Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Star Trek Lover (Or Not)...Vote Here

     Do you know how difficult it is to come up with great ideas to write about each day or so.  It is really a hard thing to do.  Sometimes you have to just go with it.  So here goes.
     Yes, I admit that I am a Star Trek lover.  Not to the point of being a Trekkie, but I do like my Star Trek. It seems as though it has a life of its own and is continually finding a new audience. To me, the original show was the best.  It was the original screen plays and ideas that really drew me in. Afterall, who could forget "The Trouble With Tribbles"?  The show was different and groundbreaking, all done with 1960's special effects.  However I am giving you an opportunity to express your opinion.  What do you think was the best Star Trek? Please vote your conscience.  This will be one man or woman, one vote unless you live in Chicago and you do not need to be registered to vote or a citizen of the U.S., as I do live in California.
Let's be progressive about this.

These are not listed in chronological order so as not to influence the vote.
No, I didn't have one of these before I wrote this.
I did have my coffee though.
1)  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
2.)  Star Trek Voyager
3.)  Star Trek Enterprise
4.)  Star Trek New Generation:  The Movies
5.)  Star Trek The New Movies (I Haven't seen the new one yet.)
6.) The Original Star Trek (Vote for this one.  It is truly the best.)
7.) The Original Star Trek Movies
8.)  I don't give a rip about Star Trek.  Trekkies are strange people and need to get a life.  It is the stupidist series of shows ever to reach the galaxy. (OK, that was a bit cute. Just thought I would spice things up a bit.)
9.) Write in......................................................................

     Now vote for your favorite. There is no toll free number to call and you can't text in your vote.  Voting closes tonight at midnight, depending on your time-zone so please vote soon. Those of you who are on the other side of the International Dateline will be casting an advisory vote only.  

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