Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ll Hail The Mighty Yard Sale! Part Two

     So I went off on a sort of tangent yesterday.  That's what happens when you have ADHD.  Oh well, you will have to just bear with me on that one.  I have explained many times to you that I have a tendency to do that as the thoughts race through my head.  Those of you who live in Bulgaria, and I welcome you by the way, will just have to go with the flow.
    Which brings something up I just thought of.  My Bulgarian friend is probably reading this and wondering what the heck "go with the flow" means.  After all, I am not a river or stream. Let me explain it this way.  "Going with the flow" means to not try to think about what I am trying to say but just enjoy it for what it is.  Should you undertake the task of trying to figure out what I am trying to say, it won't help and you may get to the place of total confusion. I find myself in that place many times and I am the one who is writing this. Believe me, I have tried to figure out exactly what I am saying and have not been overly successful. At times, I scare myself. In the meantime I have this advice--go with the flow.
Kelsey Vinyard Winery in Avila Beach, Ca.  What does it have to do with the post today? Absolutely nothing, but I thought you would enjoy the picture.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

All Hail, The Mighty Yard Sale!

     In this wonderful American culture of our's lives the ultimate entrepaneur. OK, so I can't spell entrepeneur ,but that word is French and we all know how we feel about the French.  I like the French, it's just that they have a weird language. I guess it could be said that English is kind of strange as well, and you can figure out what I mean by threw and through.  What does that have to do with yard sales, absolutely nothing and I don't want to insult the French even though they talk rather funny.  I still can't spell entrepeneur.
     What was I trying to say?  I forgot, oh yes I was going to comment on that peculiar--see, I can spell peculiar--American institution of the yard sale.  Many of us know it as "The Garage Sale". Why would anyone want to sell their garage or yards.  Aren't they a part of the home?  You would think that if you were going to sell a house, the yard or garage would be part of the sale.  Some houses don't come with a garage.  Does that mean that in years gone by that the owners sold the garage in a garage sale? Food for thought, so think about that one.  I try not to.  Some houses, especially on the East Coast in larger cities don't come with yards.  Did the owners sell those off? Some houses don't come with either yard or garage, is that an indication that their owners were really hard up for cash?  Who knows?
     I want to make it clear to you, my readers, that I am totally sober at this point and don't drink.  My son did bring back some wine from the Central California Coast this weekend but I only had one glass so far.  I don't drink, well an occasional glass of wine for the health and such but that is all. By the way, if you are concerned I did have my coffee this morning. It's just that with moving and getting married and such, it is beginning to effect me.
With this post I was really just horsing around.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Move! Move! Move!

    No, I am not running a mile.  I am not on a treadmill or track.  I don't have a personal trainer screaming in my ear. I'm in the process of moving from my apartment to a house to share with my future bride.   There is a line in Lethal Weapon One where Danny Glover tells Mel Gibson "I'm too old for this..."  Oh, how right he was. I'm getting too old for this.  Hopefully, this is the last time.
     Do you realize just how much junk you accumulate in 59 years?  It seems as though it is like a virus.  As you throw things away, there is always two thing that pop up for every one thing you throw away.  What am I doing, growing bermuda grass? By the way, why do I need this receipt from J.C Penny's for the underwear I bought in 1979?  Oh wait, I may need it for the nostalgic piece on life in the 70's that I will never do.
When the going gets tough, the tough go to Waffle House.  Actually, I can't go to Waffle House because they are not out here on the West Coast.  Denny's or IHOP maybe? Not as good but will do in a pinch.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Bail Out! Bail Out! Bail Out! Part two

     You know, I love going to traffic court.  It is kind of like getting your wisdom tooth pulled.  In most cases, you know you did what you did but think that you can truly get away with something.  Believe it or not, the judge really is there to help you, and wants to help.
     I would not do well as a traffic judge.  I really admire and respect them for what they do. They sit on a bench and read traffic citations all day and have to listen to a bunch of hair brained stories from people who are really guilty.  That's what a ticket is for.  A traffic enforcer has caught you red handed in whatever you have done.  Be it speeding or whatever, if you get a ticket you are toast.  Pay the fine, case closed. If I were a traffic court judge and someone came before me to tell me they were not guilty of a traffic violation with the ticket in their hand and try to plead not guilty wasting my time, I would sentence them to 100 years in Vacavile State Prison.
     Here is the bottom line on all this and my experience yesterday with my day in court.  I learned a valuable lesson.  Don't make a U turn on Shaw and Palm Ave. in Fresno while Christmas Tree Lane is going on.  Observe the "No U Turn" signs that you can't see and don't make a U turn, especially when there are signs you can't see telling you that. It will cost you $300 and bus fare down to Superior Court in downtown Fresno. Boy, am I glad that the prisons in California are overcrowded.  I didn't mean to yell at you, Your Honor. Case closed.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bail Out! Bail Out! Bail Out!

     This may seem like a very unusual title for a blog post, but it is appropriate for today.  I have to go to traffic court.  In fact I am late so this is going to be it for today. I will have more for you maybe later or tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Been Away Far Too Long

     Yes, I have been away far too long.  Working a book has been very exciting, but I have neglected my blog for far too long. The bottom line is, I enjoy writing and sharing with you.  The blog allows me to do some different writing, sharing my crazy thoughts and humor.  What was amazing to me is the number of you who have been following it and been reading it even though I haven't posted for a few months.  I thank you for that, and want to let you know that I will be more faithful to you as far as writing.
     Yes, you have heard this before, but you must understand that this is not easy and it truly taxes my small brain in a mighty way.  Bottom line is I enjoy writing it and truly enjoy the fact that you are reading it. Actually, I am shocked that you are reading it. Ok, I used bottom line one too many times here, but that is the bottom line and I want to share the bottom line with you.  The bottom line is so important, and if you don't keep that bottom line in focus, you can miss the bottom line altogether.  What am I saying here? I flat don't know.  Bear with me here, you know I have a tendency to ramble.
   Anyway, welcome back and I hope that my writing will add a little humor to you life.