasure and enjoyment writing this for you. This is hard work.
     I hope Russel Crowe doesn't read my blog.  Russel is a bit touchy and can react to things a bit negatively.  I keep looking out the window waiting for Russel to show up at my door to show his dissatisfaction for saying what I did about his performance in Les Miserables.  Well Russel, I say this to you and please don't take offense because this is just my opinion.  Who am I but just a bad blogger whom (or is it who) nobody reads.  You can't sing and I don't know the difference between it's and its so don't come looking for me, I think its a wash (Did I do that right?) .  Hey man, I loved you in Gladiator and Masters and Commanders.  In fact, I am playing the soundtrack to Masters and Commanders right now.  You probably don't read my blog or care what I think anyway. I also apologize that I have been spelling your name incorrectly, I know that because I looked on the CD cover and it is Russell.  Funny thing though, I didn't spell Hugh Jackmon's name wrong. Hmmmmm.....
     Here are some pictures of boats, just to let you know that I really enjoyed Masters and Commanders and it would help you understand how much I respect you.  I also threw in a picture of a cannon just for you.

     By the way, was it you playing the violin in Masters and Commanders. I hoped it was you. I know you could because you are so talented. If it wasn't I will forgive you man.

     Last thing and this is very important.  When is the next Masters and Commanders coming out?  

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

OK, I'm Ready

     I know that I was busy this morning and my special lady was getting impatient.  She was getting hungry and wanted breakfast so I had to hurry.  I am sitting in front of my computer now and am ready to write. Let's see, what do I dazzle you or baffle you with today?  I have got just the thing.
    Did anyone go to Les Miserables yesterday?  We did, and I enjoyed it very much.  The performances were outstanding and I didn't know Wolverine could sing. There are many things in life that surprise us.  Hugh Jackmon really carried the day and there were some outstanding performances including some surprises. I will leave it at that so that you can enjoy the movie.
     I am a Russel Crowe fan, but in this movie I have some questions.  Did the producers and directors of the film audition Crowe to see if he could sing? There is some doubt in my mind as to what they were thinking because as a singer, I know my range and not to try something that I just can't bring off.  Again, I am not too sure about his performance. Don't get me wrong, I admire his courage for trying something that difficult and am a big fan of his, but as Jobert his singing abilities have to be wondered about.
     My special lady and I discussed this issue.  She thought that his performace was as directed by the director so that it contrasted that of Jackmon's. Her take was that Jobert's character was one of dispare and anger compared to the Jean Val Jean's character of hope and redemption.  I guess that is one way to look at it and it is a possible angle, but Crowe's singing did leave, in my mind at least, something to be desired.  I respect her opinion and Crowe's performance as far as his singing was almost adequate, but still not what you would say stellar.  His acting was fantastic, and OK I'll say it, was weak at best. I also don't want to say that I am right and she is wrong, but it is what it is and I don't want to get in trouble so that is all I will say.
     Many years ago I went to see the stage production of Le Mis and enjoyed the music. I knew the story but with my attention deficit was having trouble following the story. There was too much going on at the same time.  The movie on the other had was very different for me.  Since it was concise and linear, I had no trouble following the story and enjoyed the music even more.  It was also good to see a variety of people watching and enjoying it, not just musical snobs. The audience was diverse and seemed to enjoy the film.  I am not a film critic, but I do give this movie a high recommendation.  Go see it.

     Sorry to disappoint you on one thing in this post.  What is the correct usage of it's?  

This doesn't have a thing to do with this post, but I know you are getting a kick out of my pictures so I though I would share this.  Have you ever seen the back side of water?

Wow! What Time Is it?

     Oh my gosh.  It's (or maybe its) 9:39 and I just got up.  The day is getting away from me and I need to post but I don't have time right now.  Give me some time and I will get to it.  If you could be patient for just a while longer, I will dazzle you with another brilliant bit of my twisted wisdom or observations. As a very noted and wise man has said, "I'll be back."  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I will talk to you soon.  

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Not Much To Say Today

     I don't have much to say today other than wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.  I am going to Merced today to be with my special someone. She is going to cook a Turkey and we are going to see Les Miserables with debuts in theaters today. I wish everyone a great day.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Dear Santa

     It's (or maybe its, you decide) Christmas Eve Day and I guess in some places it is (I wimped out there with the its) Christmas Eve and maybe even Christmas Day in Japan so I thought I would share my Christmas Letter to Santa.  Here Goes.

Dear Santa
     Today I want to apologize to you.  I have impersonated you on many occasions. I am not going to take full responsibility for this heinous act because I was either goaded into it or I could not turn it down.  The grey beard that I had most of this year I have shaved off  and have lost 70 pounds. The Santa suits that I was forced to wear don't fit, even when I try to put the pillow in it.  I promise never to impersonate you again as there is only one Santa, and that is you.  With that said, I hope that you will put me back on the nice list and take me off the naughty list if I was on it.  Here is my Christmas list, just ideas of course.

Hmmm, maybe.......

I think that something like, uh.....

Well, I really need......

     You know Santa, I have been really blessed and really don't need anything.  Save whatever you were going to give to me and give it to someone who is in more of need.  After all, giving gifts is not what Christmas is all about.  Give it to someone else and make their Christmas blessed.
     Wait a minute, there is something small that I would like to have and probably can only get it from you on Christmas.  Could you give me the knowledge to know when it is correct to use its and it's?  I would be forever in your debt.

Thank you


PS:  The Pitts Special is not on my list. I just thought it was a cool picture and I didn't really have a Chrristmas picture to put in this letter so I thought that you wouldn't mind.  By the way, it is red and matches your sleigh. Maybe it is time to retire the sleigh and upgrade.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Better Late Than Never

     What time is it?  Uh-oh, it is after two o'clock and I have been out of church since twelve.  Will you ever forgive me.  I am very sorry in that I promised you that I would post directly after church.  It was the gourmet tuna fish sandwich that did me in.  The football game had something to do with it as well.
     I got home from church and was hungry, it was lunchtime you know.  I also had to feed my son.  What gourmet meal could I fix for the both of us. Let's see, what do we have in the pantry.  How about tuna fish on cracked wheat, a gourmet lunch all the way.  Open the can  of tuna and throw in some mayonnaise and sweet pickle relish and voila, you have a gourmet lunch.  Top it off with some fruit punch crystal light and your are really there.  Life doesn't get any better. Serve it on paper plates in front of the T.V. with the Cowboys playing the Saints and you have ascended into Sunday afternoon heaven. You just kind of drift off into a carbohydrate fog and then sleep. I amaze myself at just how easily I can access the good life.      

No Time Right Now

     I am on my way to take a shower to go to church and sing in our choir.  This is normally the time that I write my blog.  All I can say is since it is Sunday, I will be back after church to post.  I don't want to disappoint you and I know that you faithfully read my blog.  I don't want you to stop doing that.  Right now though I do need to take a shower.  If you are interested, I sing bass in the choir.
     By the way, I would  to invite you to Central Presbyterian Church in Mercedon January 6 as I am soloing  at the church.  I don't know what I am going to sing yet, but I do know that I am going to have an excellent acommpianist on the piano. My water is running and I have to get going.  I will have more for you later today.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Well I Woke Up this Morning...You Were On My Mind

     Guess what--Its December 22.  I guess the Mayans were wrong after all.  Hold on, let me go outside and double check.  The Mayans may have been right and this could be a ruse or we could be living in another dimension and were transported during the night.  What I am seeing could be a ruse.

     Nope, its raining outside and John Wayne is going to be in "Sands of Iwo Jima" tonight on The Military Channel's "Officer and a Movie". That's reassuring, John Wayne. Now that is the height of normal.  I can feel the cold of the rain.  All my fingers and toes are still there, and I still have to take my son out to breakfast.  He eats a lot, yes I do too but he always gives me a strong dose of reality when I see him. I love you son!  All those "800" numbers are making my cell phone ring like a bad Presbyterian bell choir. Ok, I don't mean to insult the Presbyterians and I do attend a Presbyterian Church so let's say a bad marimba band since my I-phone ring is set to the marimba tone.  My head hurts from my over celebrating that I did last night--we had our familly's Christmas celebration. The cigar and conversation were wonderful. I woke up this morning and I was still here.
    The bottom line is this, we are still here and we are open for business. Now what? I know what I am going to do, I am going to go to breakfast with my son.  Maybe he will treat this time, after all it s a "New World Beginning" today. Hmmmm.......

Friday, December 21, 2012

Was That It?

     It is 9:00 here in the West Coast and midnight on the East Coast.  As you can see, I am writing this.  I guess the world is not coming to an end. Oh well, this may disappoint a lot of people.  As for me, I am going to have a piece of pumpkin pie and go to bed.  I'm still here, I think.  Somebody was very wrong on this one. So much for the mighty Mayans.  By the way, are there any Mayans around today?   Good night all, and I will see you in the morning.

This Is It Folks

     This will be a very short post.  I told you that I would have a comment before it all ends.  We have exactly seven minutes to go. I would like to wish everyone good luck!

Today's The Day

     Today is the day.  We will find out if the Mayan's were correct.  I am kind of angry because of a cartoon that is circulating that shows a Mayan that has made a calendar and says "I ran out of room on the wheel." Another Mayan watching him says, "You are really going to freak some people out in 2013."  I though about this a long time ago but didn't act on it.  Somebody is going to make a lot of money on this. Oh well, It's not exactly the end of the world.
    Let's see what is happening in my world today.  My back is still hurting and I can't play golf.  Oh well, its not the end of the world.
    I get confused about the correct usage of its and it's.  Oh well, its not the end of the world. By the way, I do know the difference between they're, there, and their.  I'm OK with that.
    I'm out of milk and coffee and my daughter has asked me to buy some unsalted butter for our Christmas gathering tonight. Oh well, it's not the end of the world.
    My old TV is going out and I can't afford a new one.  Oh well, Its not the end of the world.
    My son didn't put the top on the peanut butter and it is drying out.  Oh well, It's not the end of the world.
    Today is going to be very cold and rainy.  Its  the first day of winter by the way.  Hold on a minute, rain is welcomed here because we need it.  Our year is behind as far as rain. Oh well, it't not the end of the world.
    OK, maybe I am not correct. We will find out at midnight tonight whether or not its the end of the world.  By the way, when will the end end? What time zone.  You would think that it would be 12:00 Eastern or in my case 9:00 PST. But the world has 24 time zones and it is already Saturday in Japan. The world would have ended because it's tomorrow.
   I am going to end with that.  I have thought too much and the sun isn't even up yet here in California. I can feel my head about to explode because I have been thinking about this too much. I will be OK though.  Even if my head does explode, it is (that was a cop out) not the end of the world.  Or---maybe its,(sorry I couldn't resist). That was a cheap shot.  Maybe it is the end of the world.  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tomorrow-Tomorrow-It's only a Day Away

     It is once again time for me to post on my blog.  What humorous observation do I have for you today.  Let's see--I will get right to it, I haven't had my coffee yet.  Give me just a minute, I will be right back.

     OK, I can start my day now.  I have my coffee. There is something about fresh brewed double French roast freshly ground coffee that can start a wonderful day.  My day begins with the brew and its kind  the starter pistol for my journey through the day.  Sometimes I make a slight change and buy a batch of Kona blend.  It is great too, with a milder flavor. One gets tired of the same old thing day after day, week after week.  Yes, I do go to Starbuck's, but I have decreased the Starbuck's visits due to my poor financial status right now.  Breakfast has been at home and not at Starbuck's and my usual everything bagel or sausage breakfast sandwich.
     Hold on a minute.  I hear my son waking up and promised him that I would make him pancakes this morning. Go get yourself a cup of coffee or whatever drink is appropriate for where you are living and put your feet up for a minute.  I am going to go make his pancakes.  I will be right back-don't go away.  This is going to be one of my best posts.

    Those were some wicked pancakes.  I am becoming quite the cook since my divorce.  The other night I made a great batch of Spaghetti Carbonara.  It was fantastic.  I kind of specialize in Italian, but I am trying to expand my reciepe base.  I know I misspelled reciepe but hey, I can't spell everything correct and my grammar is not always spot on either. Bottom line is though, I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts with you.
     I fully intended to share my thoughts about tomorrow's end of the planet. Relax, its not like it is the end of the world.  Well, maybe it is the end of the world but I choose to relax and not worry about it. I would give to you my pearl of wisdom which is there is nothing you can do about it so treat it as just another day. Bobby McFerrin was right and had some very profound advice.  "Dont' worry, be happy." That's what I plan to do and expect to wake up Saturday morning just as I have since my birthday 58 years ago. So all I have to say is "Tomorrow, tomorrow, its only a day away". Enjoy the day today and live it to the fullest.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Relax, Its Not The End Of The World--Or Is It

     Today is Wednesday on its way to the end of the Earth on Friday.  I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions for some interesting things to do before it all ends.  I am stuck here at home because I can't afford to go out so if anyone has any creative ideas I am open to suggestions.
     Don't get depressed, I plan to be here and watch the sun come up on Saturday morning as will most of the rest of us. I would have liked to have gotten up and played golf on Saturday, but that is not going to happen. I can't afford that and truth be known I can't play for a long time because I am still healing from my severe sciatica attack.  I couldn't swing a club if my life depended on it. I take it back. If I had to ward off the evil Mayan spirits to save the planet, I probably would make the human sacrifice of swinging a club. We all have to decide our priorities, you know.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I Gotta Do This

      I don't know why I go great guns with this, and then back off.  This is very fun to do.  It is scary because I have to be very witty and bright, providing you my reader with humor and astute insights into life.  that is a great responsibility.  It is my intent to apologize in that I have dropped the ball.   Empty promises of being more faithful to posting and bringing you my best and excellence in writing. Please accept my deepest apology that I am not placing this higher in my list of priorities.  I will do better.        

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Careful, Don't Cut Yourself

     What does the title "Don't Cut Yourself" have to do with my post today?  Funny you should ask that. It's about getting older, and I'm sure some of you will relate to this.
     Here goes.  I used to be able to shave in the morning without wearing my glasses. Those days have long gone.  I look in the mirror and instead of seeing a bright and cheery happy face, I see a round very fleshy oval that I can only assume is me. Is it wise to take a very sharp instrument and run it over this beautiful orb? I knew that changes had to be made to this morning ritual when I slathered shaving cream up my nose, or the blurry appendage that stuck out from the flesh orb. Changes are hard for me.
         Time marches on, I guess.  

Monday, October 15, 2012


     This is dangerous.  I am sitting in my recliner watching my beloved 49ers get thumped by the NY Giants. That is all I'll say about the game, but what is dangerous is my little brain is working overtime here thinking about the game.  Not the mess that I am watching, but the game itself, that wonderful game we Americans call football.  I realize that many of my reader is not American, but please bear with me on this.
      There are some in this great wide world that would argue that what we watch here in America is not football.  They contend that football is played on a field with net goals on each end and a round ball. The ball is only touched with the foot.  It can be deflected or bumped by the rest of the body, but you cannot use your hands.  We here in America call this soccer, and what is a sweeper anyway?  The rest of the world really knows a great way to watch the grass grow, doesn't it?  What's up with Goooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaallllllll!!!!!! I don't know, something is just not right here.
     My heart goes out to the Australians. They play a game that they call "football".  I'm not sure about that one yet, but I do know that they do kick the ball.  They run and throw it a lot too. It looks a lot like rugby, and I guess that could be classified as football as well. What is a "scrum" anyway and would I really want to collide with a guy running full speed toward me that is as solid as steel ad trying to tatoo me with cleat marks as he runs over me. The horrible thing about this is He will do this while I am not wearing any appreciable protective gear.    I think not. At least in football, I mean soccer--uh, I mean football--or is it soccer, now I am confused--you don't deliberately run someone over. There are collisions, but if they are deliberate you are penalized.
     I played football and was good at my position.  I was all-league at my position, which was "left out".  That was bad, I know but I had to take the shot.  I really didn't play football, golf was my sport as you probably know.  Do you know how much a toll on your body it is trying to make a two-foot putt to win a big match? A quarter is a lot of money afterall.
     Got to run, Its time for the baseball game.  Cricket anyone?

Its in the news again.  Hackers hacked into another bank.  Its not just your bank records, either.  Take a look at "Identity Shield" Identity theft protection.  Click the button and take a look.  It is less expensive thatn you think to be protected.      


Saturday, October 13, 2012


    It's back to the couch. Somebody hand me an ice pack. Hand me the TV remote please. Can you get me a drink--would be a beer, but I don't drink.  Owwww, it hurts!!!!!!  

The Clown Is Still In Pain

     Wednesday I woke up ad couldn't straighten up. This morning I woke up and couldn't straighten up. My back still hurts!  I had hoped to have something written for you today but my back is still in some really bad pain.  OOUCH!!!!
See How much respect I get from my family when I am in pain?

 That's all the writing for today and I may post again later if my back feels better.  I am going to put a very large and cold ice pack on my back ad sit in my "old man" recliner.  There is a great TV show on.  By the way, it is 4:30 AM here in California and I am up because of the pain.  Can you overdose on Naprosin and Ibuprophen?  We'll see.    

Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Friday

     Yes, it is Friday today--at least where I live.  That doesn't mean much to me though being retired.  I live in a retired world where every day is Saturday.  You could look at it in a different way as well. I work every day doing something.  Retirement to me does not mean I don't work and live on my pension.  Far from it,  my ex-wife saw to that.  To me, a weekend is not a weekend as far as work.  Tomorrow morning I will be hard at it on my computer running my internet businesses and bringing my normal humorous views of life to you. I work seven days a week. Ca you prove to me that tomorrow really is Saturday?
    To me, a Friday is a Monday and a Saturday and could be a Wednesday.  I do keep track of Monday, Wednesday and Friday because those are golf days.  I can't miss my quarter skins golf day, that would be criminal.  That is a priority.  Oh, and Wednesday afternoon I pick up my grandson at school. I don't want him walking home from school. With my back being out, I can't play golf so that really messes with my mid.  Is it really Friday?  Not in Japan.

Yesterday I saw a report on identity theft. The report talked about how hackers had stolen the records of 23,000 students in Northern Florida.  Don't leave yourself unprotected!  Click on the Identity Theft button and check out the program.  Protect you identity!  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Straight Up Guy. Not Quite Yet.

     Most of those who know me know that I am pretty much a straight up guy.  Yesterday I wasn't.  As I said, my sciatica was bothering me and I was walking around a bit strangely. Actually, I was not walking but hobbling around in pain.  I could not walk upright and looked like Quasimoto's- the hunchback of Notre Dame"s- better looking twin brother. It wasn't a pretty site and it didn't feel good either. It hurt and hurt bad.  Those of you who suffer from sciatica know what I am talking about.
     Should you care, and I don't think the state of global politics will change with this information, I am feeling much better today.  I am able to get off the couch and walk around almost upright.  I am still in pain, but not as bad. Instead of yesterday's machete stabbing me in the back, the pain is more like an ice pick.  That is kind of appropriate because I am icing my back so much. I chuckled and got it. OK, that was some really bad humor in which probably nobody got, but that's experimental humor. I crack myself up a lot. Sometimes  it works, sometimes not.
     Speaking of icing my back, it's off to the couch to ice it so I don't have to walk so strangely.

     The cause of the dreaded pain.  Not really, I just wanted to share the picture.  I parred the hole, by the way.

There was more in the news about identity theft.  It seems as though certain countries are hacking into bank accounts.  Protect yourself.  Click on the "Identity Theft" button and get protected. Check it out, it is very affordable.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Clown Is Hurt and In Pain

     Hold on, I need to get close to an ice pack.  My back has reminded me of its age and hurts like...!
Thank you for your patience, I'm back.  I am in pain.  There is a sincere doubt that I will miss my tee time on Friday.  Now, you know I am in pain if I pass up golf.  That's where I am at.
     You should see me walking.  I am heeling into the wind and listing to the right at about 28 degrees.  Problem is, there is no wind.  I can't walk up straight to save my life. It hurts!
     Ice and Ibuprophen, yep that's the ticket.  I can get up and hobble wherever I go in the apartment, but it hurts! I did have my coffee this morning.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Line It Up

     Don't get mad at me.  I have to give you some bad news.  I am only going to post once today.  After all, It is Saturday.  I do need to rest that small brain of mine and I cannot keep up the wit and humor if I don't rest it.  It is my hope that you can be patient with me and understand my plight.  My head actually hurts right now from being overtaxed during the week.
     How many of you like and eat bagels?  I am here at Starbucks applying the cream cheese spread to my bagel, sipping on--what else--my morning dark roast coffee.  Why is it that you can never line up the halves of your bagel to match what it was before you put the cream cheese on after you have spread the cheese on.  It should be that the halves fit closely but that never happens.  They just don't line up.
     Should the halves not be lined up, the world just doesn't spin on its axis properly.  The cream cheese oozes out in the wrong places and the messy factor comes more into play. There is a greater chance that the cheese will be wasted because it oozes onto your lips where it shouldn't be.  OK, I'm stretching here and you can see I need the day off.  My comments are beginning to be incoherent. What the heck am I talking about?  I'm done here.  Have a Happy Saturday.
     Now wait a minute.  If you are in Japan or certain parts of Russia its Sunday if you are on the other part of the International Date Line.  It is fall here and if you're in the Southern Hemisphere it is Spring.
STOP!!!!!STOP!!!STOP!!! Enough already, I'm done and taking the rest of the day off.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Bad Jokes

        You should feel very fortunate.  I have spared you from some of the worst humor and jokes that my cob webbed over brain can come up with.  You have dodged the bullet thus far but now it is time you take one for the team.  It is time.  Here goes, I will go lightly on you at first not wanting to overwhelm you  all at once.  Sit still, this will be painless and I promise I will be gentle and only hit you with one. Remember, you could be at the dentist getting a root canal.
     I went to a memorial service for a music teacher last Saturday.  It was a very somber occasion which celebrated the life of the person that had passed on.  She had a very full and wonderful life which effected the lives of many in her community.  She taught violin--I think you see this coming but again it will be painless and quick.  I pity violin players--brace yourself for this now--because they seem to be always strung out. See, that was painless.   I love violin music including country music with the fiddle.  But I wouldn't want to play the violin because there are too many strings attached.  Snuck that one by you, didn't I.    Couldn't resist that one and forgive me for that.  When I am on a role, I just can't stop and it must be a flaw in my character.
     On a serious note, thank you for following and reading my blog.  I certainly appreciate it and hope you are enjoying it.  I also welcome your comments and feedback.  I realize that some of my posts are better than others but that is the nature of blogging.  By the way, my book should be coming out soon as an e-book and I will have more information on this soon.  Again, a hearty thank you to all of you.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Its Over

     Its over.  The pledge has been broken.  I am grieving for the past and any bit of consistency in my life.  I made broccoli for dinner tonight and ate it.  There is a bit of freedom involved in that.  I am no longer under the pall of an agreement that I was too young to understand.  I have broken the "man pledge" of no vegetables. What can happen to me?
     Wait a minute.  I hear a knock at the door.  Hold on while I go to the door and answer it.
      Yes, I am he.  No, I will not come with you.  Who did you say you were?  The "no vegetable police"? You got to be kidding.  Hold on, you can't take me.  Besides, let me call my attorney.  I have LegalShield and you will have to deal with him....      

Eat Your Vegetables

    Personally, I have nothing against vegetables.  Most of them are green and many come in other colors such as orange in the case of carrots to yellow in the case of some squash.  What is the plural of squash, anyway?  My problem with vegetables is that many years ago I took a "man pledge" to eat as few vegetables as I can.  I know that sounds a bit sexist but I am fifty-eight years old and you could do things like that back forty years ago.  It is sort of like Catholics eating meat on Friday. I can say that because I used to be a Catholic and I am not trying to insult Catholics.  Once you ingrain a behavior it is very hard to change. To this day, I still feel guilty eating a hamburger on Friday.  So it is with eating vegetables.  I am trying to eat more vegetables, but the pledge gets in the way.  Give me a good steak, filet mignon or porterhouse would do fine thank you. If I eat that steak on Friday, I still get a twinge of guilt especially if I eat the seasoned broccoli along with the steak.
     I'll eat my salad, but drown it in honey mustard or thousand island dressing if you please.  I like the beet on top of the salad if it is pickled.  A beet is a cheater, remember that vegetables are green not red.  They slipped that one by me and eating the pickled beet is ok with the "man pledge" because of the color and the fact that it has been sitting in whatever it is they pickle it in.
      I like three bean salad. The vegetables have have been smothered in a dressing, which takes the idea of  "vegetable" out of the discussion.  By the way, what is a white bean and does a garbanzo really qualify as a vegetable. I think that the "dressing" clause of the "man pledge" can be evoked here. Let me check the pledge document.  Here it is in article three, paragraph two.  And I quote, "Vegetables pickled or smothered in a dressing or sauce can be exempted."  Wow!  I am safe.
     One last question.  Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit?

     You never know when you may need legal advice. Can you afford the $250 an hour it takes for an attorney to take your case or even talk to you? We can help.  Click on the "Legal Justice" button below to find out more.

Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed in this particular blog came from an unclear mind which hadn't had his coffee yet before writing this piece.  He is not responsible for the content and asks for your acceptance and prayers.    

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's Debatable

     I am watching the presidential debate.  You all expect some humorous comments and some brilliance from me as to my observations.  Nuff said???
     Talk to you tomorrow.
     The floor in front of my T.V. is beckoning me.  I cannot ignore it and it has become an important part of my life.  It is there and I must deal with it.  Each day it is there and presents a life and death situation for me.  It is time.
     Let me explain.  My weight two and a half years ago was up to 300 pounds.  It was time that I did something about it, and my ex-wife was the first stimulus to my loss of weight. She made the best decision of my life and decided to divorce me.  That got the ball rolling and I began to make some significant life changes. One was that I would do crunches, leglifts and stretches first thing in the morning.  My eating patterns had to change and I had to get to the gym.  The weight had to go.  Seventy pounds melted off my body, and I am proud of that.
     Life stabilized and I began to not go to the gym and stop my morning routine.  I kept trying to hide, but thirty pounds were successful in finding me. I figured out why my asthma is bothering and sciatica is ravishing my back.  Funny thing this weight gain.  To put it mildly, my health began to slip and time was time to do something. The floor beckoned me, and I responded. The floor calls me as we speak and I am on my way there now. It has been more than a week since I returned to the floor and I am feeling better and my pants fit better as well.  Maybe it is working.
     There was more in the news today about thieves stealing a person's identity.  Don't go unprotected.  Click on the "Identity Theft" button and see what LegalShield has to offer.

     Next time!      

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sorry, I Have To And Couldn't Resist

     I just got back from choir practice and the Fresno Community Choir.  We are doing "Elijah" by Mendelsohn which is a great piece of music and are having a great time in rehearsal with the piece coming together nicely.  There is something I just can't resist.  Here it goes, are you ready.  I must say that me singing about the Profit Elijah puts me at a loss.  Oh, wait a minute.  I spelled profit wrong.  It should be Prophet.  Forgive me God, I know not what I do.  Maybe the Devil made me do it.  Maybe I should just go to bed.  When I write my blogs late at night, they get a little bit screwy as my consciousness dwindles.  Let's just say it gets a bit more screwier.  I'm tired and should go to bed.

I've Decided

    My mind is made up.  After many years of thinking about the problem and wondering what the solution is, I have come up with an answer.  The internet has been a very important resource as well as important conversations with musicians and other experts.
     For years, I have been wondering which musical instrument I should learn to play. Many consultations have taken place with my musician friends with their input on my musical abilities being very helpful .   The votes are in, and here goes.  I choose the harmonica. You think I am kidding.  I am not.  The past few days have been spent with my lady friend in Merced and then last night I spent ten minutes learning the harmonica.  Now that is dedication.
     Excuse me now I have to practice.  Weee...Wah...Weee...Wahhh...My...Dog...Has...Fleas...My...Dog...Has...Fleas...
     Wow!  That was intense.  I think I will sit back down and rest since I really worked on that one.  Besides, it's time to drink my morning coffee.  Sorry about that, I wasn't supposed to mention my coffee.  Forgive me for that, please.
     Take a look at Hotwire.  They are running some great deals on travel right now.  This is a great time to travel with schools being in session and the weather cooling off in the Northern Hemisphere and summer coming in the Southern Hemisphere. Click on the Hotwire link and see.

Monday, October 1, 2012

     Getting old is a wonderful thing, especially when you consider the alternative.  You do some funny things as you age though.  Sometimes you forget things.  I'm OK with that. My great realization of this happened on Saturday.
     Saturday was the day I was to leave to spend a marvelous weekend with my special lady friend.  My gas tank was low so I knew I had to stop for gas and did at a station close to the freeway.  I payed for my gas and and got back into my car and drove off.  About four miles down the freeway, I wondered how much gas I had put in and how many miles I would go on the gas I had just put in.  Seventeen miles on the gauge didn't make sense.  Did I not do something I should have?  How about put the gas in the gas tank. You must understand that I am not perfect and I am getting older.  Next time I go to the gas station, will someone call me and make sure I put the gas in.  Please?  

Friday, September 28, 2012

No Mention of Coffee

     Here I am back at my computer putting my thoughts down on paper--ur, uh computer screen. My decision today is to not even mention my morning cup of coffee.  Each entry to my blog I have started talking about how I am awake and have had my morning coffee.  This may be annoying people so I won't say a word about my morning cup.
     You know, I prefer a dark roast, and whenever I go to Starbuck's and have a cup I always order a tall dark.  It doesn't matter if it is French Roast, Kimodo Dragon or Pike's it is always a dark.  When I buy beans-which I grind at home before I make my pot (coffee not that other stuff this is a family blog) at home-its always a dark roast.  I take that back, it isn't always a dark roast.  I like a Kona blend for its great taste and my son prefers a lighter roast.
     It seems as though there is more oil in dark roast.  When I grind the beans for my morning coffee, if it is a dark bean there always remains some grinds in the grinder.  This is not the case for the lighter Kona beans.  I really don't know why this is.  There is just something about a fresh cup of morning coffee made with fresh ground beans. Plus, I really enjoy the sound of the beans grinding in the grinder. The bubble, bubble bubble sound the coffee maker makes as the coffee brews is very comforting and is a great start to the day.  When I pour the brown liquid into my cup and add the cream-my son uses Almond Joy Coffee Mate but I am a purist so I use regular cream-and sugar I know my day will start on a good note.  Bring on the Fruit Loops for breakfast, I am a happy camper and ready to meet the day and tackle it head on.
    Let's see-what am I going to write about this morning?  Darn, its getting late and I have to do my workout.   I don't want to be late for my early "Dawn Patrol" tee time and the old farts (I know many of you in my group are reading this, so I am saying that lovingly.) are waiting so I must go.
    On the news yesterday was a report on seniors and identity theft.  Don't leave yourself unprotected. Click on the identity theft button and check out what Legal Shield has to offer.  We protect your identity from theft and if it is stolen, our company will actively restore your credit and identity.  We restore your identity should it be stolen.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Good Morning!

     Here I am again in front of a huge blank screen with my task to fill the huge void with my brilliant rantings, humor and observations.  The key to this is having something to write about. My mind is blank  As I sip on my morning coffee-it is normally the first thing in the morning about 5:00 AM or 05:00 for you in the military or for my international readers-I write because I am a morning person.  Hey, wait a minute. That could be the topic for today.  I could talk about being a morning person as opposed to a night owl.  Sometimes I amaze myself, especially when I am under the gun.  Here goes.
     I am a morning person, not a night owl......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Wha...Wha...Did I fall asleep?  Oops, sorry I didn't mean to.  Oh heck, it's early.  I'm going back to bed.
     If you need a flight or a hotel, don't forget to check out  There are some great deals on LastMinuteTravel as well.  I'm going to finish my coffee and go back to bed.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Life is good! My eyes are open and I have poured my first cup of coffee. Here I am at my computer writing this sipping on the light brown brew that I poured into my pirate cup. I collect coffee mugs you know, but that can be another blog entry. Last night was choir rehearsal. I sing in a Community Chorus. I don't know if I can sing, in fact sometimes I doubt my singing talents given some of the looks I get at rehearsals. I figured, what the heck I bought the tuxedo so I have to find an occasion to wear it. Actually, I like wearing it and have been looking for a matre'd job. This is Fresno so that probably won't happen. My guess is that choir performances and cruise formal nights will have to be the only times I bust out the formal threads. Such a shame. It is early in the morning here in California and again last night was choir rehearsal. It is a rehearsal not a practice, after all we are a master chorale. There is a lot of talent in this group and I kind of go along as comic relief as well as an occasion to wear my tux. I look pretty good in it too, I might say. Once I was asked to sing in "The Massiah"-OK, I probably spelled it wrong but just bear with me. I told the musical director I couldn't because I couldn't Handel it. That was bad, but I enjoyed that and if you didn't get it I am not going to explain it. I was also told that Mozart only had one friend but they didn't play together often because he was Haydn. I know the impact of this musical humor seems very corny, but if you knew the people who are uttering this nonsense it makes sense and seems out of character for these giants of song. It was funny to me. Don't forget to visit one of my fine sponsor. Are you protected in case your identity is stolen. Take a look at LegalShield. We are different in that our program will work to restore your identity in the event it is stolen. This is a growing problem in our electronic life, so check it out. Until tomorrow, see ya.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I decided yesterday that it was time. My blogs have been dormant too long and it was about time to bore you once again with my irreverent (hey, so that's how you spell irreverant) observations on life. You don't need to laugh at my humor because I have been told I am not funny. I can live with that, but that isn't going to stop me. Sorry, but you are stuck with me. I thank you for following me and reading my blog. Most of all, I commend you continuing to read my mindless and unimportant drivel. Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to stop reading and following it but I do want to thank you and hope you will continue to tune in. I don't know if you have noticed but I have a few new sponsors. Please check them out and click on them if you need their services. I am especially happy to have the LegalShield family of services. Identity theft is a serious problem in our electronic culture. You can protect your identity with our LegalShield Identity Theft program. Unlike many of the other protection companies, we will actively restore your identity should it be stolen. Check it out. That's it for today. Can't wait to hear from you and see you again.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Going Green

    "Going green" has a lot of connotations to it.  Most people thing that "going green" means helping not to polute the environment using environmentally friendly products and cutting down on your "carbon footprint".  Today I noticed that I was "going green".  Le me explain, and it might not be the way you expected.
     I am making dinner tonight for a very special friend.  This required me to go to the grocery store to pick up a few of the main ingredients for what I am going to cook tonight.  When I got home and went in to the refridgerator to put things away, I discovered to my amazement that I didn't have any room. What is the problem and what is taking up so much space.
     When you live alone, it is hard to cook for one. The idea is to make enough for other meals from what you have cooked and when you don't want to cook you heat up the leftovers.  That is the ideal.  I want to be the first to let people know that that is not the case.  You get to a state of confusion after checking out the fridge and finding so many leftovers.  You freeze because the choices are so many and you can't make a decision.  You finally make the decision and you order Chinese take out, or pizza.  You can't finish that so into the fridge it goes only to add to later confusion.  Let's face it, life is complex.
     As I said, I am "going green".  Not by choice, but by circumstances and it is only my refridgerator. You should see it.  It has gone green--and black--and orange--and tan and also has grown hair in a couple of cases.  Phizer, the drug company called and wanted me to sent them a sample of what was in my fridge.  They wanted to develope a new strain of antibiotic penicillin from the mold in my fridge. I don't know what they wanted to do with the furry thing.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Freedom, The Simple Pleasures

     Today is a holiday here in the United States.  It is called President's Day, and we honor those who have served as leader of this country.  Two President's are the focus of this and they are George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  I could get very political and philosophical about freedom and what it means, but I am going to take a different direction here.  Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be an American and will celebrate the genius of these two men but that is not where I am going today.
     Yesterday, I experienced true freedom and in the most unusual way.  I did my laundry.  I have done my laundry many times since I moved into my apartment, but yesterday was different.  I did my laundry.  That is a very powerful realization, as there were a lot of things controlling my life.  It was my choice when to do my laundry as it is my choice to do whatever I want to or have to do.  I can also do things the way I want to, experiencing a learning curve. If what I do works, fantastic and if it doesn't work I won't do it that way again. That is a freeing experience.
     Which way do the clothes get hung on the hangar?  Is it to the left or to the right?  Does it matter?  It really doesn't and I don't care! I am truly FREE!!!!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Need To Get To Work

     Yes, I know that I haven't posted in quite some time.  Let me be the first to apologize for that.  I enjoy writing my blogs and I hope that you enjoy reading them. Thank you for being so loyal in following me and reading what I have to say. I totally understand that at times it seems like drivel and the rantings of an unstable man, but that is half the fun.
    I am beginning to believe that it is all a matter of prioritization, a skill that I have never learned.  God and family come first, that is a given.  Where does filing tax receipts come in?  I know that Tuesday is the day that I go and "papou" with my grandkids because my daughter goes to class.  That is a priority.  What about going to the gym three times a week?  How about doing the crunches and stretches every morning?
     I have come to the realization that I am in fact a writer.  I am no longer a teacher that goes into to school every day and teaches sixth graders.  That life is over, and my new life is here.  That new life should be a priority and I need to get to work on it.  There are very important projects that need to get finished.  The only way to do that is to do them.  That is so simple.
     Excuse me now, I have work to do.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Being Papou (Grandpa)

     Tuesday is a very happy day for me every week.  My oldest daughter has class on Tuesday and it is the day that I must "watch" my two grandsons while she is at calss.  Am I watching them or are they watching me?  When I am there, it can be asked who is the bigger kid. We have a ball!
     There is something about crawling around on the floor with a one-year-old.  Wrestling with a four-year-old WWE style takes a lot out of a 58-year-old body.  I wouldn't miss a minute of any of this.  It is all so very special, and there was a time not very long ago when I would have missed all this.  Who needs the nap after all decide.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Silly Questions

     I love people.  One of my favorite things about people is that they do some strange things.  It adds to the spice of life and we all do it.  Here is my testimony that this is true and it involves me. OK, you can ask if this is something new and we all know this is not rare with me.  I do some strange things, but I enjoy life.
     I was going to have coffee with my son.  Our time was especially early this particular morning so I wanted him to be ready at 6:45 A.M. Normally he is not up when I call to see if he is awake.  I called, and he answered the phone.
       "Hi Dad." he said when he answered the phone.
      Are you ready?  Here it comes, and if you are not thinking about this you might miss this. This was my answer.
      "Hi Zack, are you awake?"  I asked him.  I think my asnwer speaks volumes and I will let you think about it a bit.    

Monday, January 30, 2012

Technology...Our Friend II

     It has been a few days now that I have had my new phone.  I must admit that my comfort level is growing in using it.  They call it a "Smart Phone" and actually it is an amazing device.  My biggest concern is not the actual device, but the gigantic mainframe in which the phone inputs.  I am not talking about the mechanical, electrical system in which the phone accesses, I am referring to the biological computer in which the phone serves.  We are talking about "Smart Phone" verses "Not-So-Smart Human Operator", meaning me.
     Just a minute, I have to make a call.  It's dialing, just like a regular phone. 
     "Hello, is this Don?....No, Don...What, you can't understand me...I am trying to call Don, who are you?...What?...Your English is not so good?...What do you mean, your English is not so good. Who is this and where are you?...Yaslav Karazlwzsedgtchewseski?  Where do you live?...Warsaw, Poland?  Oh, Sorry I dialed a wrong number...I love Polish Sausage...not so hot on cabbage rolls...Sorry to have bothered you."
     Oops, wrong number and maybe I should take a longer look at the owners manual.       

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's Watching

     As I shared yesterday, I bought a Smart Phone.  I don't know, but I think it is watching me. This thing has an intelligence that I am not sure of.  It makes sounds as if it were not a piece of microchips and hardware, but truly alive. I don't know what it has on its mind. Is it communicating with some far off central brain which is conspiring to abduct me and wisk me off to their home planet to serve in their salt mines as a slave? If you don't hear from me again...some would say this is a good thing...then that is the case. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Transitions...Good-bye Old Friend, Hello New Friend

     As I wrote about yesterday, I am a man in transition.  I thought yesterday could be a day where I celebrated those life changes.  The first thing to do to demonstrate my newly embracing change was to say good-bye to an old friend.  It was time to give up my simple flip phone and upgrade to an I-phone.  You have no idea what a change this was.
     It is my opinion that a phone is for talking to people by voice.  It was a huge change for me just to use my phone to text.  I truly had to ask myself if I really want to get stock quotations on my phone? How important is it that I am in constant contact with my friends on Facebook? I thought a radio was for music and news. Do I really need all the stuff that a new phone provides? Oh well, out with the old and in with the new, just for the sake of change.  I can understand how horses felt.
     I was confident when I went into the AT&T store.  I was going to get the new phone.  I had and upgrade coming and I was going to use it.  My flip phone knew what was coming, and was awful quiet.  I didn't hear anything from it, not even a da-ding.  I think it was truly mad at me.  Before we left for the store, it pleaded with me saying that it was still very dependable and durable. Tough love had to rule the day, as I had explained to it that it was getting old and I was not just throwing it away, I was giving it an honorable retirement.  I praised it and thanked it for its noble service and dependability.  It was time that it took an hard-earned retirement.  It wasn't buying any of this.
     I entered the AT&T store extremely confident and with great expectations.  The display of smart phones caught my eye.  Emotions filled me with regret and the concern.  My flip phone is good enough for me, why do I need to change?  Is this trip really necessary?
     Tiffany, the AT&T representative was very caring and helpful.  She talked to me about the advantages of a smart phone and did not push for me to change.  She totally understood that my flip phone had been like a member of the family for a very long time.  I could tell the respect she had for this instrument of friendship and service by the way she took it when I gave it to her.  She looked at it and said to it, "We are going to give you a dignified and well deserved retirement. You have served well.  You have a wonderful and glorious time ahead of you."
     I was past the point of no return. It was time to move on with my life and to give my flip phone rest.  Farewell trusted servant, and into a new age for me. 


Monday, January 23, 2012


     Life is about transitions.  How we deal with those transitions is a good indicator of our personalities and character.  With transitions one is faced with a number of choices, and basically those choices are life and death.  These life and death choices are not neccessarily in the literal sense but can be emotional, they are nevertheless critical to our well being.  What choices we make in this transitional state can literally mean life and living it to the fullest, or death.  By death I mean not getting out of life the wonders and good things that life has for us.
     I am in a very difficult transitional state.  The choices are very real to me but my path is clear.  I can choose a life of "death".  The things in my life that were can rule my life and I can choose to be in a perpetual state of mourning for those things that were.  Many people I know have chosen to dwell in that place.  I can look back at my past and say with a great amount of sadness that all that is dead.  My past is just a fond memory  and nothing else.  I have nothing ahead of me, because I cannot relive my past.  It is all gone, my life is gone.
     I REFUSE TO THINK THAT WAY!!! My future is ahead of me.  Bring it on.  I am alive and there is much ahead of me.  I am going to grab for all the life I can...I have plans and God has plans for me.  I will get through this transitional time, there is too much in store that is good on the other side. Here's to that other side.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Technology...Our Friend?

     I am going to admit it.  It seems as though I have admitted to a lot in this blog, but I guess there is a flaw somewhere in my character.  Confession is good for the soul and also makes for some interesting and humorous postings.  It may also come from my Catholic childhood upbringing, which even now influences me.  I feel guilty for a lot of things, many of which I have nothing to do with. 
     I am not picking on Catholics, in fact I am proud that I was brought up as a Catholic.  It still influences me today in a good number of positive ways.  In fact, even though I now attend a Presbyterian Church in the back of my mind I still think of myself as Catholic. If I have offended anyone, it makes me feel so guilty and I apologize.  I hope I have not dug a hole too deep that I cannot get out of it. 
     Since I am in the guilt and apology mode, I must confess to something and apoligize to you for it.  If you are ready, here it comes. I know that the title of today's blog is Technology...Our Friend, but my mind and my ADD went off on a tangent in a completely different direction.  If I have confused you or have offended you or in any way shape or form, made you feel bad or slighted, I feel guilty and want to apologize.  Please accept that heart felt and genuine apology...That felt great.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Of Clothes and Keys

     I am truly enjoying the finer things of living in an apartment by myself.  There are many mundane tasks that one has to do when in this condition and that is washing clothes.  One major destination only steps from my door that I have discovered is the laundry room.  It is truly an incredible place, and I derive so much satisfaction and fulfillment each time I wash a load of clothes.  There is power in this.
     One fear strikes deep into my heart, and I became very much aware of this fear yesterday as I was doing my wash.  This fear is so intense that it prevented me from falling off into my normal deep sleep last night.  It was a nightmare, one of which I hope never comes to pass.  It even sends chills down my spine thinking of the scenario as I write this.
      Here is the thought.  The laundry room requires a key to get into it and the door closes behind you and locks after you go into the room.  That's OK, but what happens if you leave your keys on a machine after loading it?  You place the keys on top of the washing machine or dryer because your hands are full.  You place the wash in the machine and start it, then walk off leaving your keys on the machine.  You leave the room and your keys are locked up.  How do you get back to the laundry room to get your keys?
     Now what?  I can't go back into my apartment because being security conscious and taking the advice of the apartmanet management, I have locked my apartment door.  To make matters worse, there is not a manager on site on Sunday.  I cannot call anyone because I am in my sweats and my cell phone is locked up in my apartment. You can see just how much of a potential problem this could be.
     It is great to have clean clothes and to be back in my apartment sipping a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
My brain will just have to be more conscious of potential disasters.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gee, But Its Great To Be Back Home

     I have to apologize to Simon and Garfunkel for stealing that line.  In this case, it is totally appropriate.  It is great to be back home after a time in the desert.  It was time alone well spent, but I am glad to be back.
     One thing that really made me feel back at home.  Don't get me wrong there are many things that make my apartment my home but I noticed one thing this morning that particularly struck out.  I use the pink packets to sweeten my coffee.  I don't like the blue and what the heck is in those yellow packets?  You cannot imagine the comfort of going to your cupboard when you are half asleep and have just made the coffee knowing that you can depend on the fact that you will be able to sweeten your coffee with the pick packet. 
     Speaking of making coffee, I didn't take my coffee grinder.  There wasn't one at the condo I was staying at either.  I had to buy pre-ground coffee.  I had to mathmatically calculate how much coffee to use to make my coffee just right.  Like all things when you are on vacation, it took me until the last day to finally figure out the correct mix.  The first day, the coffee melted my spoon and the manager asked if he could use it to paint one of the condos.  The next day, it was almost see through with just a whisp of coffee flavor..colored water actually, or maybe I had discovered a new gourmet treat. 
     The coffee maker was another thing.  All I want to do is make coffee.  At home, I fill the water,grind the beans, put in a coffee filter...most of the time...put in the ground beans, close the lid and then push the brew button.  I don't even set the clock on my coffee maker.  I looked at the coffee maker at the condo and said has NASA called for their missing part?  I read the directions and wondered if I was going to get coffee or breaking down the atoms in water to provide the world with cheap, renewable energy.  Come on people, its a coffee maker.
    Yes, I am home.  My coffee maker made my coffee...I even put a filter in.  I put a packet of pink sweetner into it with whole milk and all is right with the world.

Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm OK...Most of the Time

     I have become much more at home with myself.  I think Popeye said it best when he said "I yam what I yam."  It is a great feeling to finally know who you are, or at least well on your way to that place of knowing.  I will never be "there" but it is a good feeling knowing where I am at right now. The "me" that is now is far happier than the "me" that was.
     Don't get me wrong.  There is a lot of room for me to grow and that growth will never stop.  One thing is for certain and that is to keep on giving.  This is not a giving to meet the expectations of or to please others. It is also not giving in just to avoid a confrontation. This  is giving to make others happy within reason and with little or no motivation on my part.
     I know in the last two posts I have been a little self reflective.  My humor has really not come out, but I feel that I had to share this with you.  Thank you for being with me.     

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Forever Young: No, Just Enjoy Again

     The world is coming back into focus in a new and wonderous way.  For the longest time I had forgotten who I am and was kind of mired in a thick and heavy mud of doubt.  I had forgotten just what kind of experiences that were out there that I had been missing or had never tried. All I can say is I AM ALIVE!!!!
     I feel like a kid again.  No, I am not going through a second childhood...far from that.  What I am experiencing is the "me" that I had never seen.  I know that that statement may seem selfish and self-centered but it is more than that.  I have discovered  and rediscovered parts of me that I have never seen or that have been long forgotten.
     I have found the true joy of giving.  That joy comes form the giving and not in what comes back in return or for whatever motives.  It is a true giving of time, talents, self and love...financially and emotionally.  The action of giving without any expectations in return is the true source of happiness.  Love given, without any sort of motive, gives true meaning to this life and is the source of fullfillment. 
     I have rediscovered my creativity and artistic self.  That has been hidden and discouraged for far too long.  There is nothing like performing an opera or singing in a  100 voice choior.  My sense of humor is back, and in fact some around me wish it would go away again...No Way!  I have that fire in me once again to write.  It is so beautiful and inspirational to just watch the sun come up in the morning. That is just a part of this creative and artistic side.
     I have become adventurous again.  Look out rollercoasters, here I come!  What new experience, within reason of course, can I find today.  How can I reconnect with old adventures from the past that I have left on the table of life? 
     I have come to grips with getting older.  That doesn't mean that I should just fold up the tent and go away.  No, I will never be forever young.  I will be able to contiue to experience life to it's fullest. 


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just Like McArthur, I Have Returned

     A writer needs some time to get away and refresh his or her batteries.  I have decided that I have been away far too long from this blog and am beginning to post again.  It is time again.
     The Sillarian posts were fun.  I enjoyed reaching into the deep recesses of my brain and to some of the most off the wall situations that I could come up with.  I don't know if you enjoyed that turn in my writing, and it will turn up on occassion.  If you didn't get a chuckle out of that series, I won't hold it against you.  I thank you for following me. 
     I am back and will be posting again.  I am refreshed and am excited about the process of writing.  Sit back and keep coming, because here I come.  By the way, Torvac wants me to tell you hello.