Thursday, December 1, 2011

Round and Round She Goes...Where She Stops, I Don't Give A Rip!!!

     I am trying to loose weight, as I have said in past posts.  My goal is to loose another 50 pounds and to get off as many of the twenty blood-pressure medications as I can.  My proceedure for doing this is simple.  First, I am cutting out all...well almost all as this is the Christmas Season...sugar.  Next, I am going to eat three meals and a couple of healthy snacks between those meals to cut cravings for sugar.  Add to this, I am going to make my portions smaller and eat what I want as i don't do well on diets.  Finally, its back to the gym and I am lifting weights again at least three times a week and doing cardio for at least five days a week.  It seems to be working as I have lost six pounds, water weight to be sure, since I started on Monday.  I really feel good though.
     Today was my cardio day, twenty five minutes of biking and five minutes of cooldown on a recumbrant bike.  Everytime I get on the bike I am reminded of the scene from the movie "The Right Stuff", which dealt with the early years of the American space program and the training of the Mercury 7 astronauts, and the scene of the chimpanee Ham riding on the stationary bike.  When I am riding on the bike, that is kind of how I feel.  I feel like a chimpanzee riding a bike and going nowhere fast, at level 1 actually.  The pedals go around, but I get nowhere.  Is there something wrong in this?  Is there something wrong with me...well, that's another story but we won't deal with that here.

     Disclaimer:  I am afraid that I wasn't exactly truthful with you.  I am only on six blood pressure medications.  Sorry if I caused you any inconvenience but I want to maintain the credibility and accuracy of my writing.  Please forgive me if I caused any discomfort.
---The author   

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