Wednesday, October 9, 2013


     I know that I have posted before about my relationship with that wonderful dark brown hot liquid called coffee.  I also wanted you to know that I totally intended that today's post would be on a subject that would have you rolling in the aisle.  It was going to be hilarious even if you didn't have an aisle. All that went out the window this morning when I went to my secret hiding place for my coffee bean stache and the container was BARE...NADA...EL EMTIVO......Uh Oh.
     Who's fault was this.  Who allowed this disaster to take place. Who did not have the foresight and brains to take a good look at the supply of coffee?  Who did not check the coffee bean level? I would like to find the culprit that did this. That person will be severely reprimanded and punished. You are off the hook Denise, you drink Diet Coke--by the way, when are we going to have the intervention in order to get you to kick that destructive habit--so you are off the hook. Oh Ya, you don't even know where my coffee stache is.
     Let me see, what kind of punishment awaits the culprit after I catch them? How about tying them to a chair and forcing them to watch the highlight film of this year's San Francisco Giants season--over and over again.  No, that would be cruel. I've got it! How about tying them to that same chair
I said coffee, not margarita.  See what happens when I don't have my coffee.
 and making them listen to either the you tube disaster that I made or to hours of my best puns and silly stories. That would do the trick.  That would make them remember to check the coffee bean count.  Ah, my demented mind.
     Wait a minute, it is my job to make sure we have coffee. Never mind.      

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