Friday, June 26, 2015


     I think every muscle in my body is sore right now. Why you may ask, or your may not ask. You may not care and that's all right too. The fact that my muscles are sore is not something that will not bring the world as we know it to an end. It feels like it right now from my perspective, but from a more worldly perspective it just isn't that important.  I understand that and accept that fact. It still doesn't change that I am sore all over.
     My clothes have been a little bit tight on me of recent so I decided to get on a scale to see just how much I weigh.  That figure is none of your beeswax and I won't reveal that number to the general public.  That is a secret, sort of like Caitlyn Jenner's measurements so I won't give those numbers--my weight that is. What I will tell you is that the number--my weight--has climbed just a bit. Yes, I have gained a little weight.
      I decided it was time to do something about it, and that was return to what I was doing when I lost so much weight the last time I tried a few years ago and lost seventy pounds. I needed to limit my portion sizes, eat more health things, limit my sugar intake to almost nothing and most importantly go back to the gym and work out. One thing I wasn't going to do though was get another divorce. That was totally out of the question and I want to reassure Denise that was not an option. Tonight I may be sleeping in the doghouse for saying that, but oh well and by the way, we don't have a doghouse or a dog.
     Monday, I went back to the gym for the first time in about a month and a half.  It felt wonderful. I do miss the sauna and jacuzzi that was in the gyms that I worked out in before. That's a bit off the subject so that is all I will mention of that. It was a reward that I gave myself to spend some time after a workout to soothe those tired muscles. OK, I will move on and get to the point.  I promise. Yes, I was sore on Tuesday but I returned to the gym on Wednesday and had a very good workout.
     It was a very hot day Thursday.  The mercury soared into the low 100's.  Denise went to a baseball game in San Francisco so naturally I had to play golf.  I would drink a lot of water so as to not dehydrate and all was great with the world.  I was a little sore from the workout the day before but played well and shot a 92, which is good for me since I only play golf once every three months now.
     Last night, I plopped myself into bed extremely exhausted but totally happy. Immediately I fell into a deep and satisfying sleep. About an hour and a half into that deep slumber, I was rudely awakened by severe pain in my right leg. It was a muscle cramp and a bad one at that. I managed to get up and walk it off with the pain going away after a few excruciating moments. This one hurt!
     I managed to go back to bed and fell asleep again.  The rest of the night was fairly uneventful and I woke up earlier this morning to a very sore body. No, I don't always walk like a gorilla.
I didn't get to play here yesterday.

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