Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day, Huh?

     It's New Year's Day today. The question I pose to you as the first important question of 2013 is what do we do today.  New year's Day to me is almost a non holiday.  Now, since we have the BCS series, the day has sort of lost its significance.  For crying out loud, The Rose Bowl is on ESPN? Why isn't it on one of the real networks.  This really cheapens the Rose Bowl and the day.  
     In my youth, there were three important games on TV and that meant the three TV networks.  NBC sometimes had all three of them and sometimes it was ABC.  How many of you remember?  You would watch The Cotton Bowl in the morning, the Rose Bowl in the middle afternoon, and finished off with the Orange Bowl.  These games had national significance.  Now, the world reacts to the importance of these games with  a very enthusiastic....ehhhhh, who cares. Football has lost its importance on New Year's Day.  We have now the eastern sports establishment Bowl Championship Game or BCS Championship, still based on the eastern sports media. but enough of the talk of this.  I really want to talk about something that has a  much more earth shattering consequence for the Earth in general.
     Here goes, my views of the most important world saving discussion we can have on New Year's Day.  What snacks are we going to have while we are celebrating New Year's?
     I like onion dip with ridged potato chips.  There is nothing better and it takes a lot of love to mix the pint of sour cream and the onion soup mix. One has to be careful stirring the dip because it has to be mixed well and you can cramp your wrist, causing irreparable damage to the tendons in your wrist.  You also have to secure the right potato chips as well, otherwise the chips break in the dip and then you have to go fishing in the dip with your fingers for the chip pieces.  Finger gunk does add more flavor tho the dip, but you want to watch how much finger gunk gets into the dip because you also don't want it to get unhealthy.  You also don't want the gunk to overpover the delicate taste of the extremely salty onion soup. It is a delicate balance.
     There are a lot more favorites as well, am I am not beyond burning a batch of nachos in the oven or dipping corn chips in what I though was mild salsa. Imitation crab dip on wheat thins is good too. My ladyfriend doesn't really like the crab dip and my son has tragically developed s shellfish allergy, so I tried a new cashew chicken salad dip.  It was pretty good.
    That is about all I have to say today.  I want to get back to the insignificant Rose Bowl.  

By the way, no photos today either.  D50 mast have had a good night last night.  He didn't get back until 5:00 AM.              

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