Monday, July 28, 2014

Coffee--Part 28

     Obviously, this is not Part 28 of my coffee series.  I think this is the fifth maybe sixth time I have written about coffee.  You may need a fifth to get through this one, but that's up to you. I am ready to write and there were no weird dreams last night, other than the one where I dreamed about running out of coffee.  Come with me now into my world if you dare.  Sometimes I don't want to go there.
     Again I say strongly, coffee is coffee. I will give you the fact that the beans can be roasted longer to provide a slightly different taste in the brew.  Why would you want to add flavoring to this wonderful brew that God has given us. No matter what the roast, French roast, American Breakfast or medium, the flavor is in the coffee. That flavor is just what it is, you do not want to add or take away anything.  Yes, you can add some milk or cream and a touch of sugar but that is still coffee. Why would you ever want to add flavors?
     When I go to the place I buy coffee, I am confronted with a myriad of coffee flavors.  There is chocolate flavor, Vienese Cream flavor, Carmel flavor and my out and out favorite--not--cinnamon flavor.  Think about it, if I wanted to have chocolate flavored coffee, I would buy hot chocolate mix and put in some instant coffee.  I think it is called mocha.  Why is it called mocha when it is made with coffee and chocolate? Go figure.
     One last question and that's it for today because the sippee cup guards are about to find out I am posting again.  They don't like that very much.  They think I am writing about them. Why do they take perfectly good Dark French Roast and add cinnamon?
I suppose that this post came up a little flat.

1 comment:

  1. One coffee brand is infused with herbs for weight loss. This blend of coffee contains (100% Arabica and Robusta), garcina cambogia extract and yerba mate extract, Another blend is infused to enhance memory & energy. This blend contains (100% Arabica and Robusta), green tea, bacopa monnieri herb and gotu kola herb. Let me know if these herb infused coffees interest you since after all we are talking coffee here. Did I mention these are instant coffees that can be mixed in cold or hot water! Cream and sugar can still be used for taste.....
