Friday, February 21, 2014

Shovel Snow...Pull Weeds...Same Difference

     Those of you in the colder climates who are dealing with all that snow, I totally feel for you.  I really mean that. The cold and wet can be miserable and make life very difficult.  You have been shoveling snow for a very long time now. Please don't hate us in the fact that it has been in the seventies here in California.  If you want to hate someone, hate those people who live in Florida. OK, how about we don't hate anybody, that would not be nice. They have humidity and alligators in Florida, so I guess we can feel sorry for them.  They also have water in Florida, which we don't have so you can feel sorry for us in that respect.
     The grass is growing here--like weeds I would say, arf, arf-- because of the mild winter.  This is about three to four weeks too early.  My lawnmower is not ready for this.  The flowerbeds have weeds in them, oh no.  I am not supposed to be doing yard work for another three to four weeks.  Bermuda is supposed to be dormant this time of year. Trees are blooming, for goodness sake and it is not even March.  What is going to happen when the time changes.  How that relates to the trees blooming and grass growing, I don't know.  I'm running out of where to take this blog and what to say, so I thought I would just throw that in.
        Sorry, I will be right back, I have to close the blinds.  The sun is shinning in through my office window and I can't read my computer screen. There, that's better.
     I have shoveled snow before.  It is cold, hard backbreaking work and the kind of thing that is almost perpetual.  You shovel to clear your walk and driveway, and then it snows again. That's the pits. This is truly unfair. To all of those people that I know whom are in climates where it snow, I salute you for your perseverance. Remember, you come from hearty stock and this will not defeat you.
     Well, I have to run now.  Denise wants to work out in the yard.  She will mow and edge, and I am tasked with the weeding. So, I have got my shorts an work sandals on.  Where is my favorite tee shirt?  I have to be careful though, it is a bit nippy out there at about 62 degrees, but it is supposed to warm up. Yes, dear, I won't forget to put on my sunscreen.
The weeds seem to be getting out of hand.  She wants me to paint the house soon.

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