Monday, July 1, 2013

All Hail, William Shatner!

     What does a supposedly "washed up" bad Canadian Shakeseperean (dikshunary please) actor do after he has been playing the role of the captain of a mythical spaceship in a marginally successful T.V. series do after the show has been cancelled?  Most of the time it is fade off into the proverbial acting sunset only to play dinner theater in Concawonka, Mississippi.  That is not to offend the good citizens of Concawonka, Mississippi but that about sums up the process.
     Take a good look at Adam West. Who, you ask? Adam West, otherwise known as Batman in the sixties.  He goes on the "What are they doing now?" list. He played Batman and after that disappeared off the performing radar, although I do see him do an occasional guest shot on T.V. show or hear his distinctive voice as a voice-over on a commercial.  Don't see him much though.
     Holy continuation, Batman.  I am going to close now, just whetting your appetites as to what I am going to say.  I know you love it when I do this.  Honestly, I don't do it on purpose. My ADD is kicking in and there is a Tom and Jerry special about to begin on Toon T.V. I can't miss that.  I write with the T.V. on because that kind of tunes out the distractions. I love Tom and Jerry.
That's not a rat, but I didn't have a picture of a rat so I used this one.  It is my dog Basher, who I lost in the divorce. We had cats too, but I'm not that much of a cat person and didn't get any pictures of our five cats before I had to move out.

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