Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Need To Get To Work

     Yes, I know that I haven't posted in quite some time.  Let me be the first to apologize for that.  I enjoy writing my blogs and I hope that you enjoy reading them. Thank you for being so loyal in following me and reading what I have to say. I totally understand that at times it seems like drivel and the rantings of an unstable man, but that is half the fun.
    I am beginning to believe that it is all a matter of prioritization, a skill that I have never learned.  God and family come first, that is a given.  Where does filing tax receipts come in?  I know that Tuesday is the day that I go and "papou" with my grandkids because my daughter goes to class.  That is a priority.  What about going to the gym three times a week?  How about doing the crunches and stretches every morning?
     I have come to the realization that I am in fact a writer.  I am no longer a teacher that goes into to school every day and teaches sixth graders.  That life is over, and my new life is here.  That new life should be a priority and I need to get to work on it.  There are very important projects that need to get finished.  The only way to do that is to do them.  That is so simple.
     Excuse me now, I have work to do.


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