Monday, October 7, 2013

Time To Get Back To Work

     Have you missed me?  I bet you thought that I took that trip to the Himalayas and was eaten by a Yeti.  No, but close.  I really am not going to get into all the good stuff of why I have not posted in a long while.  Let's just say I'm hungry and I need some cash.  If I don't work, I don't get paid.  My Obamacare bill is in the mail and I have to pay for that.  That was a cheap shot, and I know it. Anyway, back to posting as I know that you have missed me and your lives are not complete unless you read my posts.  Seriously though, thanks!
     What got me started today was Airwolf.  I love Airwolf and for the longest while you could not find it on TV. It seems as though the Esquire channel is running Airwolf re-runs all day.  I am in Airwolf heaven.  Many of you don't have the faintest idea of what I am talking about, do you.  Just go with it.  It was a series about a  top secret classified helicopter that was built by the CIA and was taken by a former CIA operative and operated for the good of the country, not the devious schemes of the hated CIA. It is truly 80's TV heaven. Jon-Michael Vincent starred in it, at least on the days he was sober and my favorite character actor Earnest Borgnine.
I miss Earnie.
     One problem though.  I found myself mesmerized by these reruns and was doing nothing but watching Airwolf reruns all day.  This can turn into a problem.  Denise was getting a's just say pushed out of shape that all I was doing was watching Airwolf all day. Wanting to keep the peace on the home front, I decided to turn off the TV and post. I am glad I did, because it seems as though, just like a chameleon, my skin is turning a strange color of brown, almost like the couch.  I was becoming one with the couch. That's not good, is it?
     I have got to run.  The next episode of Airwolf is about to begin and Denise is going to be gone for a couple of hours so I am safe. For those of you who don't know what Airwolf looks like I am including a picture.


That should just about do it.  Hope you liked the picture.  I snuck it in and I hope that the government doesn't find out.  Just a minute, there is a knock at the door.  I guess I'll go answer it....


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