Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Shoe Is On The Wrong Foot--Or Maybe The Right Foot

     All you deep thinkers reading this, I have yet again something for you to think about.  Which shoe do you put on first?  I know this is not something that you stop to think about, you just kind of do it. Have you ever stopped to consider the motivations and underlying reasons as far as the way you complete that mundane task.  Remember, you may be taking your shoes on and off many times a day--or maybe not.
     Here is another thing that adds to this.  Which sock do you put on before you put your shoes on? Do you put both socks on before you put your shoes on, or do you put the sock and then the shoe on for the right foot and then repeat the process for the left foot. Are both socks on when you put your left shoe on or do you do one sock at a time starting with your left foot?  Maybe you don't wear socks, I don't know.
      I used to not wear socks until my wife got mad at me so now I do. I'm a people pleaser, you know. If it were up to me, I would wear sandals without socks year round. I would also wear shorts all year but it does get kind of cold here in our part of California.  Now, if I lived in San Diego that would be a totally different story. I like San Diego and hate wearing long pants and shoes. Being cold is a bad thing to me and I hate being cold. As a matter of fact, I hate wearing shoes and still walk to the mailbox barefoot. It's still warm enough here to do that.
     I wonder if there is something psychological about how you put your shoes and socks on--if you wear socks.  According to psychologists, psychiatrists and behavior theorists--I like that title, behavioral theorist--there is an underlying motive behind everything we do both consciously and unconsciously. I thank you Dr. Freud. Are you politically conservative if you put both your socks on at the same time and then put your right shoe on? Are you a communist if you put only your left sock on and then the left shoe, proceeding to repeat the process for the right foot? I'll bet you never thought about that one, did you?
    Excuse me, I'm going to work out at the gym now.  Where are my sneakers?  Let's see, which shoe do I put on first and are my socks on?
I hate shoes!

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